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Store(s) You Remember From Your Youth That Are No Longer In Business


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Dearborn Music

Squadron Shop

You have totally gotta be from dearborn.

Hey - does anyone else remember what a big deal it was when Fairlane Mall first opened?

They had a monorail that ran from the mall to the Hyatt. You could ride it for free I think.

There was an ice rink where the first floor theater is now. The theater was originally on the 2nd floor.

My sisters and I went there every Friday. We don't go near the place now.

My friends and I used to hang out there, and think we were cool.

I went there a while ago and they have, and I am NOT making this up, a store that sells Grillz. Like for your teef. Grillz. Gold grillz. I can't believe they need a store!

Okay, the store I'm thinking of was very hot in the 80s and they sold like spandexy things that you were supposed to be able to wear as a skirt OR a haltar top OR a headband OR a belt. Was it called Units?!?!? Anybody?

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Okay, the store I'm thinking of was very hot in the 80s and they sold like spandexy things that you were supposed to be able to wear as a skirt OR a haltar top OR a headband OR a belt. Was it called Units?!?!? Anybody?

I don't recall an entire store devoted to them, though I'm not saying you're wrong.

But Hudson's did carry them. They were jersey clothing pieces in simple cuts and solid colors that were meant to be mixed and matched into outfits.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Does anyone else remember "The Canary And The Elephant"? It was a boutique in the Pontiac Mall, down toward the fountains-- where they later put in an "Express." They sold wild clothes, jewelry, accessories, and odd gifts. This place was WAY cooler than Hot Topic, Claire's or Foxmoor will EVER be. Probably the most awesome accessory store that ever was. I almost wonder if the franchise was merged with Express, as the merchandise was similar.

Back in the early-to-mid 80's, this place was selling leather and spikes, day-glo, op art t-shirts, lots of fuzzy stuff and cute tartan-patterned things; all the weirdest, wildest, most cutting-edge, new-wave clothes and accessories. My first-ever source of rock star clothing. :)

I bought my first pair of bizarre earrings there-- dangly, fully-jointed, hand-painted wooden ones that looked like large green alligators; dangling from each gator's clenched teeth was the lower torso of a tourist, complete with loud Hawaiian shorts and flip-flops. Every part of these earrings moved about, and the tourist appeared to be kicking. The earrings looked as if they were either made in the Oaxaca area of Mexico, or possibly in the Philippines, judging by the colorful folk-art style. I also bought my first vinyl skirt and pothole fishnets there.

I still miss Kinney Shoe Stores, and the exclusive G.A.S.S. shoes. Wish I could find a vintage pair.

"Ben Franklin" 5-and-dime stores-- I haven't seen one of those in a cat's age..

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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You have totally gotta be from dearborn.

My friends and I used to hang out there, and think we were cool.

I went there a while ago and they have, and I am NOT making this up, a store that sells Grillz. Like for your teef. Grillz. Gold grillz. I can't believe they need a store!

Okay, the store I'm thinking of was very hot in the 80s and they sold like spandexy things that you were supposed to be able to wear as a skirt OR a haltar top OR a headband OR a belt. Was it called Units?!?!? Anybody?


I wore those in elementary school. :p

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Wow, did I show up late tot his thread. Most of my thunder's been stolen, but thank you, everyone for the memories. :)

I humbly submit:

Kiddieland, a small toy store in Allen Park

Little Professor, a kick-ass little independent book store that carried every magazine known to man

Friendly's Ice Cream Parlors

Mike & Sylvia's Ice Cream Parlor

Peaches Records

Jack In the Box (these may still exist somewhere...)

That crazy hologram store at Fairlaine

Palmer's Hobby & Craft

Chin Tiki, a tiki bar

Carlos Murphy's, a Mexican/Irish restaraunt in Southfield

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Does anyone remember Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour? I think there are still a few franchises scattered throughout the country, but there aren't any here anymore!

Their ice cream sundaes seemed HUGE. Maybe it's just because I was really little.

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Wow, did I show up late tot his thread. Most of my thunder's been stolen, but thank you, everyone for the memories. :)

I humbly submit:

Kiddieland, a small toy store in Allen Park

Little Professor, a kick-ass little independent book store that carried every magazine known to man

Friendly's Ice Cream Parlors

Mike & Sylvia's Ice Cream Parlor

Peaches Records

Jack In the Box (these may still exist somewhere...)

That crazy hologram store at Fairlaine

Palmer's Hobby & Craft

Chin Tiki, a tiki bar

Carlos Murphy's, a Mexican/Irish restaraunt in Southfield

I remember Palmer's hobby. I used to buy stuff from him all the time. Then he moved across the street. I remember his son getting married.


Burger Chef

Children's Palace

Weaver Music (I took guitar lessons there)

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*SINGS* Dig a ditch... dig a ditch.. dig a ditch. :)

Stucky's. With pecan rolls that were so disgusting looking. :)

Stucky's is no more?! That bastion of exit ramps in the South is gone?! ...actually, that's probably a good thing.

Yep, they were still in Hawaii when we were there last year.

And they're big in California, so I'm told. And they're all over the Bible Belt now. But screw them, I'll stick with BoJangle's.

I remember Palmer's hobby. I used to buy stuff from him all the time. Then he moved across the street. I remember his son getting married.


Burger Chef

Children's Palace

Weaver Music (I took guitar lessons there)

Hardee's is still around too, just much reduced. There's a bunch down South, and I think there was one in Berkley, last time I drove through.

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Hughes Hatcher




Pants Galore ("Pants Galore/the five dollar store/have we got paaants/for you!")


F&M... used to love the original one on 9 mile

Cunningham's (cooool green tile buildings!)

Ollie Fretter Appliance



Great Scott

Farrell's... when I was a cub, the ultimate status birthday party was going to Farrell's and getting a Zoo.

Red Barn

Arthur Treacher's (there's actually a former one near me that still uses the original recipe but not the name... yummmm!)

Greenfield's... cafeteria-style place on Woodward across from Palmer Park. We used to go there for dinner on Friday nights.

Burger Chef (my first real job!)

Um... that restaurant on the Boulevard, near the St. Regis... had fake palm trees out front

Another exit-ramp chain like Stuckey's, beloved by old folks, with equally nasty food (but mercifully no pecan logs)

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