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What's the most personally degrading job you would do for money?


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Anything I did for 'corperate america' I was treated like a slave...

...hence I don't do that stuff any more...

The dirtyest was OIL CHANGING...

The grossest was JANITOR...(but at least I got to have the master key, I always wanted the master key)....

I do agree that NO honest job is 'LOW'.

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There's not much I won't do for cash so long as it doesn't involve my crotch, ass, or titties (sorry if I just crushed your dreams - pervs).

Literally anything. Even really stupid dares like eating crazy shit or pranks or you name it. Dumb bets. I'll be one of those people dancing around in a costume outside all day and LOVE IT. That would be my dream job.

I remember I used to work at the Big Boy at 9 Mile and Gratiot as a Chinaware Sanitation Technition for $5.15 an hour (and I got to clean up POOP...ALOT! YEAH! :rolleyes:) and on the way there at Wings 'n' Things there was always a badass breakdancing chicken out front and I always thought "Damnn...that's the job I want...next summer I'm so doing that" but never have yet. I dunno, I'm always up for a job change though, we'll see about this summer :laugh:.

Personally I love dishwashing.

I got away with being as much of a scrubby homeless person as I wanted, and goodness did I abuse that privelidge. Nobody notices that shit when you're covered in nasty food mixed with ass water, it rocks.

If you work with another dishwasher, generally they are male and anti-social, so you don't have to hear some chick just gab about her baby then her man then baby then man again. Good reason I hated waitressing, most of them were women so I was damn bored 'cause they're generally not my kind of conversationalists.

You get a free hose to spray waitresses with when they come into your territory - which totally rock. Even those mall security guys don't get a weapon, but I get the gift of scalding water that's under pressure, how badass is that?

You get to smoke cigarettes where ever you want, where you want.

You don't have to talk to ANYONE hardly ever, you know, as in the general public.

PLUS...you get free latex gloves to fill up with water and play with when you're bored.

If that shit payed more than minimum wage, I'd be looking at a dream career right there, yes-sir-ee!

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I'm torn about the political thing. I'm all about making change, and you can't make it without getting yourself a little dirty. I guess the trick is not to sell your soul in the process.

US Senator / Congressman.

or even better the lobbyist

Corporate America = Slime!! lol

I've seen a few shows about "The Corporation" in general, and they're frightening! There's no compassion, or reverence for humanity, as all they are concerned with is making money. Being a slave in a corporation would DEFINITELY be high on my chart of personal degradation.

Anything I did for 'corperate america' I was treated like a slave...

...hence I don't do that stuff any more...

The dirtyest was OIL CHANGING...

The grossest was JANITOR...(but at least I got to have the master key, I always wanted the master key)....

I do agree that NO honest job is 'LOW'.

And Chernobyl, this answer just ROCKS!! ;-> That's the BEST description of being a Sanitation Technician that I've ever heard!


There's not much I won't do for cash so long as it doesn't involve my crotch, ass, or titties (sorry if I just crushed your dreams - pervs).

Literally anything. Even really stupid dares like eating crazy shit or pranks or you name it. Dumb bets. I'll be one of those people dancing around in a costume outside all day and LOVE IT. That would be my dream job.

I remember I used to work at the Big Boy at 9 Mile and Gratiot as a Chinaware Sanitation Technition for $5.15 an hour (and I got to clean up POOP...ALOT! YEAH! :rolleyes:) and on the way there at Wings 'n' Things there was always a badass breakdancing chicken out front and I always thought "Damnn...that's the job I want...next summer I'm so doing that" but never have yet. I dunno, I'm always up for a job change though, we'll see about this summer :laugh:.

Personally I love dishwashing.

I got away with being as much of a scrubby homeless person as I wanted, and goodness did I abuse that privelidge. Nobody notices that shit when you're covered in nasty food mixed with ass water, it rocks.

