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I've been single for a long time, on top of living in what one of my friends has referred to as 'Egypt'. There have been times when I've been alone and pretty happy, pretty much because of meditation. But lately the heat, being near broke, and the isolating rural emptiness in all directions is getting to me. I probably need to listen to more Fair Ohs to elevate my mood.

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I am, Below my pic on my profiles "About me" is what I'm looking for. All I ask is for you to be 20-24 ;)

If all we wanted was a certain age range we would have an endless supply of perfect GFs, so far, their age has been... er... useless in figuring out if hey are going to be "good" or not, lets call it. I've ended up with so many crap GFs who's nonsense I ignored , due to them fitting certain surface characteristics that I wanted. Eventually its just not any good. Be careful please.

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For hells sake I just want a Deathrocker, Deathhawk and all the sexy Winklpickers!!!! None around here though wallbash.gif

That was my system of picking GFs in the past (back before dinosaurs hah), that is, surface details, usually pretty easy to find, or they fairly easily just dress (somewhat) differently after you introduce them to something new.

Everything is great till the "cool/sexy/cute" thing wears off (might be a few weeks , might take a few years) and I realized there wasn't much behind the eyes that was worth sticking around for. Could get lucky though, never know. Just after like er... 6-7 failed "superficial" (punk/goth) GFs with no real concern for the , actually important part (the personality) just as long as they seemed "nice", i started noticing a pattern, wasted like a decade on that, ugh, wish I had that time back. I heard this sort of talk for years before I realized it was actually accurate (or let myself believe it was accurate probably a better way of putting it).

Although deathrock/winklepickers is an oldschool thing (with a mild hipster resurgence), might make it a little harder to find youngins like that, although also easier to talk the cute yougins into wearing whatever, and introducing them to new music, since usually its not all that important to them one way or the other till they get more set in their personalities.

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Everything is great till the "cool/sexy/cute" thing wears off (might be a few weeks , might take a few years) and I realized there wasn't much behind the eyes that was worth sticking around for.

Truth. Its way better to care about how someone treats themselves and others than whether they're part of a culture or not. But the cat has been biting me for years so I guess anything covered in fur that didn't come from DeviantArt can be an exception.

Edited by Coffeenated
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I know a lot of goths out west that have all the Deathrocker idea. Sadly they're not around here ;-; I hate it, I just want a relationship like Morticia and her husband, with a guy who knows how to rock life (And nights as well hehehehehe). But If I could find a guy with long black hair too, that would be an instant win. Sometimes I wish I was a guy so I could give girls like me a chance with this heart throb I speak of.

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If all we wanted was a certain age range we would have an endless supply of perfect GFs, so far, their age has been... er... useless in figuring out if hey are going to be "good" or not, lets call it. I've ended up with so many crap GFs who's nonsense I ignored , due to them fitting certain surface characteristics that I wanted. Eventually its just not any good. Be careful please.

I find age useless for finding a partner in all regards. I have a general rule of nobody under 25 for anything long term and nobody under 20 for casual play, however often meet people that just does not work for. It seems more general than decisive.

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I've decided I'm just going to be single for a while. Coming out of a 3 year relationship has made me want to just... "play", if you catch my drift. I think I'll just focus on my work and my gaming. Though, if some lady came around and beat my ass at Marvel Vs Capcom 3,I'd probably fall in love right there! Considering it's no small feat to take me down as Amaterasu!

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Correction: if I get my ass kicked in MvsC3 by a lady that didn't use the strategy of spamming Hulk's "Gamma Tsunami" for the entire match. That's just noob-idity.

What if I beat you at SF4 with T Hawk instead? Or Third Strike or ST? I sadly have not had access to a console enough to really learn MVC3 very well :( Which makes me sad, my Shuma needs to eat people!

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Im just looking for a nice girl who knows what they want but nothing complicated just laid back but like's to get out. I couldent really say much. Im just tiered of being used and getting my heart broken.

Its frustrating. Even if not, just the exhausting "process" of starting something and then having it not work out for whatever reason, even if its an "ok break up" (most of mine have been) except a few, and the heartbreaking one are horrible, that's for sure.

Sort of a war of attrition, you just keep at at it and hopefully you find something good.

The problem is we assume there are all these epic relationships out there, but there aren't. 20 year marriages end. The rare couple stays together forever, they do exist, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

I think we make ourselves (I know I do) more unhappy by "expecting" too much. (even though it SEEMS like our expectations aren't all that high).

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I know a lot of goths out west that have all the Deathrocker idea. Sadly they're not around here ;-; I hate it, I just want a relationship like Morticia and her husband, with a guy who knows how to rock life (And nights as well hehehehehe). But If I could find a guy with long black hair too, that would be an instant win. Sometimes I wish I was a guy so I could give girls like me a chance with this heart throb I speak of.

There are probably a lot of theoretical people that we want, but geography and living arrangement's (read: $$$) that get in the way, and thats a HUGE issue, unfortunately. Right now there's one in Germany that if she didn't live in dang Germany, we probably would give it a go, but she does so thats out. Theres another one in Texas.. pfft not moving to texas... just to have something "maybe" work out.

You don't wanna be guy, heh. The pickings are even slimmer on this end. The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill though, I'm always saying I wish I was either gay or a female , would be so much easier (at least given what I'm looking for) your criteria might not work out as you ARE in that situation. Hrmm. Wish I had a magic wand and could just wave it and fix things for everyone. *waves imaginary wand* grrr doesnt seem to be working. :sorcerer: Ill keep tryin though.

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