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Getting High


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And this is fucking strange.

Most witches have heard about this but I thought some of you might get a kick out of it.

Superstition or fact?

The concept of witches riding on brooms come from them rubbing belladonna onto the end of the broom and inserting it into the vagina. This releases the belladonna into the bloodstream causing hallucinations. (A common one would be the feeling of flying.) Hence witches flying on broomsticks.

Bellodonna is a very poisonous weed, so don't try this at home it will probably kill you. - Andrew Soule



Actually I had heard of putting in your eye.......to dialate them (to enhance beauty before a ball)

Then there is the wine enema which feels like mushrooms without the sicky from what I hear.

I heard a girl at a party say her b/f snorted coke off her privates making me wonder if she didn't like sex with him cause coke is quite numbing.

Then I read there is a tribe someplace that cuts their scalp and takes a fresh bulb of some sort and cuts that open then rubs it in the wound. It gets to the brain easier that way and is too strong to ingest.

I even heard (back in the day) of people putting a hit of blotter acid in the eye.

No thanks. I will stick to smokin weed.

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if dilated pupils is the point, the ointment goes ON the eye lid, unless you want to go blind.

if you put LSD on your eye, it works no faster than under toung

if you put blotter in your eye, you could scratch it, but I didn't

.... and strictnine BURNS.....

we all did stupid shit ONCE; right?

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And this is fucking strange.

Most witches have heard about this but I thought some of you might get a kick out of it.

Superstition or fact?

The concept of witches riding on brooms come from them rubbing belladonna onto the end of the broom and inserting it into the vagina. This releases the belladonna into the bloodstream causing hallucinations. (A common one would be the feeling of flying.) Hence witches flying on broomsticks.

Bellodonna is a very poisonous weed, so don't try this at home it will probably kill you. - Andrew Soule



Actually I had heard of putting in your eye.......to dialate them (to enhance beauty before a ball)

Then there is the wine enema which feels like mushrooms without the sicky from what I hear.

I heard a girl at a party say her b/f snorted coke off her privates making me wonder if she didn't like sex with him cause coke is quite numbing.

Then I read there is a tribe someplace that cuts their scalp and takes a fresh bulb of some sort and cuts that open then rubs it in the wound. It gets to the brain easier that way and is too strong to ingest.

I even heard (back in the day) of people putting a hit of blotter acid in the eye.

No thanks. I will stick to smokin weed.

I think I'll just stick to the weed as well...

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Oh. My. Gawd. I found someone who did this. He bought a skin online (this is totally illegal people I do NOT suggest it) and its wrong......someone is extorting poor people in another country and killing the poor toad.

Anyway it was african I think, not this rocky mountian one.

He said it popped like a pimple in his mouth.....only one bulb of poison necessary and that is was sooo gross he is not doing it again. He said it popped so hard it shot to the back of his throat.

Now he knows how it feels to give head.

And yes, he tripped real hard but he handles this stuff waaay better than most.

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I think the weirdest way I ever saw anyone get high was a guy who used to put Mescaline in his eye. One side of his eye would get all purple from purple microdot. He claimed he got higher faster... he can't wait 20 minutes like the rest of us did? I wonder what ever happened to that guy! Hahah...

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  • 5 weeks later...

used to have friends in high school inhale butain, probley worked his way to other shit..... not me I did the whole wip it thing but thats about it.... well besides weed.....

Hehe.. Nitrous Oxide .... those were fun. We had one of those cartridges explode on us in the car, it cracked the windshield.

I doubt they still sell those at Dr. X's Emporium. Dr. X's probably not even in business any longer.

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Hehe.. Nitrous Oxide .... those were fun. We had one of those cartridges explode on us in the car, it cracked the windshield.

I doubt they still sell those at Dr. X's Emporium. Dr. X's probably not even in business any longer.

Last time I ever did it I got it from Noir Leather, but that was way back in like 2000 I think. I was 16ish.

Too much hype, it wasn't that great and gave me a massive headache afterward.

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rush(yeah im old..havent heard that one in a lonnng time)gave me head aches.(havent done it since i was like 15)

emptying freon in a garbage bag & inhaling it when i was 14 was the shit till we caught the field next to my house on fire sumhow?...& a friend of my brother did it straight outta the can & froze his lungz & croaked!

acid & mesc was the shit for years but i prefer shroomz...but only do it once a year if that.

weed iz nice.....tho i am far from a heavey smoker.....a bag last me 4 eVer!(which iz great that i have the inner control to do it that way cuz every time i smoke i get stupidly stoned...every time iz like the first!) :)

extacy i havent done in like 4 years....fun there!!! and ive done it a few timez....tho the last time i left work & went home alone & broke my vibrator.*true story* lol!!!!!!!!!

speakin of...i got 3 of them yesterday & was supposed to have a fun filled night w/my man & seeing how he went MIA & i spent yesterday doing SHIT...i still have them & have no idea what i will do next! :evil:

outside of that i stick to my M&M"z(all natural weed & mushroomz)

thats my take on it..........

but i will add the most stupidest thin i eVer did....

i was 15 & a friend of a friend told us that if we smoked tea(like tea bagz that u make & drink)that u will get a buz...we smoked a whole box of lipton & all we got was headaches & pissed off!!!!!

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