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Who Here Is Single

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Blah I miss being in a relationship. I know being single has advantages but I haven't seen any them yet. I would rather be able to hear somebody tell me they love me then be able to do whatever I want whenever I want. I would prefer to take somebody out for a night of fun and romance rather then worry about saving money. I know that I'm not in the best position in my life and that there are things I need to work on but its always better when somebody is there for you in every way. You hear alot of people say that they don't have time to worry about being in a relationship but I don't view a relationship as something that people should be worried about when they are in one. Since I've been single I have done more to make progress in my life. But it was myself and not the relationship I was in that prevented me from doing it beforehand. And whatever progress that I do make just doesn't seem to matter to me as much any more if I don't have someone to share it with.

Happiness is ony real when shared...( I forget what move that's from)

Tonight I agree with you... tomorrow may be different.

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I agree...a million percent.

Right now i'm changing more things to be happier with myself, i'm doing better in school, i've decided what direction i want to take my life in, i'm trying to find better friends, i'm trying to have a better relationship with my mother...but every move i make forward feels utterly worthless...like there is little to no reason to want to succeed at all that crap. With no one to be with...to be happy with...the more things i get the more alone I am.

of course there are always exceptions such as the self improvement that is something I needed anyway, but wanting to go and make something of my life as my family says, to me, what makes me happy is to have a family one day and be loved by someone who loves me for who I am...

its hard to hold onto with our society though.

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Blah I miss being in a relationship. I know being single has advantages but I haven't seen any of them yet. I would rather be able to hear somebody tell me they love me then be able to do whatever I want whenever I want. I would prefer to take somebody out for a night of fun and romance rather then worry about saving money. I know that I'm not in the best position in my life and that there are things I need to work on but its always better when somebody is there for you in every way. You hear alot of people say that they don't have time to worry about being in a relationship but I don't view a relationship as something that people should be worried about when they are in one. Since I've been single I have done more to make progress in my life. But it was myself and not the relationship I was in that prevented me from doing it beforehand. And whatever progress that I do make just doesn't seem to matter to me as much any more if I don't have someone to share it with.

Well said, I feel the same way. It's been over a year since I was in a relationship and even though I've bettered myself I miss being able to make someone happy.

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Happiness is ony real when shared...( I forget what move that's from)

Tonight I agree with you... tomorrow may be different.

Into the wild

The saddest movie/book ever

And I totally agree with that. I miss being in a relationship, though the single life is fun. I need more than that, and it's not going to happen anytime soon.

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I must have done something wrong, somewhere along the way bc i've only ever had one truly serious relationship and it was only a year and a half...i've dated plenty of screwball assholes before and after him...and i've been single for the past year and a half almost. As emo as this sounds, it's slowly killing me inside, especially since i've been single since i was 3 months pregnant with my daughter...booooo, but i have been coping thus far...and i have a pact with my best friend that if neither of us is in a serious relationship or married by the time he turns 25, we're getting married, lol...and we're both single right now, so, technically, i'm engaged :rofl:

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Into the wild

The saddest movie/book ever

And I totally agree with that. I miss being in a relationship, though the single life is fun. I need more than that, and it's not going to happen anytime soon.

I remembered the next day at work...doh!

And, yes. I feel the pain of missing someone to miss, and not having time anytime soon to remedy that. Hooray for more hours at work...? At least I'll have money to do it right when I get the time... Until then, I'll be looking for a someone of the oppsoite sex to cuddle with during movies. Fewer std's that way! And movies aren't relegated to the late night like club events. I wish I didn't have to wake up at 5am.

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Even though it's mostly nice not having someone else's emotions and feelings to take into consideration when making personal choices, I find myself very lonely and lost from time to time. The functionality of my life is marred, without having someone to make everything worthwhile.

Most men are too jealous and possessive to handle a relationship with someone in my sort of career. They think I am incapable of being true-- that I will run off with the first "better" prospect. I was proposed to by two millionaires while I was in my last relationship, and you don't see me living in an ivory tower. If that fact doesn't prove my constancy, I don't know what else would. I will always choose the poor man's roses over being bought.

