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no nightmares for me, but anymore, every time i dream, it's what would be called "lucid" - if i don't like the way something goes, i decide to replay it and change it. sometimes, i'll decide that something i dreamed interested me, and that i want to dream about that a little more, so i start off down that dreampath. very rarely am i ever *not* in control in my dreams...

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no nightmares for me, but anymore, every time i dream, it's what would be called "lucid" - if i don't like the way something goes, i decide to replay it and change it. sometimes, i'll decide that something i dreamed interested me, and that i want to dream about that a little more, so i start off down that dreampath. very rarely am i ever *not* in control in my dreams...

Is there any special technique you use to try to control your dreams? When I'm dreaming about something heavy, I try to remember that I CAN navigate them on my own, but I've only succeeded twice. Sounds like you have a pretty good handle on yours.

Here's a thought, though, if dreams are sometimes meant to be prophetic, how prohetic can they be when we can untimately control them?

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Is there any special technique you use to try to control your dreams? When I'm dreaming about something heavy, I try to remember that I CAN navigate them on my own, but I've only succeeded twice. Sounds like you have a pretty good handle on yours.

Here's a thought, though, if dreams are sometimes meant to be prophetic, how prohetic can they be when we can untimately control them?

nope, pretty much since the first time i learned i could do it, i've been able to. sometimes, i can't change them, no matter how many times i try, which usually means i have something to learn from the negative outcome. i laugh when i say this, but my dreams are kind of like those "choose your own adventure" books - i never know what's going to happen, but thre are several points where i have choices to make... sometimes, i can turn back the page & choose again.

as for the last part, i think your subconscious mind has a lot to tell you, and whether you're controlling dreams or not, it will get its point across somehow...

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I am always me, I always see through my own eyes like a movie, and my dreams are always nightmares....

I have a nightmare/dream almost every night...

When I was younger I used to be shook up by a reoccuring nightmare about aliens, right before the end my throat gets ripped out. I had that one from when I was 8 to about 12.

At 15 I had a rape nightmare storyline that actually evolved over time and became more than one nightmare that reoccures. All following the same events and casts of characters. All the characters are from storys I have made in the past, but only they act differently. I have had the nightmare storyline for the last four years. The last one I had was last year. The first time I had the nightmare I woke up crying, terrified, shaking, feeling numb and violated. I know I felt that way though because the nightmare is one where you feel everything, from each emotion, to each and every physical feeling. The only one worse than the rape storyline was the realistic one. The first nightmare in the series where I meet them, the undercover cop is killed, and my family butchered, turned into a realistic one by the characters being less anime looking and beautiful model types to a more grundgy realistic looking type.

I do have kick ass nightmares too though where I get to be hero, or almost the hero. I find myself waking up and going...wow, I wish I was more like that in real life. :p

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Here is an account of my most recurring dream, written immediately upon waking a few months ago:

Last night, I had this recurring dream that I have had since childhood, or, rather a recurring entire DREAMSCAPE...

The place I dream about has some places corresponding to real landmarks from my childhood. There are two places I dream about in particular, neither of which are real, as far as I know. The one is a bizarre little town square at the bottom of a huge hill which is at the crossing of two large 6 lane highways. The town square encircles a hillock that is a LARGE cemetary.

There are many shops there in that little town, two of which I remember very well. One is a coffee bistro, of which I have been a patron; sitting and sipping, looking across the street at that cemetary. The other is a secondhand store, where I have spent hours in dreams, sifting through racks of clothing (though I always wake up before I actually purchase anything!)

The cemetary in the center of town square is really old, and has a lot of strange monuments. Some of the graves have a glass see-through tops where one can see the well-preserved bodies of the people inside.

At the top of the hillock, there is an entrance to a sandstone catacombs, which has a sort of funeral parlour inside at the entrance. Beyond a huge door at the rear of the room, one enters the burial chambers, which go on for miles beneath. Inside of each chamber, which you can see from behind glass, a well-preserved corpse is laid out in its best clothes, and with all of its earthly belongings. Some of the older grottoes have no glass, and are just dusty bones laying on stone pallets.

