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Refrigerator, Oh My God What The @#$% Is That!?


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What is the sickest thing you found in your refrigerator?

I once found a kids cup.

That got knocked over...

That "had" worms and other stuff in it>.>

holy fucking shit the smell.....


I asked Merlin(3 or 4 at the time), Is this yours>.>??

He said yep.

What is in this, I asked.

He said some worms he digged up, some grass, corn, leaves, a strawberry (a strawberry wtf, where that come from lol) and a lot of water.

Why dad?

Why in world would you put this in here?

I wanted to grow worms for fishing, he said.

Lets say...

I stoped asking questions there.

Baking soda...




Took forever to get that smell out>.>

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In the apartment that I lived in for exactly 48 hours, the one before my current place, I bought a fridge from someone on craigslist. He told me not to open it because it was dirty and would smell. Like a total appliance noob I bought the thing. Got it delivered and then opened it after they left. Oh My God. I have never seen 5 thousand baby dead roaches before. Hopefully I never will again.

i called, infuriated, and got my money back.

Lesson: Always look inside the fucking fridge before you buy it, no matter how awesome it looks on the outside.

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One place I lived at,long ago.

The cheese could have been shaved

The milk could be sliced with a knife

The eggs became deadly stink bombs

I kept food at work instead,the fridge was way cleaner

thats what you get when you live with druggies,and lazy f#@ks.

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When my friend and I were living in Lansing and dating guys in Detroit, she called to ask if I could stop by her place and make sure her dogs had food and water and pick up some clean clothes for her on my way out.

Her: Just don't open my freezer.

Me: Why?

Her: You know when Nemo(her puppy)died?

Me: Yeah.

Her: Well, my cousin hasn't buried him yet. I had to put him in the freezer.

Me: Oh....um, okay.

Needless to say I did not open her fridge until she moved.

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What is the sickest thing you found in your refrigerator?

I once found a kids cup.

That got knocked over...

That "had" worms and other stuff in it>.>

holy fucking shit the smell.....


I asked Merlin(3 or 4 at the time), Is this yours>.>??

He said yep.

What is in this, I asked.

He said some worms he digged up, some grass, corn, leaves, a strawberry (a strawberry wtf, where that come from lol) and a lot of water.

Why dad?

Why in world would you put this in here?

I wanted to grow worms for fishing, he said.

Lets say...

I stoped asking questions there.

Baking soda...




Took forever to get that smell out>.>

that iz sooooo cute!!!!.....kidz=absolutely amaZing!!!! :rofl:

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