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Store(s) You Remember From Your Youth That Are No Longer In Business


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harmony house

main street (kind of like kohl's, i think it became kohl's actually)


a & p

hudson's, sure we all rememeber that it has not been that long since it closed


magic pan

f & m


jeanie's teenies

there was this clothing store run by a friend of mine, can't remember the name now... but that one ;)

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hit or miss.


I thought Sagebrush was still around...? :confused: Maybe we're thinking of two different businesses with the same name.

Uhmm lemme see...

Montgomery Ward's (suprised nobody said that one yet)

Great Scott


Harmony House

Sveden House Buffet (slightly better yet slightly more unsanitary than Old Country :laugh:)

Hmmm...Cat's Meow

I dunno, I think I'm out for right now. I like this topic, I'm big on reminiscing (probably butchered that spelling) on my past, especially my brathood.

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Ha! Jane Dazzle, thanks for saying F & M, I knew there was a big drug store that I was missing and it was driving me crazy. Probably would have drove me mad allll day (I'm one of those weird people that get bothered by that sort of thing).

Also, thought of one that isn't a corporation but was near and dear to my heart when I was young:


At Lakeside Mall, it was a two story arcade that was 100% badass. Didn't Lakeside have a movie theatre a long time ago too? I think I saw my first movie there when I was four, which was Milo & Otis. I still remember that shit to this day :laugh:.

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At Lakeside Mall, it was a two story arcade that was 100% badass. Didn't Lakeside have a movie theatre a long time ago too? I think I saw my first movie there when I was four, which was Milo & Otis. I still remember that shit to this day :laugh:.

Also, Arbor Drugs

Yep it did have a movie theater. I saw Basic Instinct there when I was 15. Quite the eye opener. First r-rated movie alone was Backdraft though.

Oooh, Service Merchandise is gone too now.

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Sears Hardware Stores

Montgomery Wards

Builders Square

HQ,home Improvement

Source Club(owned by Meijer's)

Ben Franklin Stores

Sambo's Restaurants.

Big Wheel Stores,similar to K-Mart

Edited by Darque Metallion
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Good Thread,should have been called restaraunts and stores.but still a good thread

yeah one of my favorite fastfood places long gone,


Thank you. We have been naming restaurants from the beginning. Other fast food chains within the chain are called "stores" by their employees so I thought we should too :) I remember the Burger Chef in Northville on Main St. very well. Hehe, Burger Chef and Jeff. The Red Barn on Wayne Rd. in Westland. Mr. Mikes on Ford in Westland.

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I think most of mine have been mentioned. Just in case:

Spartan's (not the food stores)


Joshua Door (sings: You've got an uncle in the furniture business, Joshua Door, Joshua Door!)


There were a lot more Sander's, including at the Sears shopping center in Lincoln Park, downtown by the Penobscot building, one in Southland Mall, etc.

Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips

A.L. Price - very much the same as F&M

Anyone else remember when The Gap was a long store with shelves lining each wall, and one side was nothing but guy's jeans, and the other side was nothing but women's jeans, and they were all the same, old dark blue jeans, just in different sizes? Man, has THAT changed!

Does anyone else here have enough years on them to remember what Southland Mall was like in the 70's? The fountains, including the one that spanned the entire height of a wall and was loud as fuck; the big concrete whale you could slide and climb on; the sculpture made of a bunch of steel pillars with ovals on top - they were arranged in a square shape and kids used to run around between them; stores that included WoolWorth's (which was originally Kresge's), Jean Nicole, Marianne's, Singer Sewing, Kinney's Shoes (could still be there, I'm not sure). The first frozen yogurt I had was at a kiosk at Southland. It was tart and actually tasted like frozen yogurt. I think it was called "Frogurt".

On a related note, the last actual five-and-dime I was aware of recently was in Trenton. It closed it's doors just over the past winter. :(

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Hey - does anyone else remember what a big deal it was when Fairlane Mall first opened?

They had a monorail that ran from the mall to the Hyatt. You could ride it for free I think.

There was an ice rink where the first floor theater is now. The theater was originally on the 2nd floor.

My sisters and I went there every Friday. We don't go near the place now.

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