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Who Here Is Single

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..either a sucubuss (that found something 'better' to eat)...OR she's just fuckin' dumb.

yea i dont know rev...i honestly dont know how i feel...i really cared for the girl and made a connection with her son which i think hurts to...my feelings are mixed really so its so hard to explain iam fucking furiouse that i spent time looking for clothes and toys and even a new bed all for fucking free for him cuz the boy deserves it his sperm donor dosent do shit he got her preggo and diped out and she isnt really well off so i thought it would be a nice thing to do..and iam also sad aobviously cuz i got dumped and confused about it all on why that would be...if it turns out she is no more then a sucubus good riddens but she didnt come off like that so i dunno..i just sont get it....with the way things have been going in my romance department i seriously feel like iam not ganna find anyone things didnt work out Jenny i was used for sex things didnt work out with Miriaha shed rather date a guy that calls her names and treats her like shit and now Stephanie...sad sad face thats all i gotta say :confused:

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yea iam single again steph broke up with me today...said she has to much stress going on in her life..which is understandable....i guess but heres what i dont get...she was in a few shitty relationships being beat on and mentally abused obviously iam not like that and was wondering if i was answer was no obviously..and she has a 2 year old son...and told me a week or so back that she thought it was amazing i was accepting her son as well as her as most guys that try to hook up with her just want her and don't wanna really except the son as well (i didnt spend any money on her aside from the gas it took to get out to see her) but i did ask friends and family if they have any baby clothes or toys er other stuff for the boy i could get if they didn't need it i even found the lil guy a new bed...i didn't get the stuff for her yet cuz i was still collecting but i was just confused and yea a bit heartbroken not to bad thought at how a girl can say i like you i want to be with you, your the first person i met to except me and my son and that puts me on top of the world and then dump the dude? i don't get it...it confuses me horribly :confused::unsure::X

Sometimes they run because they are afraid of their feelings. Wait a few weeks and see if it changes

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yea i dont know rev...i honestly dont know how i feel...i really cared for the girl and made a connection with her son which i think hurts to...my feelings are mixed really so its so hard to explain iam fucking furiouse that i spent time looking for clothes and toys and even a new bed all for fucking free for him cuz the boy deserves it his sperm donor dosent do shit he got her preggo and diped out and she isnt really well off so i thought it would be a nice thing to do..and iam also sad aobviously cuz i got dumped and confused about it all on why that would be...if it turns out she is no more then a sucubus good riddens but she didnt come off like that so i dunno..i just sont get it....with the way things have been going in my romance department i seriously feel like iam not ganna find anyone things didnt work out Jenny i was used for sex things didnt work out with Miriaha shed rather date a guy that calls her names and treats her like shit and now Stephanie...sad sad face thats all i gotta say :confused:

..any GOOD succubus will have you thinkin' that...right?

....I'm not judgin'...I'm not tryin' to be harsh (like I have to try)...I'm just sayin' possible..

..prick had another possibility! :biggrin: I have seen such a thing before...

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Never been a problem for me. And, actually, I prefer the 6 or the 9 by its lonesome; when you minimize the distractions, it's better for the concentration and increases the enjoyment, I've found.

I agree, way too distracting... can't focus properly on give or get.

Still single, still not liking it much, still afraid to make any serious effort to do something about it.

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Gimp, I know we never meet. If I may so, I agree with Prick. Some women get a man that is so good to them, they run for they don't know any better. What I am trying to say, is some women take men crap, for they feel they can not do better. And when they finally meet a men that is good for them, they can not belive it happening and run. I hope that make sense.

I hope everything works out for you.

For myself, still single.