While traveling through these caverns, I always get this strange feeling, as if something big and dry and chitinous is following me, I can hear the clinking of the plates on its shell. It has a foul smell, like a damp sink under which roaches live. It is oozing anger and hate. I always go into these catacombs in the dream, even though I know what is there and what will follow me; I am compelled with some sort of morbid fascination to look upon these people in their tombs.

The other place in my dreamscape is the one I dreamt of last night. It is a winding dirt road, along a sort of creek on the left, which comes to a lake, with cabin-type houses all around it. At this point, I usually feel as if someone is following me, and I look around and notice a man in a red truck a long way behind. As I am walking, stumbling through the high snow on this backroad, he starts driving closer. I don't know who he is, or why he is chasing me, but I know I must get away from him.

As I go farther down this road, the snow becomes lighter, and I begin seeing many huge, old houses, of many different architectures on each side. The road becomes drier and gravel. These houses are just ENORMOUS, and as I keep walking, this incredible feeling of forboding encompasses me. I feel malignance coming from these grand old Victorian, Italianate, and Craftsman-type palaces, but they are so beautiful and intricate! I cannot help but be enticed to venture down the spooky avenue further, even though I feel incredible fear and panic welling up within me.

Some of the houses are in dire disrepair. They are missing pieces of the siding and shingles, and have sagging roofs; paint peeling, and loose raingutters clattering in the wind. There is one house in particular that fascinates me, a GIGANTIC red brick Italianate, with what seems to be at least a hundred windows, all in white painted Gothic casements. For some reason, I am drawn to this house, yet I know that if I go up to the door and knock, something uncertain and forboding will happen. I look behind me, see the man in the red truck approaching, take a deep breath, and pull back the great iron knocker on the humunguous white six-panel doors....and then I always wake up!

I could go on and on in great detail about this dream place of mine. I have actually met people there whom I met up with later in real life and we both remembered the same places, though they had only been to the place once when they met ME! Pretty weird.

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Wow. :blink:

Last night I drempt I was at this hotel, and they were having a Transvestite convention...and my man got raped by a few in the bedroom.

Ontop of that they were in glitter dresses and full makeup and BIG HAIR and were huge guys with big dicks...it was HORRIBLE yet...I couldn't turn away (or wake up) like looking at a bad accident...

Why I dream shit like this I have no idea...well...things that have been going on in my life prob contribute...stresses and stuff make the mind go haywire in R.E.M sleep...

That and

I should not have watched the new Hairspray before going to bed...and eating that pizza... :rolleyes:

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I took a huge chug of cough syrup w/codeine back in the winter. I proceeded to have the worst nightmare of my life. In my dream I'm in a room where there were people telling me I was possesed. I remember getting angry because i knew I wasn't. Then someone put a bible on my forehead and started praying praying for me, and i just started freaking out and screaming bloody murder. And I realized I was possesed. What fightened me was how my voice and screaming sounded. Pretty demonic. When I woke up (I was staying with my mom at the time) I jumped outta bed and went through the house looking for my mom! I then slept on her floor until she woke asking me what the hell I was doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now all I really have are nightmares, it's been that way for months. My brother in law committed suicide (gun) few days before Christmas, and the homeowners’ insurance people felt like being douche bags and wouldn't send out an adjuster so I had to take pictures of the "aftermath" so the crime scene clean up people could do their jobs. Needless to say I am now more warped than I was before.

I wake up freaked out a lot, but I've just learned to not let them control me. It was said that nightmares are just you subconcious dealing with shit, so they are one of life's neccesary evils.

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Claim post traumatic stress disorder and sue! This seems illegal!

Now all I really have are nightmares, it's been that way for months. My brother in law committed suicide (gun) few days before Christmas, and the homeowners’ insurance people felt like being douche bags and wouldn't send out an adjuster so I had to take pictures of the "aftermath" so the crime scene clean up people could do their jobs. Needless to say I am now more warped than I was before.

I wake up freaked out a lot, but I've just learned to not let them control me. It was said that nightmares are just you subconcious dealing with shit, so they are one of life's neccesary evils.

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