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Motivation For Weight Loss


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Ok so I've lost about 40 lbs. over the past couple of years and have now completely stopped working out. I really need to lose another 40 lbs. of fat and gain more muscle. I have all the tools I need, a great trainer in the past who taught me how to use weights, exercise balls, new running shoes, yoga books, how to eat right, the works. Only thing I'm missing is: Motivation.

I have two men in my life who enjoy me the way I am now which makes it that much easier to tell myself I don't have to change, when I know I do and want to. I can't mountain climb, I can't run a 10 minute mile (currently 14, suckage!), I'd like to fit into cheaper clothes (i.e. clothes made for size 14 and under) and live longer in general. Have more energy, etc.

Are there any other women on the board who are also trying to lose weight but lacking motivation or support? I lose it much quicker when I know people are pulling for me, and when I can help others as well.

I'm unemployed right now so my free time is All the time, if anyone wants to take really long walks, share healthy recipes, bike together, or exercise in general please let me know either here in the thread or via PM. Permanent weight loss takes hard work, and it's a lot easier when you have a support network.


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Personally, I have always found that regular bouts of highly aerobic sex is the best way to get healthy.

Or, at least give me tennis elbow in my left arm and prematurely shorten the life span of my hard drive...

Pandora, post your progress here, as it comes. I have found that this community really does care for each other.

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My weight yo-yo's up and down more than my emotions do. (and if you know me, that's a lot) My problem is that I don't get off my butt enough to exercise the fat off. If I could lose 80 pounds I'd be happy. Well by then I'd probably be fixated on being a lower weight than losing 80 pounds would make me, but I'd cross that bridge when/if I ever came to it. I have no reason except pure laziness, and that sucks when it comes down to it.

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I have almost nude pics of Nicole Sheridan on my fridge. Why? Cause she is near my age when the metab slows big time but she stays in shape. (cant stand her persona, but her body......wow)

Before I reach for the snacks I look at her and think, if that bimbo can do it so can I!

Good advice, thank you.

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I actually started a thread close to this. Right here that you can peruse through, kinda has some recipes and some tips and stuff that have helped me.

I've only lost close to 15lbs, but I wanna lose another 30 or so lbs. We can motivate each other. :)

I really need to exercise more, that for me takes more motivation. I am hoping now that it's warmer, I will get out more. I plan to spend more time in the parks this spring/summer. :)

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I'm with you, Pandora, on it being hard to change when there are people in your life who accept you where you're at. But if you want to do this for you.... GO FOR IT! I know it's hard and I'm working on myself right now too. You can do it! Pick a plan and let's go!!!

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Meh...motivation I'm starting to get it back. You just have to push and push and push...if I ever fail I tell myself I'm horrible/worthless/weak and usually that will make me so mad at myself that I'll get pissed and "prove myself wrong" as stupid as that sounds.

It's not a technique for everyone, but it works for me. I also tell my friends to make fun of me. I say to them, "you guys, if I'm getting fat, make fun of me in the worst ways possible" because them making fun of me pushes me more. If they're all like "oooh you're FINE" then in my mind I'll start thinking "well...I guess I am fine" as an excuse, even though I know it's not the truth.

That's why when people say that making fun of people is horrible and just makes them feel bad but doesn't do anything positive...they're WAY wrong.

Motivation comes from feeling bad about something...so you're motivated to change it, get it?

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Motivating thing for the day..

My office, the women are all gorgeous in their own rights.. have lost a lot of weight.

My boss and 1 of my co-workers started January of last year.. My boss has lost 63 lbs.. my other co-worker has lost 35 lbs.. Another co-worker and I started since the beginning of February and I've lost 15, and she's lost about 13 lbs..

So all together we've lost (in the office) 1 whole healthy person.. 126 lbs.

Now, that's food for thought.

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I have lost only 9 lbs because this year has been a combination of teh sick + lazy + stress, hopefully I'll be able to wear a bikini this summer to our...AWESOME DGN CAMPING TRIP (you all better GO!)

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to be broken record: I've lost 150 pounds. I lost the weight fast at first, but it has slowed down a lot, and I've been yo-yoing over the past 6 months. Working more and going to school has made it hard to stick to my diet. It was much easier when I could just sleep all the time and I didn't have to think. I took a break from my diet, but I'm going to start again. I hate hating how I look. I have 100 more pounds or so to lose.

My motivation? I tape pictures (from magazines) on the fridge, my mirrors, on my computer, of women that I want to look like. I tell myself that if I don't stick to my plan, I won't ever get their bodies. I also think about things that stress me out/make me anxious because that makes me not eat as much and makes me want to work out.

I'm a little fucked up because I can't rely on other people to help me because I either get jealous that they are losing more weight than me or get upset when they tell me that I have to work harder, or angry when they say I am losing weight too fast.

I'm tired. I'm rambling. Sorry.

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to be broken record: I've lost 150 pounds. I lost the weight fast at first, but it has slowed down a lot, and I've been yo-yoing over the past 6 months. Working more and going to school has made it hard to stick to my diet. It was much easier when I could just sleep all the time and I didn't have to think. I took a break from my diet, but I'm going to start again. I hate hating how I look. I have 100 more pounds or so to lose.

My motivation? I tape pictures (from magazines) on the fridge, my mirrors, on my computer, of women that I want to look like. I tell myself that if I don't stick to my plan, I won't ever get their bodies. I also think about things that stress me out/make me anxious because that makes me not eat as much and makes me want to work out.

I'm a little fucked up because I can't rely on other people to help me because I either get jealous that they are losing more weight than me or get upset when they tell me that I have to work harder, or angry when they say I am losing weight too fast.

