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..........these days thats for sure.

I just found a local group of people that honestly think they are lycan.


Now I have known a few of these peeps for years.....normal on the outside, nutty on the inside like a fricken candy bar.

Good job maybe, married.....otherwise stable.

Home owners....respectable citizens for the most part....quirky thats for sure, maybe a bit of unethical practices here and there...nothing major. But this. This takes the cake.

Thing is, one or two nuts in a bunch? I expect. But a WHOLE group of people having and sharing in the same delusion?



And no none of them have been introduced to the board...I am careful who I bring here now.

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That's not crazy at ALL! I personally, am the Loch Ness Monster, but I try to keep it from my friends because it makes them feel a little uncomfortable. It explains my height, diet, swimming abilities, and excessive need to borrow tree-fiddy (three dollars and fifty cents).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok that did it. I mean it this time. I am NEVER seeking to join a coven again...I am HAPPY being solitaire eclectic and getting together once in a while with just a few like me. Hell I am sooo embarressed I don't know that I want to be grouped in with this crowd and may just keep it private like I used to.

Beltane is supposed to be about spring, and new life......new love......

Two couples got into a fight.......

Then I hear this other rather popular new coven......is run by a high priestess that thinks.......get this people.....

The Royal Family (brits) consists of aliens that come to earth and live as mole people at first.....


This is someone people look up to and follow? How much of her knowledge does she actually experience or did she just get it out of a book cause I tells ya what........SHE IS FUCKING BONKERS!!!

This and the werewolf coven.........a whole group of people sharing in the same delusion? Well, Christianity is sorta like that....sorry but I don think Jesus is gonna come save your slimmy asses anytime soon or in the future and I don't think graves will open up ect........ect.....

Oh and as far as mainstream christians go........my baptist buddy in the ghetto still hasn't paid his property taxes because he is SURE the messaiah is coming before he will need to.

All I know is, he ain't movin in here!!!

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Guest GodfallenPromos

and how may I ask does them believing they are lycans make them crazy??

thats like someone telling you your crazy for your beliefs....you would ignore them or defend your right to your belief, would you not?

I mean...if we're gonna start telling ppl their nutjobs for their beliefs...then start with me...because the FACTS in my life should dictate me being a nutjob

1. I am physically descended from the real life Vlad the Impaler, through his second wife. my family tree is littered with cases of mental illness that I believe stems from his gene pool.

2. I fully believe that I am on my SECOND high level daemon possession...and am fully bonded with it.

3. I am a master of curses involving someones blood, in one form or another. I have studied both Vodou (the true Haitian verson) and Daemonology.

4. I was born under the sign of the dog in eastern Zodiac, my initials are D.O.G.S.....and yes...I have been known to whimper and bark in my sleep...it's been recorded.

5. I have severe prophetic dreams....and they have always come true...from either car accidents involving the exact type of car and conditions in my dreams, to the death of a person close to me.

so yes...I just admitted that I am an Abomination, Daemon possessed master of curses with the power of prophetic dreams....the problem isn't what you believe, or what I believe....the problem is...can you disprove any of it? And then, who are you to disprove any of it?

Do, and think, what you will.....but please remember that, sometimes....no matter how crazy it seems....the truth doesn't always come out logically...and some things are just what they are....they can't be explained.

The group of ppl believe they are lycans may be nuts to you....but their family to me....because sometimes, it's just better to embrace the inner animal.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Hey I am all for totems and bonding with your inner beast but thinking you are one......uh look in a mirror.

So, your possessed....and a werewolf decended from vampires?


lol.....thats actually very close to the same writing I am using for my "spellsleeve" tattoo...lol

and if it works for them...and it's what brings them inner resolvement....as long as their not running around, violently attacking random ppl in hopes to turn them into the same thing....then whats the harm?

and when I look in the mirror...I see everything that I am...I don't see what everyone else sees....I see whats in my minds eye...because I always stare myself in the eyes.

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1. I am physically descended from the real life Vlad the Impaler, through his second wife. my family tree is littered with cases of mental illness that I believe stems from his gene pool.

2. I fully believe that I am on my SECOND high level daemon possession...and am fully bonded with it.

3. I am a master of curses involving someones blood, in one form or another. I have studied both Vodou (the true Haitian verson) and Daemonology.

4. I was born under the sign of the dog in eastern Zodiac, my initials are D.O.G.S.....and yes...I have been known to whimper and bark in my sleep...it's been recorded.

5. I have severe prophetic dreams....and they have always come true...from either car accidents involving the exact type of car and conditions in my dreams, to the death of a person close to me.

1. I can 'FIX' that Deamon problem for you...

and how may I ask does them believing they are lycans make them crazy??

thats like someone telling you your crazy for your beliefs....you would ignore them or defend your right to your belief, would you not?

I mean...if we're gonna start telling ppl their nutjobs for their beliefs...then start with me...because the FACTS in my life should dictate me being a nutjob

The group of ppl believe they are lycans may be nuts to you....but their family to me....because sometimes, it's just better to embrace the inner animal.

2. You are so right friend/cousin...

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I would love to see an Exorcism and invite the ghost busters and record it for youtube maybe....

what is the going rate for that sort of thing anyway

I hear its a couple hundered bucks

I am only allowed to accept gifts...not 'coin of man' (it's not real)...& cameras don't work on the Astral...

(maybe I'm being too serious...)

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While I do have a couple of legitimate mental illnesses, I am glad to hear my problems are so small after reading this thread.

I was thinking of starting a Borderline Personality Disorder public awareness campaign. We would all wear pins that say, "Ask me why I hate your guts. I can't tell you because I need you!"

That would get some WTFs. I am waving hello to all my BPD friends out there. You understand my pain. It's hard to be crazy but not psychotic. I have no relief when i want to stab people in the face. I can't go Lycan and tear people to shreds....



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Thats the way magical healers are suppose to be I think. I know two people who charge cash and I think thats wrong......trade or gifts only....you know? Otherwise your taking advantage of the mentally unstable and/or spiritually unaware..... At least in my view. If they got something out of it fine, let them take you to dinner.

If god gave you a healing gift.....it is to be GIVEN FREELY non of us is above physical labor we all have to pitch in and actually work me thinks...and everyone can be their own shaman with proper training. Teach them to help themselves.

I am only allowed to accept gifts...not 'coin of man' (it's not real)...& cameras don't work on the Astral...

(maybe I'm being too serious...)

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