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In reading various posts, I became curious as to what people think about drama. I'm also curious to know if a discussion about drama will lead to more drama.

Why do you think drama occurs?

What does drama mean to you and how does it affect you personally?

What is the cure for drama? Is there a cure for drama?

Drama: Love it, or hate it?

Are you the target of drama, or do you start drama?

*Drama can be anywhere - I'm not talking about just on the board. Talk about any and all drama that occurs.

In discussing these issues, don't be an asshole: Don't point out people specifically, don't use this thread to start drama, or to further other existing drama...follow the DGN rules, and so on.

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I think drama occurs because we all have wildly different perceptions on things. If I say something and you take offense, drama, even if I never intended to offend you.

Of course, sometimes I may very well intend to offend, and this will create more drama. Drama is another word for unwanted conflict that affects you negatively.

I dislike drama, it's emotionally exhausting and a waste of time. I'm all for understanding, tolerance and acceptance, and I consider it a personal triumph when I am able to extinguish drama instead of fan the flames, which I'm not always capable of doing.

As long as people's perceptions remain different, drama/conflict will occur. It's a part of life.

I'm rarely the target of drama, nearly always the cause or a participant. Though not so much anymore, and when pointed out to me, I'm usually quick to end it if I can.

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I think we have to define what we mean by drama in this context

I guess something lose would be "irrationally heated or rude interaction" The closest dictionary definition would be something like "a state, situation, or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces " But this isn't usually whats meant by "personal drama", personal drama tends to mean something more reactionary and irrational.

Drama of this sort occurs when people lose their ability to remain civil and rational. It sucks.

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Discriminating/judging someone because of their age and/or status is one way drama can occur,I have had it done to me on here before,awhile back.some ppl never grew up,IMO.

I do whatever I can to avoid drama,if I am in a shitty mood,I will be antisocial then,so I won't snap on someone, in other words,be in stealth mode.

Drama can occur anywhere,even at work&home

Another way drama can start is when ppl start dwelling on someone's mistakes about them awhile back,or dwelling on only their bad points and purposely ignoring their good side,IMO there is not one person one here,or anywhere that does not have a few bad points,we all have them.

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I will admit that when I was younger (as in teenager/very young adult years) I was a bit of a drama princess. If I had a scratch, I wore the biggest bandage I could find, and told everyone who would listen how much it hurt. If they got my order wrong in a restaurant, I threw a fit about it, etc. I wasn't a relentless attention whore but I had my moments. I was immature. It got old and exhausting, and the older I got, the sillier those things seemed and the more I pulled away from them until they finally started to really annoy me.

I don't think drama-starting is directly proportional to age, but it does seem to be strongly correlated with immaturity, and egocentricity. I do not believe drama is an accident. There are certain people who enjoy starting drama, and do so quite purposefully. It may or may not be a conscious decision on their part. Some make an effort to start problems, while others are just so desperate for the attention that they don't mind that it comes in the wake of drama and alienates people from them.

I hate drama now. It's such a waste of time. When I was younger, I had more time to waste, but now, if you want drama go find someone else. I don't want to listen to you.

As far as differing opinions, I'm really at a loss to understand why that has to cause drama. I don't have to agree with someone to respect their opinion. I know what I believe, and I know that, just because I don't get the last word in, it doesn't mean that the other person has converted me to their way of thinking. It just means that I don't have to get the last word. I don't care if you believe what I do, as long as you are courteous to me, and I don't have to agree with you to like you.

I completely support your right to be wrong. =P (joking, if anyone couldn't tell)

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I know many people who thrive on drama. My definition of drama is this; instigating a confrontation with another individual or individuals with absolutely no basis for this behavior aside from wanting to vent. Most of this drama that I see happens between highly co-dependent individuals. I personally do not enjoy drama. If I feel that someone is being purposely hurtful to me, I will speak up and get to the bottom of the situation. I like a smooth existence with no bullshit. If you have an issue with me, let's work it out or let's at least agree to disagree and move on from it. It is my belief many people need dramatical antics to feel alive and it is unacceptable in my opinion.

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In reading various posts, I became curious as to what people think about drama. I'm also curious to know if a discussion about drama will lead to more drama.

Why do you think drama occurs?

What does drama mean to you and how does it affect you personally?

What is the cure for drama? Is there a cure for drama?

Drama: Love it, or hate it?

Are you the target of drama, or do you start drama?

*Drama can be anywhere - I'm not talking about just on the board. Talk about any and all drama that occurs.

In discussing these issues, don't be an asshole: Don't point out people specifically, don't use this thread to start drama, or to further other existing drama...follow the DGN rules, and so on.

I think that drama occurs because two or more people have differing viewpoints and one or more of the people are too immature to talk about it like adults and a big blown-out fight occurs. They aren't able to talk calmly or rationally about it.

Drama for me equals dumb. There really is no logical reason for it, at least in my eyes. Drama affects me personally on an emotional level. I am a very emotional person and I will be the first one to admit it. If someone is yelling and arguing, all I know how to do is break down. It takes a lot for me to yell at someone.

I don't think that there is a cure for drama. I think that it will always exist. There will always be people that will hash things out inappropriately and people that have bad tempers or people that talk behind people's backs or people that try to turn others against them.

I try to avoid drama at ALL costs.

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I had a post in here for a very short time that explained my thoughts on drama.

it was removed....for causing drama.

I was told that the thread was about "who likes drama?" and that my response only illicted more drama.

personally - I think the thread was calling for a definition for drama.

but If I complain - then Ill be accused of drama.

and by the morning this post will be gone - due to excess drama.

which perfectly illustrates what drama really is.

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