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Who Here Is Single

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Bleh nothing is more irritating than people who claim to be single but in reality are with one or more people. Then after you have taken them out on a date they decide to tell you. Then they bitch about how they are treated like dirt and then act like they are so in love when the person is around. You do a sweet gesture that shows interest in something more than they claim to be with the one person of the two they are seeing. That's so pathetic and desperate. If they want to be treated like shit more power to them. Wwwhhheewww, take the crazy pills!

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Pour une belle femme cela ne devrait pas être ainsi.

J'espère que je ne suis pas intimidant aux gentilshommes ici. Il y a un gars particulier de ce forum que j'aime très beaucoup, mais la chaque fois j'essaie de jouer au base-ball avec lui, il lance la batte à la terre et laisse le champ. :no

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J'espère que je ne suis pas intimidant aux gentilshommes ici. Il y a un gars particulier de ce forum que j'aime très beaucoup, mais la chaque fois j'essaie de jouer au base-ball avec lui, il lance la batte à la terre et laisse le champ. :no

C'est terrible.


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J'espère que je ne suis pas intimidant aux gentilshommes ici. Il y a un gars particulier de ce forum que j'aime très beaucoup, mais la chaque fois j'essaie de jouer au base-ball avec lui, il lance la batte à la terre et laisse le champ. :no


Parfois des types sont effrayés

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Parfois des types sont effrayés

I hope my post about breaking furniture and going through walls didn't make it even more so! :rofl: I can't help being an honest creature.

How's your quest for :wub: going? I noticed in an earlier post in this thread you may have landed yourself one!

I'm getting to be about as bad as the crazy mountain hillbilly broad from that old Looney Tunes short-- remember that one? "A MAN!!!" :rofl:

I'll catch me one, even if I have to hit him over the head with a club and drag him to my cave by the hair. :p

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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J'espère que je ne suis pas intimidant aux gentilshommes ici. Il y a un gars particulier de ce forum que j'aime très beaucoup, mais la chaque fois j'essaie de jouer au base-ball avec lui, il lance la batte à la terre et laisse le champ. :no

C'est squale insaisissable, non?


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I hope my post about breaking furniture and going through walls didn't make it even more so! :rofl: I can't help being an honest creature.

How's your quest for :wub: going? I noticed in an earlier post in this thread you may have landed yourself one!

I'm getting to be about as bad as the crazy mountain hillbilly broad from that old Looney Tunes short-- remember that one? "A MAN!!!" :rofl:

I'll catch me one, even if I have to hit him over the head with a club and drag him to my cave by the hair. :p

Do mean the now, now or the then now? or do you mean the now right now? *batts eyelashes*

Edited by hunhee
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