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Where do I start? Fuck it, I'm just gonna rant:

I don't think it is too much to ask that I do NOT want my feelings fucked with. Do not say things to me that you do not mean. Just don't. Don't try to change me into a person I am not. Please do not expect me to agree with every damn thing you say. I have my own opinions too and yes, while there are some bitches out there who let their man totally consume every aspect of their being, I am not that bitch. Also, don't try the whole "You need me" bullshit on me. If it came down to it, know that I can handle being on my own pretty damn well.

Anyhow, yeah I'm bitching. I just don't fucking get it sometimes. It's frustrating as hell. I seriously think I have a lot to offer someone but I think some guys have some seriously unrealistic expectations of what their mate should be. All I want is someone emotionally/financially stable who has a job, similar interests as me and treats me with respect. Really, I don't think I am asking for too much.

Edited by KatRN05
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Kudo's to Katie.

All I got to say is, in my situation, if you know I got kids from the get go and you know it's not your thing, well run. Go, GET THE FUCK OUT!!! Me and my children are not a social fucking experiment for you to "just see if you can be in a relationship with someone who is a parent. Dude, if your pushing 40ish and you have never dated a woman with a child or children and you think it is, for some strange reason "weird" to date a woman who is a parent (and or has a career, or any type of "adult" responsibility,) well I am not the one. I am 31 years old, getting out of a 7 year marriage, it is not abnormal for someone my age to be a parent, have a decent, high demand job, and other goals in progress. If it seems abnormal to you, sir, than I am worried because you will probably have to be taught a great deal about life and, well, the last time I checked I am not a teacher.

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I am and by my own choice, surprisingly enough.

I learned a lot about myself recently, I’m a good man that has been threw a lot and unfortunately that has made me quick to not trust someone the second things do not seem right to me. Than one thing leads to another and people get hurt, including myself.

I know that the first thing I need to do is fix my life before I can even worry about a relationship and I know that I will not be finished with that until sometime next year, than I will need to make a conscious effort to not mistrust the woman I am with. Perhaps a time as friends before lovers will assist me in this.

Well it’s going to be a lonely 6-9 months but hell, that’s life and I know that in the end it will be worth it.

Has anyone on the board been cheated and been through so much that they have also experienced the ability to lose trust at the drop of a hat, yet been able to find themselves in a good relationship in the end?

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Kudo's to Katie.

All I got to say is, in my situation, if you know I got kids from the get go and you know it's not your thing, well run. Go, GET THE FUCK OUT!!! Me and my children are not a social fucking experiment for you to "just see if you can be in a relationship with someone who is a parent. Dude, if your pushing 40ish and you have never dated a woman with a child or children and you think it is, for some strange reason "weird" to date a woman who is a parent (and or has a career, or any type of "adult" responsibility,) well I am not the one. I am 31 years old, getting out of a 7 year marriage, it is not abnormal for someone my age to be a parent, have a decent, high demand job, and other goals in progress. If it seems abnormal to you, sir, than I am worried because you will probably have to be taught a great deal about life and, well, the last time I checked I am not a teacher.

bravo kat well said and i agree totally with you :unworthy:

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Where do I start? Fuck it, I'm just gonna rant:

I don't think it is too much to ask that I do NOT want my feelings fucked with. Do not say things to me that you do not mean. Just don't. Don't try to change me into a person I am not. Please do not expect me to agree with every damn thing you say. I have my own opinions too and yes, while there are some bitches out there who let their man totally consume every aspect of their being, I am not that bitch. Also, don't try the whole "You need me" bullshit on me. If it came down to it, know that I can handle being on my own pretty damn well.

Anyhow, yeah I'm bitching. I just don't fucking get it sometimes. It's frustrating as hell. I seriously think I have a lot to offer someone but I think some guys have some seriously unrealistic expectations of what their mate should be. All I want is someone emotionally/financially stable who has a job, similar interests as me and treats me with respect. Really, I don't think I am asking for too much.

no i wouldn't say you are asking for too much at all i myself look for those same qualities in women but most that i have been connected too seem to be either drama queens or gold digging snobs so i agrree with your ranting completely....ohhh and by the way ceer up it's not all bad we only fall so we can learn to pick ourselves back up :cheers:

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i Dont mean to sound all mushy and junk.....but i want to fall in love. I am seeing a lot of my friends getting married and i watch them at the chupah (altar) staring into each others eyes being so in love. I want to be happy for them..... i am a guess but at the same time i wonder when it will happen for me. I want to find the one already and i am getting so impatient about it. I go on dates that lead to nothing. I fall for guys who want sex but no relationship. Why can't men be more honest with me. I want a boyfriend already.....hmmmmph I'm lonely :crybaby::cry

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ohhh and by the way cheer up it's not all bad we only fall so we can learn to pick ourselves back up :cheers:

Yeah true. I kinda want to believe that there is someone out there for everyone but I'm having a hard time believing it's true.

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Yeah true. I kinda want to believe that there is someone out there for everyone but I'm having a hard time believing it's true.

WRECKLESS ERIC - Whole Wide World Lyrics

When I was a young boy

My mama said to me

There's only one girl in the world for you

And she probably lives in Tahiti

I'd go the whole wide world

I'd go the whole wide world

Just to find her

Or maybe she's in the Bahamas

Where the Carribean sea is blue

Weeping in a tropical moonlit night

Because nobody's told her 'bout you

I'd go the whole wide world

I'd go the whole wide world

Just to find her

I'd go the whole wide world

I'd go the whole wide world

Find out where they hide her

Why am I hanging around in the rain out here

Trying to pick up a girl

Why are my eyes filling up with these lonely tears

When there're girls all over the world

Is she lying on a tropical beach somewhere

Underneath the tropical sun

Pining away in a heatwave there

Hoping that I won't be long

I should be lying on that sun-soaked beach with her

Caressing her warm brown skin

And then in a year or maybe not quite

We'll be sharing the same next of kin

I'd go the whole wide world

I'd go the whole wide world

Just to find her

I'd go the whole wide world

I'd go the whole wide world

Find out where they hide her

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F*ing whiskey! I always want hugs and cuddles when I drink that lovely amber beverage. I've been sober for a couple of hours now and still can't shake the craving for physical closeness (sex not needed). Ah, well; I'm sure I'll be back to my old self by morning.

By old self I mean not giving a shit about whether or not I find someone on every conscious level, while denying that I really would like to be with a woman who understands me and accepts me for who I am. The older I get, the less I feel like putting in the effort to find someone; the law of averages is finally starting to erode my hope. Meh. I'm ok with just me. Sure would be nice if it were otherwise, though.

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