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Who Here Is Single

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WOW...I'm the total opposite of these "women"...no wonder I'm still single...think I'd better go meditate on that one...at least my aura is still orange currently... :biggrin:

I don't personally believe in auras. But I only say "women" instead of "people" because that's who I'm attracted to, so if I was writing a post like this in another thread I would make sure to be gender neutral in analyzing materialism and distraction.

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I don't personally believe in auras. But I only say "women" instead of "people" because that's who I'm attracted to, so if I was writing a post like this in another thread I would make sure to be gender neutral in analyzing materialism and distraction.

In my narrow quest of limited resources to understand the human element, I peruse various statements to have a clearer view of how others view social interaction of relationships regardless of sexual orientation. More often than not, people who are now single were once in a relationship. Sadly, I am no such individual. When causally confronted by a member of the opposite sex, they were too busy asking,"where's the pretty one?", for me to take the idea of a relationship seriously. And when I did get serious about it, I tried the online dating thing...which if you were not a bed hoping bunny...ended with much the same result as not finding "the pretty one". So I pick other people's brains who have, in a sense, "been there, done that"...most times, you just have a more in-dept view on certain subjects that spark my "Scooby Doo" response... :blushing:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not single but let me tell you this, it's not greener on the other side. The same if not more "struggle" you will have on this side as much as you would on the "single" spectrum. It's made up of a whole bunch of "work" and a constant flux of "feelings". But you ask me if I am happy and I will tell you that I refuse to link my source of happiness to a human being or a thing. My happiness is my responsibility.

Intention is one part and love and attraction is another. Not pretty, nor money. Not expectations of your selfish needs. Not just "be". No. It's not a thing where you can put in words. It just is. Some are ok being alone. They are ok having multiple partners. Some are great doing the bi thing. Co-joining with other partners in the dark night of awe and love. SOme are lone wolves. THey are the leaders of their heart, letting them lead wherever it needs to go. Others like my mundane self are strictly monogomous and super duper uber jealous but not like the others. I am sure anyone who finds themselves finds that they are none like others.

It just depends on what vibrations you send out. A one night stand, you got it. A lifetime partner you got it. A crush? An obsession, yea.. you fucking got it.

Are you looking through hurt glasses? You know, the ones where past loves engraved on your fragile heart? Then all you will see is her or him in everyone.

Is my life perfect, heck fuckidy no. Does it need work, fuck yea. Is it worth it? Well, out of all things that will hurt me, I will let this one get away.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I think I am finally coming to terms with things...I am just too old fashioned, too old, and too set in my ways to find anyone willing to put up with my nature. Maybe it is a good thing I was so overlooked early on because I have no true emotion of loss to emote about with regards to being single. :confused:

I have just always lived my life by the sayings: everything happens for a reason and all is as it should be and above all things, to thine own self be true...

...but that doesn't stop me from having crushes :evil:

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I haven't really tried that hard when I'm around girls in college that I find attractive. I feel like my life should be different and because of that there's no point.

In my narrow quest of limited resources to understand the human element, I peruse various statements to have a clearer view of how others view social interaction of relationships regardless of sexual orientation. More often than not, people who are now single were once in a relationship. Sadly, I am no such individual. When causally confronted by a member of the opposite sex, they were too busy asking,"where's the pretty one?", for me to take the idea of a relationship seriously. And when I did get serious about it, I tried the online dating thing...which if you were not a bed hoping bunny...ended with much the same result as not finding "the pretty one". So I pick other people's brains who have, in a sense, "been there, done that"...most times, you just have a more in-dept view on certain subjects that spark my "Scooby Doo" response... :blushing:

I actually don't have that much relationship experience at all. My introverted tendencies and bad relationship experiences just push me further towards introverted activities like writing and meditation.

Many of the best writers were f***ed up introverts so I never feel that I'm not on the right path, just that if I was drinking alone on a weekly basis without it turning into alcoholism or laziness, I'd be getting more Fiction written. :coffee:

Edited by Class-Punk
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Trust me, you single people are lucky! I have been married now for some years and though I do love my husband dearly, sometimes I miss that exciting rush of just...kissing..someone..That feeling of 'omg...he is an amazing kisser and I want.." you know? So many kisses to you singles...please kiss often...xoxo

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Trust me, you single people are lucky! I have been married now for some years and though I do love my husband dearly, sometimes I miss that exciting rush of just...kissing..someone..That feeling of 'omg...he is an amazing kisser and I want.." you know? So many kisses to you singles...please kiss often...xoxo

Agreed, I do at times miss the random make out sessions at City Club with a stranger.

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We should start a "Lonely Hearts Hangout Night" or get together or the likes so we can all get the chance to meet up with each other. With so many people with so much in common, it should follow that some sort of connections would be made...

...just a thought... :biggrin:

(as some know, I'm not adverse to traveling to hang out)

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Obviously this can be either gender, but I believe if a guy gets with someone they find very

attractive and wants a long term relationship, and she has dehumanized other men, then he's

just losing his happiness in slow motion. The negativity of anyone who doesn't work on how

they see and treat everyone will eventually reach the people they love. And the uglier they

are on the inside, the worse it will be.

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I've been doing some serious thinking this week, and I am writing an essay on the topic of my thought, which came out of reading this article; which is anti-fantasy, not necessarily anti-monogamy.

I've come to realize a lot of the potential relationships I could've had in the past with women who live near me, I destroyed, because I was brainwashed to believe that friendship and physical attraction was not enough, and that I was supposed to fall in love. But there is more liberation than regret for anyone who chooses to take on the worldview.

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I have recently discovered I have a personality disorder, and it has put many things in life into perspective.

As such, the way I have been as of the last few years, and how I will be for the forseeable future, I am and will remain permanently single, and that's ok.

The peace and quiet and the flexibility to allow myself to live my life on my terms, and my being such a control freak over everything else dictate this.

That and I am pretty broke anyway, and can barely take care of myself, never mind a partner.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have so many goals at this point in my life that shine so much more than the attention or acceptance of some woman. In the context of dating I see the majority of women for what they are, boring, selfish, and shallow; and seeing me primarily as a utility and never a human being. A life filled mostly with vanity is empty and boring, fitting for people who are the same. Not caring about the unstable validation from some female who would inevitably make me feel like shit, I have the energy to devote to my art; and unlike the majority of art, I will keep most of mine dead to romance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I eventually am planning to get a "MGTOW" or "MGHOW" tattoo. I think a lot of this complex movement gets a bad rap simply because its strange to consider that men have the ability to suffer as much as women, or that they are human beings, only made unequal to women, because of a massive pandering on the part of men to women at the cost of their own self worth. I personally don't hate women and judge everyone individually. But ironically the men who come across hating women the most that I've seen have been totally screwed over by them often to a point of suicidal ideation, and it could easily go the same with the genders reversed.

There's a lot of people in society who don't like a male defining their own masculinity. But when you say things like "man up", or 'be this kind of man', or ignore a person's interests and beeline to what they do for living as an entire definition of the worth of that human being (something done to me repeatedly by my own family)-- that's a behavioral culture that deserves a hard backlash. Its the kind of thing that causes suicides because its shaming without any kind of core ethical purpose. So it is fortunate that the backlash against this kind of shaming has already started.

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I'm single......but that's pretty much the norm for me. I really wanted to one day get married again but it's not in the cards for me, I suppose. I will just probably end up supporting my mother for the rest of my life...I probably won't even own a sex toy because I would feel guilt having one in the house with her............fuck me.

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