If you work with another dishwasher, generally they are male and anti-social, so you don't have to hear some chick just gab about her baby then her man then baby then man again. Good reason I hated waitressing, most of them were women so I was damn bored 'cause they're generally not my kind of conversationalists.

You get a free hose to spray waitresses with when they come into your territory - which totally rock. Even those mall security guys don't get a weapon, but I get the gift of scalding water that's under pressure, how badass is that?

You get to smoke cigarettes where ever you want, where you want.

You don't have to talk to ANYONE hardly ever, you know, as in the general public.

PLUS...you get free latex gloves to fill up with water and play with when you're bored.

If that shit payed more than minimum wage, I'd be looking at a dream career right there, yes-sir-ee!

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Okay, sometimes we just bitch moan and complain so much that we forget it could always be worse. Driving around for my internship today I gasped at what was a horrific site for my tender (hehe) eyes to behold. Cruising down Telegraph, I saw a helpless, stout, handsome, middle aged, African American man trying to hold himself up in the wind. Okay, so big deal right? Well, not when this poor man was dressed up in a Statue of Liberty outfit, swaying in the wind, trying to hold on to BOTH his ridiculis hat, and a stupid sign for encouraging people to come in to have their taxes done. Oh, and did I mention he had an uber thick black beard to boot? So picture that, please. Mmmhmmm, yes, yes, take your time. How awful! I sooooo wanted to kick the wang hole who actually allowed this precious man to be subjected to that kind of humiliation today.

Of course, I could be all wrong, and the man could have been a total weenie, and in some way maybe deserved what he got today, but that’s not the point!

The point is, how low would you go if you needed the money? We all have been in situations where we’ve hated our jobs, and maybe still do, but we do it because we need to. And I must say, I commend anyone who does what they have to do to bring in the cash. When you keep you and your family fed, clothed, and sheltered, there’s NEVER any shame in that ; )

To answer my own question..... my bottom job would be having to sell cutlery, jewelry, or being the Taste Test lady standing in the middle of some florescent bombed grocery store trying to peddle my wares. I honestly don’t know if I could even fake being that domestic, and I guarantee someone would get hurt, lol.

Ok, your turn!!

I know about 3 people who have worked for Liberty Taxes.... And they didn't get paid a lot to do that job either. XD

Anyways, most degrading job for me: Greeter for Wal-Mart would be one. Another would be from Deadliest Catch: Fish Gutter. *shudder*

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I will do just about anything to feed my family

Same here, but I couldn't do anything illegal or against my morals. (Not implying you would do something illegal or against your morals, just adding on to your statement).

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Anyways, most degrading job for me: Greeter for Wal-Mart would be one.

Agh!! Yes, that would be one of mine as well.

Cool story~Years ago one of my best friends really needed a job, so she actually took a job as a Wal-mart Greeter. She loved to wear dark make-up, spike her hair, had some facial piercings. She changed completely to take the job, though, and I freaked out when I first saw her. She looked empty, and I wanted to cry. I know "clothes don't make the woman," but that job sucked the life out of her..........at first. What was cool was that she turned it into a "Chernobyl" experience : ). After about a month she started adding little things about her dress and appearance back, and slowly but surely in a couple of months I was happily greated by the best damn Wal-Mart Greeter ever! lol She turned that shitty job into a positive experience, having fun, and sometimes scaring/shocking who she could. We lived in a small town, so it wasn't hard, lol.

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I don't know. I have not yet been in a situation where I have had to stoop to something low for money.

Same here. I've had jobs I didn't really find interesting, or jobs where I didn't like the way I was treated by managers or fellow employees, but I've never had a job where I've thought to myself "If I don't quit right now, I'm selling my soul to Satan."

It really depends on what job I'm offered, and what the situation is. At the moment, I only have myself to take care of, and I have very supportive family and friends, so I wouldn't be in any rush to take a job I didn't really want. If I had four children to feed and no one to help me out, I'd probably feel different.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would do anything.

