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Who Here Is Single

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  StormKnight said:
Going out to dinner stinks on ice (no offense,) because I get looked at like a leper when I say table for one. I almost expect to see the wait staff coming after me with torches like an angry mob in a old horror movie screeching "Heretic!! Heretic!!!!!! Burn the heretic!!!" Makes eating dinner alone that much more depressing.

No worries, my friends-- they probably think we're restaurant critics! :rofl: I belong to the "table for one" club, as well. It's taken a long time to get acclimated, as I was always accustomed to eating with company.

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  eleven said:
thats what my grandpa used to call me...."sobs to self" i miss him :(

Aww ... two weeks ago I visited my grandpa's grave site for the first time since we buried him 4 years ago. That wasn't too bad. The morning dad and I left my grandma's though, I went in my grandpa's old office, sat is his old worn out leather chair, caught the faint whiff of pipe tobacco, and started getting choked up. :grouphug

Grandpas are awesome. I hope to be 1/2 the man he was someday.

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  Msterbeau said:
Honestly, except for one person who is not available any time soon for a relationship, I find myself getting cold feet every time I start to get to know someone I like. It seems especially true if things go well right from the start. I either find things that I don't like as much as I thought I did, or I just get scared. The fear that underlies that I'm quite sure has to do with the breakup of the last serious relationship I had. My heart was broken like no other time in my life. I think it was especially poignant because we weren't out of love, but was mainly due to circumstances at the time (distance) causing her a lot of heartache. And I reacted poorly to the whole idea, and that was that. So... until someone comes along that has the spark to ally my fears, I'll just enjoy being single and flirting...

:grouphug Even though I'm not single, I can soooo relate to some of this. And I think that if for some reason it doesn't work out with MS, I will be single for a very long time.

I'm starting to think I need to learn to not flirt, at all, with anyone. It just keeps getting me in trouble. This is very hard because more often than not I do it without even trying.

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Single and not sure I remember how to date....

Cuase it has been a long time since i have really been on one.

Probably cuase i don't really meet many people lately but even then I think i would be like a lost puppy at this point.

It's been many years since I've had a relationship of substance. THe last one i was really just a glorified fuck-buddy that is still the occassional visit when wilpower breaks down.

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i get accused in work of talking "posh" and the last meal i went to with anyone i was asked why was i using my fork LIKE IT BLOODY WELL SHOULD BE USED. philistines, honestly. One honestly thinks that people are dragged up. i mean using a soup spoon for sweet....

...i'll shut up now

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Single and sick of it.

Although I feel like a wimp for admitting this, I think my Aspergers Syndrome has made it very difficult for me over the years to talk to women or even just make friends for that matter....

Edited by Enishi
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Guest Megalicious

  Enishi said:
Single and sick of it.

Although I feel like a wimp for admitting this, I think my Aspergers Syndrome has made it very difficult for me over the years to talk to women or even just make friends for that matter....

Your not a wimp at all, it's important to know where your problem is when taking to/meeting women. Though as I'm sure you know AS is HELL OF ALOT different then someone who is just shy. Though I don't see where your problem would come from the physical side of things, I think you are adorable.

On topic, still single. Still by choice, still content with myself.

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  Head Wreck said:
i get accused in work of talking "posh" and the last meal i went to with anyone i was asked why was i using my fork LIKE IT BLOODY WELL SHOULD BE USED. philistines, honestly. One honestly thinks that people are dragged up. i mean using a soup spoon for sweet....

...i'll shut up now

(just letting you know...someone over here understood that rant)

...& soup spoon for sweets?

.....what did they have an unhingeable jaw?

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