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Almost did acid


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Yeah so my friend I go to school with got hold of some acid and offered me a hit and I was really tempted but then again not wanting to do it. I watched him and another guy trip for a while and got tired and left sayin' I'd be back later..

But a good friend (Scary Guy) helped me make the decision on whether or not I should go back there and take that hit or not.. Gave me some info on acid, and I decided not to do it..

Sure I think it would be cool as hell but I don't want that shit staying in my spinal cord with the possibility of a flashback every time I crack my back.. Nor do I want to fuck up my brain or the way I think.. Maybe if it weren't for all that I'd try it, but fuck that shit. I feel kind of proud of myself, I think I made the right decision.. And thanks again David.

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Definitely a wise decision to research and talk to people who know. From what I've witnessed, flashbacks can be hell.

I've often wondered - a little off topic but sort of related - I hate the feeling of being high. Makes me feel out of control and I'd rather be free of any artificial feelings like that. I haven't tried that many things, don't plan to ever again because I feel like I've seen enough.

What I wonder is why do some like it and some (like me) don't even like alcohol. I don't think it's genetic with me really because I come from a long line of alcoholics.

I didn't even like it when I was on antidepressants for a short time. It did brighten my mood and I do think it helped me past a tough spot, but I got off them as soon as I could. (maybe I wasn't on the right ones, but still... didn't like the artificial feel of the elevated mood.

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My thing with drinking alchohol is that it helps me deal with my general anxiety issues when Im in crowded public places. Now I don't NEED it to go out in public places but it makes socializing in club/bar so much easier since I'm much more relaxed, so I can have fun.

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I'd go with Daevion on this - but then again my experiences are from knowing people who where on it at the time or have done it. I've never been huge for experimentation, but it's never like I didn't have the chance either. I've tried my fair share, don't get me wrong. I've always just got info on it first.

People, I've noticed, if they see relatives using excessively will tend to either stay away from it or monitor their own use. That also depends on if they have an addictive personality. Some just cannot handle getting high to begin with cuz they don't like the feeling that they can't control whats going to happen or what's going on. It's the "what if's" that get them over thinking the situation and ruin the experience for the person mainly cuz they weren't comfy with it to begin with.

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well i am not one who has done alot of druggs on a reg basis but i have tried a few, as a matter of fact the Salvia stuff i posted about befor is still sitting in my drawer waiting to be smoked as i have not been in the mood.

I do not like to be drunk off my ass cause i feel like my whole world is in a spinner but i do like the relaxed feeling a shot or two can make me.

I like weed, it takes away the pressure in my head (i dont know how else to explain it but a very heavy dark preassure that engulfs my head and body), i know it is not a permante feeling, but those few hours or peace in my head is so worth while, just to forget or have my problem seem less even if it is for a short time. Perhpas like a mini vaction for my brain.

i have tried cocaine once, i hated it thought it was stupid i felt no effect what so ever while i watched other around me who were totally blown out.

I tried acid once, thought it was dumb as well i felt no effects from it, never had a flash back etc.. yet while other aruond me were trippin balls.

Tried Shroomz, twice, the first time sucked and threw up and was sick, the second time i enjoyed it but again nothing to stunning, i just got really creative and wanted to color all night, a nice deversion at the time.

Tried E once, i loved every one and everything, would i do it again?,well possibaly but the timming and situtaion will just have to be perfect and if it is not then i have no intrest at all.

I really think the reason why some enjoy druggs and other dont has to do with your own indiviual chemical make up. Just the way things react with your own natural chemicals can make the diffrence in the world. I dont think it has anything to do with hereditary unless you count the simple fact that your parent were the ones who made your chemical cocktail....then i could see how the two might combine to make you worse off then they were or better...

From some one who is not opposed to anything as long as it is done in moderation, responsibally, and not harming any one else, finding out as much info as you can and makeing an informed decsion (no matter which way you choose) is about the best thing you can do.

As a mom, i am very proud of you (soulrev) for doing just that, finding out for your self and makeing up your mind. We need more peps in the world who can stand on there own two feet and think for themselves.