And done odd to many fucked up things for my family.

I even was a payed.

Be a lab rat at UofM hospital.

Few times.

Still have scars from it :( lol

But one of the few jobs I would "NOT" do is.

Be that dude that mops up at peep shows.



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  • 3 months later...

Agh!! Yes, that would be one of mine as well.

Cool story~Years ago one of my best friends really needed a job, so she actually took a job as a Wal-mart Greeter. She loved to wear dark make-up, spike her hair, had some facial piercings. She changed completely to take the job, though, and I freaked out when I first saw her. She looked empty, and I wanted to cry. I know "clothes don't make the woman," but that job sucked the life out of her..........at first. What was cool was that she turned it into a "Chernobyl" experience : ). After about a month she started adding little things about her dress and appearance back, and slowly but surely in a couple of months I was happily greated by the best damn Wal-Mart Greeter ever! lol She turned that shitty job into a positive experience, having fun, and sometimes scaring/shocking who she could. We lived in a small town, so it wasn't hard, lol.

Chernobyl experience...? Well I take it you're not talking about a certain city in Ukraine, so I'll take a guess: are you referring to how I have to sell-out everyday in order to come to work due to the fact that I'm an over-worked and under-paid secretary? Hmm...I think I just answered my question.

From what I've heard, worst job ever is being a drug dealer. Never did it myself, but you're fuckin out there rain and shine sometimes dropping off and picking up (usually on foot) and I've both seen dealers get BITCHED OUT. When you're dealing with potheads and they want their bag it's usually not a peaceful confrontation. OR there's where you'll tell your customer "Hey yeah, I'm waiting on my connect and then I'll have it in like an hour" then your connect falls through and your customer is at your house PISSED off and waiting for God-Know-How-Long for YOUR lazy ass guy to show up like three hours later. Then there's drive-bys, but that's usually with big time dealers.

All for what? 9 times out of 10 dealers don't make money (especially if they're dealin' pot) and break even, allowing themselves to support their own habit for free (another reason many people sell pot is to be able to support their own habit without spending any money on it).

Tsk tsk..miserable work but someone's gotta do it.

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I'd (and already did) join the military under the presidency of Bush and go to Iraq..

end thread (can't get more degrading than this!)

You didn't join the military for George Bush, you are there for US. Thank you for your contribution to our freedom. :wub:

As long as your friends and countrymen remember this fact, you have not degraded yourself.

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You didn't join the military for George Bush, you are there for US. Thank you for your contribution to our freedom. :wub:

As long as your friends and countrymen remember this fact, you have not degraded yourself.

Ok not to thread jack or anything, but I hear this all to often.. I'm fighting for so and so's freedom... so I must ask..

What the fuck does me going to Iraq have anything to do with any American's "freedom"?

Fuck all that noble cause noise, I'll flat out admit.. I did it for the fuckin $20,000 bonus, and the extra money I'd make while being in iraq.. that's the bottom line.. I did it for the fuckin money.

That way, I won't be dissapointed.

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Ok not to thread jack or anything, but I hear this all to often.. I'm fighting for so and so's freedom... so I must ask..

What the fuck does me going to Iraq have anything to do with any American's "freedom"?

Fuck all that noble cause noise, I'll flat out admit.. I did it for the fuckin $20,000 bonus, and the extra money I'd make while being in iraq.. that's the bottom line.. I did it for the fuckin money.

That way, I won't be dissapointed.

I wasn't talking about Iraq, I tend to agree with you on that one.

What I am saying, is you are part of a proud tradition of United States soldiers-- and without soldiers, our country would not be as free as it is (though our freedoms are becoming fewer). Hooo-ah!

Not to mention, you can do whatever you wish with the knowledge and training you have gained, once you get home again. That is nobody's business. ;)

On a lighter note, another shit job I had once was as a dishwasher when I was 15. I had all these creepy, dirty old cooks and busboys hitting on me all the time and playing grab-ass, and the boss always kept me really late. It was truly disgusting and horrible.