I have had many men interested in me lately, but most of them have NO idea what they would be getting themselves into. I'm so afraid of hurting someone again, with my unusual lifestyle and habits, that I choose VERY carefully, now. My ideal partner would be someone who can actually HANDLE all of my ugly truths, bear them stoically, and without fear of ever losing me. Is there actually such a man? I NEED him in my life.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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I remembered the next day at work...doh!

And, yes. I feel the pain of missing someone to miss, and not having time anytime soon to remedy that. Hooray for more hours at work...? At least I'll have money to do it right when I get the time... Until then, I'll be looking for a someone of the oppsoite sex to cuddle with during movies. Fewer std's that way! And movies aren't relegated to the late night like club events. I wish I didn't have to wake up at 5am.

Cuddling is the best thing ever! I used to have "cuddle buddies," but my ex abolished that one. He was a very jealous boy.

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I kind of know what it's like to cuddle someone...sort of...but have never had any relationships...ever...

And unfortunatly even being single sucks for me...no one ever hits on me...and I barley ever experiance the nice little touching from being flirted with...it's only happened like a whopping once XD lol

So yeah...i'm kinda pissed off thinking about it. To be honest it makes me feel like shit to be this way...

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I kind of know what it's like to cuddle someone...sort of...but have never had any relationships...ever...

And unfortunatly even being single sucks for me...no one ever hits on me...and I barley ever experiance the nice little touching from being flirted with...it's only happened like a whopping once XD lol

So yeah...i'm kinda pissed off thinking about it. To be honest it makes me feel like shit to be this way...

OMG cuddling is the best thing on earth!!! I'm not bi or even pretend I'm anything near bi, but I've also had cuddle sessions with some of my girlfriends when we've had some particular hard times.. *sighs*

Cuddles ROCK!!!!

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Guest greyhalo

I am newly single again--after not being single for some time. I was in a 3+ year relationship. Before that, I was with someone else for a few months. So, it's kind of nice to have some "me time" now.

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(off topic) is it me or dgn is taking over royal oak.... it must be misskittys good dgn deeds

eh the cuddling thing is always nice.

im not sure if im ready to date. i almost feel like i must live to the incressing standard of living to feel good about myself. if i have a car/shelter of my own type of thing. at least a car, cause with society as oil dependant as it is. it complicates things when you cant get around without looking like a bum

Edited by SaGa
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I wish more people could EMBRACE being single... I won't even get involved with people unless I'd be willing to marry them, or something to that kind of extremity.

I thus am extremely sexually frustrated, and when I do get involved I have months and months of desire under my belt. It makes things very, very passionate.

For guys it unfortunately can't work that way....

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I am single && fucking happy about it.

Got out of a short bullshit relationship that meant nothing & I am so fuckin

Happy its over.

Because I would rather be alone and happy then be with someone just for the sake

Of being with someone. "Im lonely." Bullshit. Most people dont really know what 'Lonely' is-

And I agree with a statement a few pages back- "Lonely is a state of mind."

And its soooo true, because it is.

If you get yourself down about thinking about the past, your going to make yourself

Feel alone & lonely. But if you focus on the good things and leave relationships in the dust for awhile

when you in one, you won't no the difference between being with someone or being alone.

Well, thats how it is for me.


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I wish more people could EMBRACE being single... I won't even get involved with people unless I'd be willing to marry them, or something to that kind of extremity.

I thus am extremely sexually frustrated, and when I do get involved I have months and months of desire under my belt. It makes things very, very passionate.

For guys it unfortunately can't work that way....

What can't work for guys "that way"? The part about only getting involved when you know it will be emotionally significant?

I get your statement though. I've gone out with people and other similar situations, but I've found it very difficult to get emotionally attached because no one (No one that's available, anyways) is pushing all the right buttons for me to consider a long term relationship. So even though I'm a huge flirt, it rarely goes anywhere, because I want to feel like there's at least the potential for something serious. It hasn't helped that there's this three month trip to Japan looming. No point getting interested in someone and then being unable to see them. Long distance relationships have left a bad taste in my mouth. Never again.

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Not single. But was. Found out something about myself. not a good idea for me to not have a FWB when looking. Everybody starts looking good. Find too many wtfwIt? type people that way. The best opportunities do seem to come along when NOT looking. Truism had some validity to it in my case.

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