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yea iam single again steph broke up with me today...said she has to much stress going on in her life..which is understandable....i guess but heres what i dont get...she was in a few shitty relationships being beat on and mentally abused obviously iam not like that and was wondering if i was answer was no obviously..and she has a 2 year old son...and told me a week or so back that she thought it was amazing i was accepting her son as well as her as most guys that try to hook up with her just want her and don't wanna really except the son as well (i didnt spend any money on her aside from the gas it took to get out to see her) but i did ask friends and family if they have any baby clothes or toys er other stuff for the boy i could get if they didn't need it i even found the lil guy a new bed...i didn't get the stuff for her yet cuz i was still collecting but i was just confused and yea a bit heartbroken not to bad thought at how a girl can say i like you i want to be with you, your the first person i met to except me and my son and that puts me on top of the world and then dump the dude? i don't get it...it confuses me horribly :confused::unsure::X

If it's any comfort (prolly not, I know) I m asking myself the same questions. Why would you not want someone who loves you unquestioningly and is willing to stand by and support you through an extremely difficult life change? I think that kind of love/acceptance is hard for some to handle when they have a low self image and don't think they deserve it. Also maybe your ex and mine felt that they couldn't live up to the value we placed on them... I often got the feeling that Josh saw my deep love for him as an imposition or an obligation of some kind. Which I kind of understand... I have resented people for loving me... although that was when I was much younger; you'd think that mindset would be outgrown by the time a person is 50.

But these are just speculations... in the end all I know for sure is that this is really, really hard to deal with and seems to be getting more rather than less so as time goes on.

Anyway sweetie, I am just gonna repeat what others are saying to you... you are a good guy and I know you'll find someone who is worthy of all that you have to offer. Prolly when you least expect it, that's how these things tend to happen.

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If it's any comfort (prolly not, I know) I m asking myself the same questions. Why would you not want someone who loves you unquestioningly and is willing to stand by and support you through an extremely difficult life change? I think that kind of love/acceptance is hard for some to handle when they have a low self image and don't think they deserve it. Also maybe your ex and mine felt that they couldn't live up to the value we placed on them... I often got the feeling that Josh saw my deep love for him as an imposition or an obligation of some kind. Which I kind of understand... I have resented people for loving me... although that was when I was much younger; you'd think that mindset would be outgrown by the time a person is 50.

But these are just speculations... in the end all I know for sure is that this is really, really hard to deal with and seems to be getting more rather than less so as time goes on.

Anyway sweetie, I am just gonna repeat what others are saying to you... you are a good guy and I know you'll find someone who is worthy of all that you have to offer. Prolly when you least expect it, that's how these things tend to happen.

Very true, when your not looking it sneaks up behind you and bites you in the ass. hard part is to stop looking or expect it.

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Very true, when your not looking it sneaks up behind you and bites you in the ass.


Well, that and a bit of reverse psychology on the universe. When you are so completely happy in your unattached status that you actually attempt to avoid becoming involved with anyone, seems to work.

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Well, that and a bit of reverse psychology on the universe. When you are so completely happy in your unattached status that you actually attempt to avoid becoming involved with anyone, seems to work.

So true and the best way to go. You can only truly be in a good relationship when you are happy by yourself and so are they.

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Gimp, I know we never meet. If I may so, I agree with Prick. Some women get a man that is so good to them, they run for they don't know any better. What I am trying to say, is some women take men crap, for they feel they can not do better. And when they finally meet a men that is good for them, they can not belive it happening and run. I hope that make sense.

I hope everything works out for you.

For myself, still single.

i suppose that makes sence its making a lil more sence when i get input from everyone or advice or there take on it..it still sucks but not much i can do like pRick said iam just going to wait 2 or 3 weeks and give her a call and see where her head is at like i posted beofre she said she needs to straiten things out so ill wait a few weeks and try and if it dosent happen it sucks but just move on cant change it and cant do anything about it but except it for what it is...

If it's any comfort (prolly not, I know) I m asking myself the same questions. Why would you not want someone who loves you unquestioningly and is willing to stand by and support you through an extremely difficult life change? I think that kind of love/acceptance is hard for some to handle when they have a low self image and don't think they deserve it. Also maybe your ex and mine felt that they couldn't live up to the value we placed on them... I often got the feeling that Josh saw my deep love for him as an imposition or an obligation of some kind. Which I kind of understand... I have resented people for loving me... although that was when I was much younger; you'd think that mindset would be outgrown by the time a person is 50.