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I wasn't talking about Iraq, I tend to agree with you on that one.

What I am saying, is you are part of a proud tradition of United States soldiers-- and without soldiers, our country would not be as free as it is (though our freedoms are becoming fewer). Hooo-ah!

Not to mention, you can do whatever you wish with the knowledge and training you have gained, once you get home again. That is nobody's business. ;)

On a lighter note, another shit job I had once was as a dishwasher when I was 15. I had all these creepy, dirty old cooks and busboys hitting on me all the time and playing grab-ass, and the boss always kept me really late. It was truly disgusting and horrible.

LOL!! I do what I want anyway... It's amazing what the "don't give a fuck" look on my face lets me get away with lmao!!!

But yeah that diswasher job is pretty crappy.. bunch of dirty old men trying for something that can get them jail time... christ...

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LOL!! I do what I want anyway... It's amazing what the "don't give a fuck" look on my face lets me get away with lmao!!!

But yeah that diswasher job is pretty crappy.. bunch of dirty old men trying for something that can get them jail time... christ...

PSSSH. Then apparantly you didn't read my post about how dishwashing is a TOTALLY KICK ASS manly job that was created by God for champions and felons....mostly felons.

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PSSSH. Then apparantly you didn't read my post about how dishwashing is a TOTALLY KICK ASS manly job that was created by God for champions and felons....mostly felons.

I must be a champion, then, as I've not been to the clink. :rofl:

I suspect most of the guys I worked with had been, as they all rode bicycles.

I had another shit job working at a daycare once. All the other attendants didn't like me, because I was different-looking, and all the children took to me so well. I got a lot of hassle from the other ladies there. They were a bunch of JAPs. I didn't fit in with the "cawfee clique," so I got fired without any real explanation. If my looks were a problem, I don't know why they hired me in the first place.

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Humm cocktail waitress in spiked heals for 10 hour shifts, mopping floors, cleaning toilets, washings dishes, singing telegram company nope worst was charter school. Charter schools are awful places to work. Teachers have no rights and no real benefits. The hours are horrendous. The kids are ignorant (I mean blank slates), their behavior is horrid and their parents are nuts. Management is full of liars and it's all about retaining students no matter what they do. The schools are after the state money period and you are not allowed to teach real material, you must only do "fun" hands on projects and give all "A's" and present a cheerful false face to parents so their state dollars don't go away. (I heard from other teachers that this is true of all charter schools.) I would rather stay where I am (working at an alternative high school) at least the parents of kids that have been in jail or in trouble admit that their children have problems and aren't constantly trying to tell me what to do and how to do my job and I can teach high school level material so some of my students have a hope of graduating from college some day. I think that I would rather work in schools with 100% of students from the ghetto than another charter.
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I'm not sure if I could call it degrading, but it definitely had it's moments . . .

I was a mortuary transporter.

Job details - My partner picks me up in the van, we drive to the hospital/nursing home/deceased home, and we pick up the body. Then we drive to the funeral home and prep it for embalming. This involves placing the body on the table, undressing it, and putting it in the "funeral position", you know, the arms folded laying straight position.

I'd prolly still be working it had the owner not thrown a bitchfit and cut my hours to 2 a week.

Interesting fact: Did you know that there is a sticker they put on body bags that has a checklist of horrible contagious diseases? and if I happen to see one with no empty check boxes ill flip out.

Fun Situation: 800 lb man, in the back room of a trailer. took 5 of us, and 10 of his best friends. Almost broke our stretcher.

Funner Fact: There is a nursing home in the southeastern MI area that has a "body chute" so as not to disturb their other residents. One of my coworkers almost got fired when he tried to ride down it.

During this time I was in 2 elevator falls, which is why I take the stairs everywhere.

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