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i think trying something for the first time is always a personal choice. but things like acid that can mess you up for good should never be considered lightly. i am glad you did your research/looked to a friend for advice on it no matter what you were going to decide after that.

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DO NOT DO SALVIA ARE YOU MAD?!!! that crap is garbage its just an herb and if you smoke to much you're likly to be out on your ass and it makes you freak out - I've seen it happen with just a tiny amount used. Becareful if you do so. Some can handle it if their long time tokers but if you're not - good luck, be in the presence of trusting company.

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i dropped once. its was like being super super high. we went to a bar in canada (really bad decision). i didnt really get any visuals (at least not ones i thought were real. more like i could strongly imagine what i was thinking), but i hated everyone and then thought i turned into a werewolf after we left. later jumped a 12' fence and went running around the golf course next to my buddies house at 5 in the morning. backwards. cause we thought backwards foot prints would confuse the greenskeeper...


im pretty sure i wouldnt try it again though.

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I've done all sorts of acid. Paper sheets, liquid, sugar-cubes and gel-tabs. I use ta go to school tripping constantly, the only thing acid did to me was mostly laugh, I've found almost every dumb thing possible hilarious and everything looked very odd, plus I went on a huge rant of very unusual philosaphy things that no one would ever thought of. I was never peer-pressured into doing it, I just tried it out of curiosity and I liked it, but of course after when I learned whut acid really does and I felt it wasnt worth getting fucked up for the rest of my life, I chose to quit. So since then I just sticked with pot.

Last summer I tried E, once again it was out of curiosity and I enjoyed the feeling, but of course I wont do it often, maybe once after 2 or 3 month's i'll do a pill just because I know after a huge period of time it wont stay in my system constantly.

I even tried shrooms once, and word of advise for that is, STAY AWAY FROM MIRROR'S..I mean, litarly stay away from any sort of mirror possible.

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LSD does not store in your spinal fluid. This is an urban legend at best and propoganda at worst, pure and simple. The idea that its in your body to re-occur later in life is false, and flashbacks have been found to be psychological in nature, not physiological.

Acid is a crystalline solid that is water soluable, so it cannot form bodily deposits. It also metabolizes and is excreted within hours.

End result? You are not going to get a flashback from cracking your back, thus dislodging the built up LSD back into your system because there is no "residual" LSD in your system.

Brain Damage:

In Science 30 April 1972, Volume 172 Number 3982 p. 431-440 there was an article by Norman I. Dishotsky, William D. Loughman, Robert E. Mogar and Wendell R. Lipscomb titled "LSD and Genetic Damage - Is LSD chromosome damaging, carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic?". They reviewed 68 studies and case reports published 1967-1972, concluding "From our own work and from a review of literature, we believe that pure LSD ingested in moderate doses does not damage chromosomes in vivo, does not cause detectable genetic damage, and is not a teratogen or carcinogen in man." -- Erowid LSD Vault

About flashbacks:

A simple explanation of LSD flashbacks, and of their changed character after 1967, is available. According to this theory, almost everybody suffers flashbacks with or without LSD. Any intense emotional experience--the death of a loved one, the moment of discovery that one is in love, the moment of an automobile smashup or of a narrow escape from a smashup--may subsequently and unexpectedly return vividly to consciousness weeks or months later. Since the LSD trip is often an intense emotional experience, it is hardly surprising that it may similarly "flash back."  -- 'Licit and Illicit Drugs,' written by Edward M. Brecher and the editors of Consumer Reports.

"Post-traumatic stress disorder has been commonly associated with war veterans, but it also affects victims of disasters and violence... Experts estimate that 1% of the population suffers from the disorder."  -- LA Times, Feb 18 1992, p A3, "Journey For Better Life Hell For Some Women."

