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The Corrupted Wish Game


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Granted. Now you're skinny as a rail and people are always on your case about being anorexic.

I wish I had transportation.

Granted someone close to you just passed away and you inherited their car...not even the worst part it is a hoopty and breaks down after you drove it 3 blocks away to the store.

I wish I wasn't so bored.

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Granted. A strange twist of physiology makes you feel fine but your body is in fact completely run down and you end up in the hospital for a month.

I wish for an old car to modify into something cool and fun to drive.

Granted... unfortunatly it is an old "boxcar" from the 20's and you are violently molested by the ghosts of hobos while playing the harmonica.

I wish I could have better hand writing.

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Granted... unfortunatly it is an old "boxcar" from the 20's and you are violently molested by the ghosts of hobos while playing the harmonica.

I wish I could have better hand writing.

Granted. But then you get carpel tunnel in both hands and can't write or type ever again.

I wish I had rich parents that set me up financially for life.

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Granted. But then you get carpel tunnel in both hands and can't write or type ever again.

I wish I had rich parents that set me up financially for life.

Granted.... unfortunatly they join the Hobo ghosts and molest you as well.

I wish that people treated each other better.

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Poof!!!, you are a cute fuzzy white bunny with some black spots. Kind of like a fluffy little cow rabbit. The kind that all the girls would coo and fuss over. You also suddenly notice you are hopping around in a field of

"poppies" "poppies" "poppies"

*yawn* You sure are getting sleepy. Is that Dark Side of the Moon playing in the background? Hmmmmmm... You wonder where that could be coming from. *yawn* And what is that circling over head like vultures staring at you, getting lower and lower? *yawn* Flying Monkeys?? What do they eat? ZZZZzzzzzzzz.

I wish the grass would just mow itself this year.

Edited by Burrich1
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POOF!!! You invent self mowing grass, where it grows nice and thick and when it gets to a certain length POOF it cuts itself.. the only problem is, it grows in rainbow colours, and no matter what you do it bleeds all over your shoes and clothes in its different rainbow varieties.. every time you get near your yard, you get it all over your shoes, and it gets into the carpeting in your house, and it's not water soluble.

I wish I could see into the future..

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Granted. Now you have ESP, you can see everything that's going to happen in the future including the near future where you see yourself walking outside only to have a bird take a dump on your head.

I wish that I could make even more money then the extra Im makin now.

Granted... you are now the new Michigan Ave... BUTTWHORE!!! for an extra 70 cents....

I wish I was more organized

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Now you have every nook and cranny of home, work and vehicles organized. You also OCD so bad that you Have To organize every building you walk into. Shrinks are lining up to write books about you, as result your not in the happy padded room that your brain is screaming for

I wish I had a time machine.

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You are now the proud new owner of a deluxe model one seater Time Machine!! It is rather unfortunate, when you go back in time initially to test it out; you discover the go forward in time button has broken. It is also unfortunate, that your initial trip back in time has taken you back to a time machine less era. There is no one around to fix it for you, nor will be in your lifetime.

As you try to figure out which time you want to settle down in, you develop a "grass is always greener" complex, endlessly traveling backward so you can land yourself in a better situation. It never happens, and before long, you can no longer speak any currently spoken language. Soon, you’re the only person who understands the concept of the wheel.

I wish cell phones were like cable boxes, and you just paid a small fee with your plan to "rent" one, and weren't responsible for when they broke.

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The whole entire world now has the equivalent of a PhD in one of the sciences. Unfortunately, there is no longer anyone to fill all these jobs no one is satisfied working in: garbage collector, gas station attendant, stripper, any cashier position, store clerks, truck drivers, groundskeepers, prostitute, laborers, construction workers, farmers, factory workers, salesperson, professional dog walker, secretary, Etc. Etc. Etc. All of civilization across the globe breaks down in approximately 72 hours, (with a standard deviation of 12 and confidence interval of 95%).

I wish there was an awesome tasting snack that did not cause me to gain any weight.

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Scientists in a lab in Antarctica, have miraculously come up with a tasty and weight controlling snack = all natural habanero cheesy poofs. Brilliant! However, once you spend all your savings contracting ship and chopper to get to the continent, then you must use a snowcat and ice ax to dig your way into their lab. Aha! You quickly inhale a yard size beaker of the wonderful spicy poofs. Yummy! To your dismay, they continue to burn your body from the inside out. Too bad you can't enjoy your weightloss, since you're dead!

I wish sometimes I wasn't so competitive.

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