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What's the most personally degrading job you would do for money?


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Okay, sometimes we just bitch moan and complain so much that we forget it could always be worse. Driving around for my internship today I gasped at what was a horrific site for my tender (hehe) eyes to behold. Cruising down Telegraph, I saw a helpless, stout, handsome, middle aged, African American man trying to hold himself up in the wind. Okay, so big deal right? Well, not when this poor man was dressed up in a Statue of Liberty outfit, swaying in the wind, trying to hold on to BOTH his ridiculis hat, and a stupid sign for encouraging people to come in to have their taxes done. Oh, and did I mention he had an uber thick black beard to boot? So picture that, please. Mmmhmmm, yes, yes, take your time. How awful! I sooooo wanted to kick the wang hole who actually allowed this precious man to be subjected to that kind of humiliation today.

Of course, I could be all wrong, and the man could have been a total weenie, and in some way maybe deserved what he got today, but that’s not the point!

The point is, how low would you go if you needed the money? We all have been in situations where we’ve hated our jobs, and maybe still do, but we do it because we need to. And I must say, I commend anyone who does what they have to do to bring in the cash. When you keep you and your family fed, clothed, and sheltered, there’s NEVER any shame in that ; )

To answer my own question..... my bottom job would be having to sell cutlery, jewelry, or being the Taste Test lady standing in the middle of some florescent bombed grocery store trying to peddle my wares. I honestly don’t know if I could even fake being that domestic, and I guarantee someone would get hurt, lol.

Ok, your turn!!

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I've done lots of different jobs. I don't consider any of them low though. Really, if it's honest work there is nothing low about it.

As far as jobs that I wouldn't want to do -- I really really sucked at waitressing. Made good tips but would never ever want to do it again because I hated being so very bad at my job.

I just don't have the memory for it.

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I've done lots of different jobs. I don't consider any of them low though. Really, if it's honest work there is nothing low about it.

and that:

I don't know. I have not yet been in a situation where I have had to stoop to something low for money.
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Touche, touche!! I completely agree with you and sass. I was thinking about the title, and should have said something along the lines of "What's the most personally degrading job you would do for money?" ~It's all relative~

Really, if it's honest work there is nothing low about it.
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I'll change it for you.

I worked three jobs once just to pay the bills after I quit working one job that I really was bored at.

They were three meaningless jobs, but they paid the bills. None of which were in the food industry..hmm.. :/

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Thanks Hunhee!


I'll change it for you.

I worked three jobs once just to pay the bills after I quit working one job that I really was bored at.

They were three meaningless jobs, but they paid the bills. None of which were in the food industry..hmm.. :/

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Sales. Have done it, still do and still would.

And yes its selling your soul. I hate it.

But I am good at it if I believe in the product.....which is rare. So yah, sometimes you have to do things you don't like.

I had a boss tell me once, TO LIE ON PURPOSE and take their money....or I would lose my job.

I didn't last long there.

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I remember my grandpa telling me about when he first moved to Detroit. He started working at one of the Ford plants and he said to the other guy working on his shift 'Y'know, I'm just doing this as a temporary gig' and the other guy said 'That's what I said. That was twelve years ago' My grandpa excused himself and walked out the door and never walked back in. He opened his own business shortly thereafter and did very well. He said 'There was no way I was going to do that job for twelve years and I saw that guy and I knew he was just like me'

I would have to be in some really dire situation to work on a farm. And the farm, really, would have to be in a very dire situation if they hired me. I'll be honest with you, I'm big baby and I don't think I'd make it a day.

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I worked at a job for 4 years where I was screamed at..

My boss grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me one night..

One of the bosses was messing with the teenage girls that worked there..

I didnt quit because I didnt want to leave the teenagers that worked there.


Looking back on those years makes me so sad.

And angry.


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I worked at a job for 4 years where I was screamed at..

My boss grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me one night..

One of the bosses was messing with the teenage girls that worked there..

I didnt quit because I didnt want to leave the teenagers that worked there.


Looking back on those years makes me so sad.

And angry.


Yikes!! So sorry you had to go through that! No matter what the actual job is, I hope you never have to go through that interpersonal hell again. And if you do, feel free to call on all your DGN friends here for some "drive your boss crazy" shenanigans :) Whoo-hooo!

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I have worked for my dad (he has slight anger issues) I have worked for restaurants since I was 16 and in offices, where I always get the 'just a girl' attitude, since I was 15. I've worked in retail, bars, diners, restaurants and a slew of offices.

I love dancing and if I took better care of myself, I'm just not that high maintenance, I wouldn't mind stripping. I am too greedy to sell sex.

I only consider the way allow someone to treat you as personally demeaning. Work is work, if you want money you should be willing to work for it. Whether your using your brain, muscle or body.

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I guess it would be a graph-chart with degradation on one side and the $$ amount on the other. If the $$ was high enough i could stomach just about anything relatively legal and non-lethal. Depends on how desperate the situation was, or how life-changing the sum would be afterward.

If we are just saying "whats a crap job, that you would do, but really dislike it..."


Drywall installation. Sucking down that dust is horrible.

Something really high-pressure and deadline-intensive with a lot of people mulling around. Prior to the car accident i thrived on such stuff but now that is the most headache inducing thing i can think of.

None of it could i pull off for more than like half a day though i don't think in my current situation.

There must be plenty of worse jobs than this. We are thinking about it from a western, pretty much uber-chooshy lifestyle in comparison to what some people in this world have to put up with.

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I agree. Making a chart~what a project that would be :-> I would hope, in all honesty, that if it came down to having to earn some money to survive or feed/house/clothe my family, that the only things I wouldn’t do would be those associated with hurting someone else.

I guess it would be a graph-chart with degradation on one side and the $$ amount on the other. If the $$ was high enough i could stomach just about anything relatively legal and non-lethal. Depends on how desperate the situation was, or how life-changing the sum would be afterward.

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