But these are just speculations... in the end all I know for sure is that this is really, really hard to deal with and seems to be getting more rather than less so as time goes on

Anyway sweetie, I am just gonna repeat what others are saying to you... you are a good guy and I know you'll find someone who is worthy of all that you have to offer. Prolly when you least expect it, that's how these things tend to happen.

thanks hun it helps a bit i dont know what it is latly i havnt been lookin for .love just potential people have been comming along the way and give it a test run and it seems to go ary Jenny used me for sex and i know it sounds silly but all she really wanted was sex and failed to tell me her freind said all she wanted to do was fuck cuz of my piercings so it sucked but she seemed interested but she was not as well so i decided to swear of women for a while and was doing good at it id be at necto or city and a few girls would flirt and thats as far as id let it go then steph came along and i kept my gaurd up and talked for a month or so and evetually i let it down and she let hers down and then it turned to this...but like i was saying to dragon not much one can do when this shit happens...

Very true, when your not looking it sneaks up behind you and bites you in the ass. hard part is to stop looking or expect it.

i sure hope so rick...everyone from city last night said they were sorry to hear what happend and it sucks but iam to young to be wanting a relationship anyway and i dont think they understood i dont wanna settle down i just want a steady relationship its just been real lonsome going to school and work and study and then my freinds inviting me to hang out and iam pretty much the only single person there and iam just twiddleing my thumbs

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Sir Gimpness,

I must concur with the earlier posts especially as it related to my life of the past. Since I was 13 I always needed a girlfriend. Most of the time I was unsuccessful. This past January I decided that for the first time I wanted to be single and sure enough I meet someone who falls head over hills for me and it wasn't long before the feeling was mutual (we knew it but we didn't say anything until it was official). And don't discount people you just meet either. I remember on this post a couple weeks ago there was a discussion that you shouldn't end up in relationships with people you just meet and I've had a couple like that which worked out very well (aka, at least a year). And it also helps to not be a perfectionist (not assuming you are. You're actually a pretty accepting guy). But everyone has flaws. What matters is how bad they are, how they affect you and if it's something they'll grow out of. Sometimes patience is all that's needed. Once again, I don't know you too well but you seem fairly calm (of course I could be mistaken :whistle: ). So stick in there and if something doesn't work out I'll see if me and Lord o' Sins can produce a pleasure bot with natural vaginal upgrades.

BTW: This probably should've went into the intox posts

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Sir Gimpness,

I must concur with the earlier posts especially as it related to my life of the past. Since I was 13 I always needed a girlfriend. Most of the time I was unsuccessful. This past January I decided that for the first time I wanted to be single and sure enough I meet someone who falls head over hills for me and it wasn't long before the feeling was mutual (we knew it but we didn't say anything until it was official). And don't discount people you just meet either. I remember on this post a couple weeks ago there was a discussion that you shouldn't end up in relationships with people you just meet and I've had a couple like that which worked out very well (aka, at least a year). And it also helps to not be a perfectionist (not assuming you are. You're actually a pretty accepting guy). But everyone has flaws. What matters is how bad they are, how they affect you and if it's something they'll grow out of. Sometimes patience is all that's needed. Once again, I don't know you too well but you seem fairly calm (of course I could be mistaken :whistle: ). So stick in there and if something doesn't work out I'll see if me and Lord o' Sins can produce a pleasure bot with natural vaginal upgrades.