Flashbacks are most likely to occur under emotional stress or at a time of altered ego functioning; they are often induced by conditions like fatigue, drunkenness, marihuana intoxication, and even meditative states. Falling asleep is one of those times of consciousness change and diminished ego control; an increase in the hypnagogic imagery common at the edge of sleep often follows psychedelic drug use and can be regarded as a kind of flashback. Dreams too may take on the vividness, intensity, and perceptual peculiarities of drug trips; this spontaneous recurrence of psychedelic experience in sleep (often very pleasant) has been called the high dream (Tart 1972). Marihuana smoking is probably the most common single source of flashbacks. Many people become more sensitive to the psychedelic qualities of marihuana after using more powerful drugs, and some have flashbacks only when smoking marihuana (Weil 1970). In one study frequency of marihuana use was found to be the only factor related to drugs that was correlated with number of psychedelic flashbacks (Stanton et al. 1976). -- Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered, Lester Grinspoon and James B. Bakalar, 1979

That doesn't mean that there are not dangers. But what you have to realize is that the dangers are not inherent in the compound itself, rather in what you take with you in your mind.

LSD is a very powerful psychoactive, and depending on what dosage you take it can cause a psycholytic effect (rush of thoughts, a lot of free association, some visualization [hallucination] and abreaction [memories so vivid that one seems to relive the experience]) to a psychedelic effect (produces total but temporary breakdown of usual ways of perceiving self and world and [usually] some form of "peak experience" or mystic transcendence of ego). "Bad trips" usually occur only on psychedelic doses.

Bad Trips

A person on LSD who becomes depressed, agitated, or confused may experience these feelings in an overwhelming manner that grows on itself. The best solution is to remove disturbing influences, get to a safe, comforting environment, and reassure the tripper that things are alright. It may comfort those who fear that they are losing their minds to be reminded that it will end in several hours.  -- Erowid LSD Vault

The ultimate bad trip: LSD Psychosis

Because the "LSD psychosis" is not distinguishable from non-drug-induced psychosis, we have reasonable evidence to conclude that LSD was not the sole cause of psychosis. Instead, it would seem that the drug brought on the problems in vulnerable individuals. Interestingly, the rate of parental alcoholism was found to be much higher in LSD patients than in other patients or in the general population by one study. -- (Vardy and Kay, Arch-Gen-Psych, 1983 40(8): 877-83)

You get out of it what you take with you into it . I've tripped many, many, many times over the years. I can't say that people should not do it, I won't say people shoud do it. I had a lot of good experiences and good times, I learned a lot about myself, and I've had some pretty fucked up experiences. But if you decide to do it at some point, make sure your in a good setting, you're in a reasonable mood, and you have good people around you. It can be a fun toy, it can be a good tool, and it can be a scary experience.

But you should ALWAYS do your own research before you take any type of drug. There is a lot of paranoia and propoganda and a lot of bad information being spread.


[note: quotes, definitions, and statistics taken from Erowid, a site that collects and disseminates information about various chemical compounds. A very useful source of informtion]

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I've done ALOT of acid. I've never had a "bad trip", or a flashback. I actually have (luckily) had no adverse experiences ever. That said, I also only have ever done low doses and usually had a "babysitter/driver". SO.... As said above, it is a personal choice. Just don't believe everything you hear. Research and be cautious, no matter what if you try something new.

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Actually thats the site I gave him. I've never done it myself either, just have friends who have. As with all things it should be researched before it is used. Most especailly when it comes to yourself, since unlike a product, you can't be replaced and can only be repaired to a certain extent.

I've only ever done weed, and thats only socially (wouldn't considder myself a pot head to any extent). To me it's better than alcohol and I don't drink (maybe on a RARE occasion, beer tastes like piss and alcohol like cough syrup).

I've gotta run, but I wanted to say good choice on that. Read up on anything you want to do first, then try to figure out how it will react with your personal chemistry.

Remember overdose is just another form of natural selection.

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I did mesc once and have heard acid is pretty close but I can't say I would really know. That was the first and last drug I ever tried and I was 16 when I did it. I won't do that stuff again, I wouldn't recomend it but if that's what others want to do that's fine. I'm all good without drugs. To each his own.

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