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Who Here Is Single

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Actually you were right about "forget them."

Maybe you should get a boyfriend then.

I don't think I can just fuck and that's that. So I don't get anything. But I have good control, pretty good, over my urges, though there are women I'm attracted to.

Guys kinda have to be attracted to me, in order for me to have a genuine boyfriend lol and thus far, the friend I'm fucking seems to be the only one in existence. lol

I mean I miss it and all.. and I have my moments of "poor me" or "I'm so fucking lonely", but really... I gotta take it in stride.. because this state of being single is probably going to last for a long time.... bleh...

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Guys kinda have to be attracted to me, in order for me to have a genuine boyfriend lol and thus far, the friend I'm fucking seems to be the only one in existence. lol

I mean I miss it and all.. and I have my moments of "poor me" or "I'm so fucking lonely", but really... I gotta take it in stride.. because this state of being single is probably going to last for a long time.... bleh...

Well, you seem nice, and (I hate to say it this way) you can carry on a conversation, and a lot of people really like that.

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Well, you seem nice, and (I hate to say it this way) you can carry on a conversation, and a lot of people really like that.

aww thank you :)

The drawback, though, is that I'm a bigger girl, who has bipolar (type two), and PCOS... the PCOS keeps me from working, due to body pain.... so, in this case, a nice personality and some brains, doesn't really get me very far.


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aww thank you :)

The drawback, though, is that I'm a bigger girl, who has bipolar (type two), and PCOS... the PCOS keeps me from working, due to body pain.... so, in this case, a nice personality and some brains, doesn't really get me very far.


I don't have the same issues but I have similar ones. Part of the problem is just "getting out there" , eventually we'll find someone but, it can be an exercise in depression to keeping going out and keep watching the "popular people" get way too many opportunities while we go home alone again. Especially all the "unearned" attention and credit "omg they are so cool" the barbie / chipmunk types get for basically doing nothing other than showing up. Not that it works exactly in this manner but just to oversimplify.

Its sort of a numbers game to put it in an unromantic but REAL light. Its odd how many of us (including me) want a relationship but tend to not ask people to go out. Seeems like it would be the opposite but in practice the reality is different.

One of my many (beside the money and health problems) is I'm not real good at hints, I need someone to make it clear they are interested not just make me guess, which, seems to almost always be the case. Then there is all the opportunities for a relationship with someone your just not interested in. Loneliness does suck.

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SIMP: a guy who acts all tough like he doesn't care about his girlfriend around his friends but acts all whipped in front of his girlfriend.

Just for those who don't know.

out of curiosity, is there a point you're trying to make with all this stuff you're posting, or are you just venting, or ??. if there's a theme, maybe we can make this (the videos, etc) it's own topic? :)

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out of curiosity, is there a point you're trying to make with all this stuff you're posting, or are you just venting, or ??. if there's a theme, maybe we can make this (the videos, etc) it's own topic? :)

I came across this information and it looks like there is so much I don't know about this stuff, and I feel that these fellows sure know a lot, so I wanted to share. I don't necessarily agree with all of it. Mostly the guy is funny. I'm kinda venting too on some of it. I think the data has some connection to being single and definitely has some connection to relationships. Yes, since this is the "Who here is single" topic, I'll put future stuff over into a new topic or something. Thanks.

Edited by doggymonster
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wow! you're going to encounter some real challenges with that perspective!


To be more in depth, I think it'd be more challenging to get into a regretable relationship. Otherwise to me, the odds are all still random and the same. Judgments aside, I try to treat everyone with kindness and respect. I've never talked to a girl I was interested in and just stopped, and always told them if I wasn't. Friendships in general start dying with head-games, but this also seems like more of a male perspective.

Edited by Coffeenated
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Does authentic love even exist? I truly believe it does but damn, it is really hard to find. Everyone I have met I don't even see a remote possibility of the love factor brewing in the future, no chemicals between us, no-thing....I know it's real, DAMN IT!

Edited by kat
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Does authentic love even exist? I truly believe it does but damn, it is really hard to find. Everyone I have met I don't even see a remote possibility of the love factor brewing in the future, no chemicals between us, no-thing....I know it's real, DAMN IT!

It does exist, I believe it too. It seems rare these days, I think you understand.

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No sir I do not understand the words that are coming from your mouth. LOL.

Maybe we should talk sometime, but what I mean is a connection between each person, I mean both people can feel it, where a person can even sometimes pick up the thoughts of what the other person is thinking/feeling, the relationship is a unity of two people coming together, not two people pretending to be together but who are actually separate. That make sense?

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I'm not sure I have it right, exactly.

What do you mean by "authentic love?" I figure you mean that it's not fake; that people actually mean it, not pretending.

In order for me to pretend I loved someone I would have had to have a serious developement issue occur as a child that caused a screw or two in my head to loosen.

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In order for me to pretend I loved someone I would have had to have a serious developement issue occur as a child that caused a screw or two in my head to loosen.

Yeah it would be kind of sick wouldn't it to voluntarily pretend to love someone to f with their head. Good that them screws in your head aren't loose. :) Why don't you just call me, I'm getting tired and it would nice to talk some on the phone.

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I'm beginning to think that I have a magical vagina. Fuck me and you'll find your soul mate, soon after the sexual relationship is over... Because that seems to be what happens...


Awwwwww, that's sad! That's very sad. I hope people are not mean to you...........

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Awwwwww, that's sad! That's very sad. I hope people are not mean to you...........

no, but the most recent guy had the gaul to tell me that I was so amazing and unlike any woman he'd ever been with (and with ever little bit he revealed about his ex's I tend to agree with him lol), but then he made some friends in the area he moved to, and suddenly, some girl, who's 4 years younger than I am, becomes him best friend and they get "closer than [they] should have" and suddenly, he is confused about his feelings... blah blah blah....

Gotta love an emotional affair. They might not have been fucking, but they were falling in love, way before he bothered to break up with me.... Even though I was just SO amazing.

I'm so sick of this bullshit

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In order for me to pretend I loved someone I would have had to have a serious developement issue occur as a child that caused a screw or two in my head to loosen.

Just to be very clear, I'm not getting tired of writing to you, I'm just sleepy and would like to talk some before I go to sleep.

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