BTW: This probably should've went into the intox posts

lmao@ pleasure bot bot yea that makes a lot of sence as well...iam just ganna give her the space she asked for wait a couple weeks and call her if nothing turns of it iam just going to stick with being single for a bit and see how it plays out

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yea iam single again steph broke up with me today...said she has to much stress going on in her life..which is understandable....i guess but heres what i dont get...she was in a few shitty relationships being beat on and mentally abused obviously iam not like that and was wondering if i was answer was no obviously..and she has a 2 year old son...and told me a week or so back that she thought it was amazing i was accepting her son as well as her as most guys that try to hook up with her just want her and don't wanna really except the son as well (i didnt spend any money on her aside from the gas it took to get out to see her) but i did ask friends and family if they have any baby clothes or toys er other stuff for the boy i could get if they didn't need it i even found the lil guy a new bed...i didn't get the stuff for her yet cuz i was still collecting but i was just confused and yea a bit heartbroken not to bad thought at how a girl can say i like you i want to be with you, your the first person i met to except me and my son and that puts me on top of the world and then dump the dude? i don't get it...it confuses me horribly :confused::unsure::X

Sorry Gimp. Sounds like she has emotional issues, my ex was like that too. I loved her and her two children, her son I took care of like he was my own.

We just bonded he and I, I suppose it was cuz he was so young and didn't much know his dad. Her daughter loved me but just you know its hard when you miss you're dad.

Either way I loved those kids, cooked for them, cleaned up after them and saw to it they had things that their mother couldn't give them.

I lived there and payed all the bills. I asked one thing and one thing only.

Don't be disloyal.

I suppose it was too much to ask out of a person like her but we can't choose who we love.

I ended it, it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life.

It gets better Gimp.

And one day someone who can stand you will come along :)

And vice versa.

Remember though man. As shitty as life can be sometimes.....it can turn around completely when you don't expect it.

Hehe, a Leo. Purr.... :)

I likes Kitties! :)

I am an Aries, we are arrogant and like water.

I don't blame you one bit.


Well it sucks how it ended. Now its almost as distant as a dream all but forgotten.

Being alone isn't so bad anymore once you've learned to live with yourself.

I think that is where it begins.

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Sorry Gimp. Sounds like she has emotional issues, my ex was like that too. I loved her and her two children, her son I took care of like he was my own.

We just bonded he and I, I suppose it was cuz he was so young and didn't much know his dad. Her daughter loved me but just you know its hard when you miss you're dad.

Either way I loved those kids, cooked for them, cleaned up after them and saw to it they had things that their mother couldn't give them.

I lived there and payed all the bills. I asked one thing and one thing only.

Don't be disloyal.

I suppose it was too much to ask out of a person like her but we can't choose who we love.

I ended it, it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life.

It gets better Gimp.

And one day someone who can stand you will come along :)

And vice versa.

Remember though man. As shitty as life can be sometimes.....it can turn around completely when you don't expect it.

i sure hope so man iam sorry to hear how your situiation ended to thats shitty but all i can really do now is hold my head up and keep it up...

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That's right man. That is all anyone can do.

No sense in shredding yourself for someone that doesn't care.

I wasted many bad nights on someone who just wasn't able to love for whatever reason.

Eventually its like something inside you breaks and one day you wake up and it doesn't hurt anymore.

The regret is mildly there man but the pain is long gone.

It's like getting over the death of a loved one.

Well to me anyhow because I love with my whole heart.

The day I found out she had been lying to me and using me is the day she was dead to me.

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That's right man. That is all anyone can do.

No sense in shredding yourself for someone that doesn't care.

I wasted many bad nights on someone who just wasn't able to love for whatever reason.

Eventually its like something inside you breaks and one day you wake up and it doesn't hurt anymore.

The regret is mildly there man but the pain is long gone.

It's like getting over the death of a loved one.

Well to me anyhow because I love with my whole heart.

The day I found out she had been lying to me and using me is the day she was dead to me.


yea it sucks when you think you got a good thing with someone and you find out later its fake...iam sorry to hear about your shit to man thats rough i cant imagine what would posses anyone to do that man or woman if you have some one willing to step up to the plate to be a mom or dad and all they ask is for loyalty that has to be one of the easyiest things to give one would think

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