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Ok I know I'm off topic, but Shade where is there a place to practice Kendo near Detroit?

I don't know much about it, myself, since (due to my schedule) I have to go to MSU on the weekend to practice, but I understand that the Detroit kendo dojo meets in Northville, and once a week in Birmingham. There's also a kendo kai at the University of Michigan, and I think one at Eastern, but I'm pretty sure that last is for more advanced students only, and I'm really still just a beginner.

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... Really so you're telling use you've never ever complained about being single? 'cause I'm sure I've heard you say otherwise, in the last month...

I have, and I wouldn't have even come back if it hadn't been for Troy. I'll be honest, my ex posts here and I avoided this site for over a year- it hurt too much. I put too much of my heart and soul into my relationship with him, so when you see me get bitchy it's because some string of my frozen dead heart got loose. Randomly I become sorely tempted to just ask Troy to delete my account altogether.

I rather feel like Creatureofthenyte in this regard. But,

I see myself being single forever; and I'm not sad about it.

The last relationship I was involved in, took a very heavy toll on me emotionally, I never really dealt with it as far as closure goes.

I just blocked it out, concentrated on my career, and moved on with my life.

Whenever I think about the idea of being involved with someone new, all of that "stuff" I went through/felt, just snaps right back to the front of my mind, dashing any interest I may have had.

So, now I just go with the notion that, yeah I may be missing out on a lot of great experiences, but I am also not having to deal with any grief or bullshit. I suppose that could be looked at as cowardly, but I don't give a fuck.

Being single seems to be in my best interest at this point in my life.

I didn't originally intend to share these thoughts with the whole world just now, they just fell out on to this page...

One of the things that lead me to the concept that I will probably never date again happens to be that I believe it isn't fair to start any relationship unless I am completely over all previous relationships. I don't think it's fair to get into anything without giving the new person a clean slate. Never would I hold a past relationship against someone I'm currently with. Due to that mentality, I don't think I'll ever date again... I just can't.

That isn't to say I'm not happier single. I'm loosing weight slowly without really trying, because I'm happier in a sense. I'm not being put through a form of living hell by anyone, though I've cut so many people out of my life that should be an easy one. It's peaceful. Loneliness sneaks in from time to time, and I can feel completely alone in a room full of friends, but with a good book to distract me... the loneliness goes away for quite a while.

So, I battle my own demons, yes, I might complain, but overall I'm better off.

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My last ex scarred me for life. I have full custody of both my boys, I sooo dont need someone in my life right now. I need to focus on them first and maybe after my youngest turns 1 and I've been single for a year. I might possibly start to look for someone. I havent been single in five years. I dunno how I am going to adjust to this but I will... hopefully

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I'm single and I hate it. It's not that I need someone to complete me, I want someone to share things with. Hobbies, bonfires, just someone to encourage me when I do good. Encourage me to stay with my hobbies, to learn more. Yeah, one could say you can do that for yourself but it's not the same.

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... It's not that I need someone to complete me, I want someone to share things with. Hobbies, bonfires, just someone to encourage me when I do good. Encourage me to stay with my hobbies, to learn more. Yeah, one could say you can do that for yourself but it's not the same.

That, dear sir, hits the nail on the head.

As someone who has had to drive himself alone against the desires of his family to get where he is (yes, ridiculed and mocked by family for wanting to be a doctor, to be greeted by disbelief by almost all of them when I made it,) a word of positivity from someone dear can give the extra boost to accomplish the next hurdle. I can say that the sweet taste of victory with no one to share it with is blunted by the ashes of solitude.

I would add for completion that I would want to be able to do the same for her as well. I don't want someone who puts me solely in the center of their universe, whose life depends on my whims. That type of dependence is one of the absolute deal-killers. There is a difference between sharing a mutual universe with each other and being the universe to someone who wants to cling to you.

Marc, about that committee...when will it convene?

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That, dear sir, hits the nail on the head.

As someone who has had to drive himself alone against the desires of his family to get where he is (yes, ridiculed and mocked by family for wanting to be a doctor, to be greeted by disbelief by almost all of them when I made it,) a word of positivity from someone dear can give the extra boost to accomplish the next hurdle. I can say that the sweet taste of victory with no one to share it with is blunted by the ashes of solitude.

I would add for completion that I would want to be able to do the same for her as well. I don't want someone who puts me solely in the center of their universe, whose life depends on my whims. That type of dependence is one of the absolute deal-killers. There is a difference between sharing a mutual universe with each other and being the universe to someone who wants to cling to you.

Marc, about that committee...when will it convene?

Whenever you have a candidate for us to evaluate for suitability. :evil:

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Being single isn't so bad if you can get laid with people you like on a semi-regular basis.

I agree, i dont mind being single but I need to get laid on a reg. basis... but is suprisingly hard to find a guy im attracted too whos attracted to me who dont get freaked out being a FWB...... Argggg

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I'm still single officially and have been enjoying it. Between being on the road all week and working on things in the house and going to events, I haven't had a lot of time. Been kind of working on someone on the side but we'll see what happens with that over time.

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