I'm tired. I'm rambling. Sorry.

Holy SHIT lady! I knew you dropped some mad pounds, but not 150. Remind me to slap your hott skinny ass the next time I see you, hell it may even lead to a totally manly fist fight between The Eternal and myself, but psssht that's cool...I could so take him. :whistle:

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Holy SHIT lady! I knew you dropped some mad pounds, but not 150. Remind me to slap your hott skinny ass the next time I see you, hell it may even lead to a totally manly fist fight between The Eternal and myself, but psssht that's cool...I could so take him. :whistle:

nice :p

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to be broken record: I've lost 150 pounds. I lost the weight fast at first, but it has slowed down a lot, and I've been yo-yoing over the past 6 months. Working more and going to school has made it hard to stick to my diet. It was much easier when I could just sleep all the time and I didn't have to think. I took a break from my diet, but I'm going to start again. I hate hating how I look. I have 100 more pounds or so to lose.

My motivation? I tape pictures (from magazines) on the fridge, my mirrors, on my computer, of women that I want to look like. I tell myself that if I don't stick to my plan, I won't ever get their bodies. I also think about things that stress me out/make me anxious because that makes me not eat as much and makes me want to work out.

I'm a little fucked up because I can't rely on other people to help me because I either get jealous that they are losing more weight than me or get upset when they tell me that I have to work harder, or angry when they say I am losing weight too fast.

I'm tired. I'm rambling. Sorry.

OMFG, 150lbs is amazing! That's a lot of hard work. I'm in the same boat re: slower weight loss now than when I started. For me it's not so much how I eat (although I can't eat junk everyday either), it's the exercise I'm really missing, that's what keeps my weight off every time. What I really want to do is be a runner. But I have to get rid of a good portion of weight before I can make running my primary exercise.

So walking it is. I usually have Saturdays free before 7pm, anyone wanna talk a couple mile fast walk? Don't care where as long as it's a safe park or neighborhood...

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I'm a little fucked up because I can't rely on other people to help me because I either get jealous that they are losing more weight than me or get upset when they tell me that I have to work harder, or angry when they say I am losing weight too fast.

I can also relate to that completely. But then I realize that everyone is different and loses weight differently, and that if I keep up my end that I'll get to where I want to be, and it won't take forever. Just takes consistency over a period of time. Which isn't easy, but has great rewards attached to it.

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Wow congrats bean thats awesome, still.

I gained when in college during the time I was not starving and too poor to afford food.....its stressful.

Find a different way to relieve stress....one that calms

working out may not be the answer when your stressed......but at the time I had a pool and that unwinds me and burns calories.

take a walk maybe.....

to be broken record: I've lost 150 pounds. I lost the weight fast at first, but it has slowed down a lot, and I've been yo-yoing over the past 6 months. Working more and going to school has made it hard to stick to my diet. It was much easier when I could just sleep all the time and I didn't have to think. I took a break from my diet, but I'm going to start again. I hate hating how I look. I have 100 more pounds or so to lose.

My motivation? I tape pictures (from magazines) on the fridge, my mirrors, on my computer, of women that I want to look like. I tell myself that if I don't stick to my plan, I won't ever get their bodies. I also think about things that stress me out/make me anxious because that makes me not eat as much and makes me want to work out.

I'm a little fucked up because I can't rely on other people to help me because I either get jealous that they are losing more weight than me or get upset when they tell me that I have to work harder, or angry when they say I am losing weight too fast.

I'm tired. I'm rambling. Sorry.

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I have almost nude pics of Nicole Sheridan on my fridge. Why? Cause she is near my age when the metab slows big time but she stays in shape. (cant stand her persona, but her body......wow)

Before I reach for the snacks I look at her and think, if that bimbo can do it so can I!

She is 41


I have (clothed) pictures of me when I was thin taped on my fridge.

I've been having trouble jumpstarting the motivation lately, too. I think when I start working again it will help. I have too much free time to snack right now.

And trying to diet when you're poor sucks!

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I have (clothed) pictures of me when I was thin taped on my fridge.

I've been having trouble jumpstarting the motivation lately, too. I think when I start working again it will help. I have too much free time to snack right now.

And trying to diet when you're poor sucks!

Yeah eating well when you're poor isn't easy. For sweet stuff I stick to fruit and Jello sugar free pudding @ 1 buck per box. I haven't had refined sugar in three days, for the first time in months, it's already making a big difference, less sluggish, less moody.

Wheat pasta is relatively cheap, or spinach pasta, and with some healthy tomato sauce (the trader joes stuff is extremely cheap, 1.67 a bottle I think, and tasty) that's a good healthy meal that won't break your pocket book. Soups are good too. If you're a bread freak Trader Joes makes this 7 multigrain bread that's really low in calories (and the slices are a bit smaller) and goes great with anything, I think it has 7 carbs per serving and no refined sugar) and that's cheap too, 2 bucks a loaf.

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Pandora, I think we should go for a walk, much better to talk that way than at a club where there's too much noise, smoke, and too many people around trying to socialize.

I'm much better at the one on one type of thing, and doing it while walking would be beneficial to all involved.

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just a quick note - make sure you're getting enough protein in your diet - usually 1-1.5 grams per # of lean body mass is sufficient.

example: for a 150# person, who is at approx. 25% body fat, that's 112.5 grams of protein, which is only 450 calories!

if you don't have enough protein, you'll lose muscle mass, which will slow down your metabolism. also, for women, (unless medically supervised) don't go below approx. 1500 calories per day. if you're not losing fat, increase your activity level, but never go below that number, if you can at all help it.

i made a post regarding this a while back - let me see if i can find it again...

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