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Fellow Insomniacs


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Fellow insomniacs,

What are you doing when you can not sleep?

Like I watch same movie over and over...

Mostly Fight Club, 300 or some crazy cartoons.

Or post shit online all night long x.x

But my main question is...

Even if you had a 5 min nap or none at all.

with in 24+ hours.

Are there points in the day/night.

Were you just wake up even more!!!!!????

I got a whopping 1 hour nap last night.

Now I am too awake for my oun good.

(I have not had food or anything other then water in past few hours)

I know my adhd plays a part.

But it should not play that much I would think..

I just :happydance all over my apt. Playing on the :pc: and blah! :wallbash:

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When I can't sleep I smoke, drink coffee, smoke more, post, surf the net, read sometimes.

I have ADD, without the H so it's really my mind that isn't ready. There is almost always a time when my body is ready for sleep, like right now, but I fight it and in a few minutes it goes away. I love sleeping, when I'm good and ready to sleep. Hate it too, don't want to miss any more life than I have to.

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What don't I do when I can't sleep? Most of those nights I'm on a real creative kick and I draw, paint, make wigs, sew, cook, write. I also surf the net, or just do other things on the computer, read, send out random emails to people, do my make up and hair, take pictures of stuff. Sometimes I just want to crawl up the walls.

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PM Oh_My_Goth, and ask her, she knows the herb is called... and I drank some and am tired...

.. and I know ALL about adhd, they made that shit up like in 82-83 when they invented ritalin...

...or at least gave it to kids... the shit is horrible... it's all made up... conspirisy, blag...

grumble grumble, they're out to get us all... I better shut up before they come to get me...

..I'll be :sofa:

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Usually Valerian or Melatonin work as natural sleep aids..

I've been told that Melatonin is a bit more natural and easy the Valerian is slightly more potent and if you don't drink enough water with it, could leave you dehydrated and feeling a little hung over the next morning.

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Well ritalin been around since 50-60's. But as for me. I started taking it, well this year. But I have not taken it in past few weeks. Sometime off and stuff. Doc said go ahead and stop taking it.

Started taking it. So I can still at work and when I get to a class. So stuff that is said. will stay in my head.Maybe I'll just have to do sleeping pills soon x.x

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PM Oh_My_Goth, and ask her, she knows the herb is called... and I drank some and am tired...

.. and I know ALL about adhd, they made that shit up like in 82-83 when they invented ritalin...

...or at least gave it to kids... the shit is horrible... it's all made up... conspirisy, blag...

grumble grumble, they're out to get us all... I better shut up before they come to get me...

..I'll be :sofa:

Oh, it is NOT made up ... but it is highly over-diagnosed. I do believe that.

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Highly over-diagnosed, I 2nd that!

Merlin is adhd like me as well.

There are days were you can see that he is trying to slow down but he can't

My ex and I tryed every thing under the sun.

3-4 years of trying diff herbs and diets and what not.

But he we started him on something that is like ritalin.

But it isnt a Methylphenidate.

Now his grades jumped up.

And things around home are easyer for home to do.

But I wish I would had taken it sooner.

School and few other things been easyer and crap.

But I have been a insomniac for years x.x

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It may be love of caffeine more than insomnia.

Mostly I listen to music and write..

..and write..

(out in middle of nowhere country)

..and write..

..and write..

..and sometimes I compose music..

..then listen to it..

..and write..

..and delete writings..

..and get discouraged..

..and write about it..

..and get inspired..

..and write some more..

..and some more..

..then delete it..

..and eventually go to sleep..

..but if I can't sleep..

..I think..

..and think..

..and think..

..and think..

..about everything..

..and sometimes..

..when I think..

..it causes me to write..

..and write..

..and write..

..and write..

..and think..


Someday I hope to uncover a plausible formula for a Sociological Master Complex.

..and sometimes..

..I read..

..and r-

Yeah never mind this is just getting ridiculous.

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Given my choice, the best thing to put me to sleep is sex(with someone else is preferable, but if I'm alone I can make that work, too), some comfort food, and a warm bath, preferably in that order. I can improvise, though, with a long walk, or watching a light movie or sitcom that I've seen a million times.

Reading does not work for me at all right before bed, unless I'm reading an incredibly boring book. It makes me want to stay up and finish the book, even if I was tired when I started reading.

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Given my choice, the best thing to put me to sleep is sex(with someone else is preferable, but if I'm alone I can make that work, too), some comfort food, and a warm bath, preferably in that order. I can improvise, though, with a long walk, or watching a light movie or sitcom that I've seen a million times.

Reading does not work for me at all right before bed, unless I'm reading an incredibly boring book. It makes me want to stay up and finish the book, even if I was tired when I started reading.

Yes well I have done all that stuff too>.<

I do me, a lot at that too.

Kind of make me want to do that more.

And if I have a lady over...

More of same.

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My sleep patterns are so weird.. some times I can't keep my eyes open, but then I wake up at like 3 a.m. WIDE awake.. then I get on the internet, or I watch some TV, or read.. Go to my couch.. (I slept for a year on my couch when my ex and I were still living together but separate). I love my couch.

Other times, I can't sleep at all, and then finally I fall asleep at like 5:30 a.m.. I RARELY sleep for more than three hours at a time.

Sometimes I nap during the day...

I love living alone, because now, when the mood strikes, I clean my house at 3-4 a.m. or change up my furniture.. which I couldn't do before. :)

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I got the book on the herbs out...

as HunHee deftly pointed out, Velarian Root(that's where they get Valium), is a sleep aid...

...here are some more...




Kava Kava

Passion Flower

...there are also ways to combat insomnia such as finding the 'root' of it and healing that...

...mine, is often caused by thinking too much/fast, and depression....there are herbal remedies for most things,

each herb may have several healative properties, and several herbs will be good for the same ailment...

if you can figure the root of an ailment, you can deduce the proper treatment much faster...of course this is the case with several herbs.... not all... some herbs work on everybody...

But say you are not depressed and you take a 'sleep potion' (*gigle* I have no other word for it)

that was intended for a depressive person...it quite possibly won't work...

that is why it is called 'Holistic' medicine... the practitioner looks at the whole person..

..mentally and psychically.....(spiritually if they are really good)

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I've used every sleeping pill that a Dr. can prescribe, nothing works for very long, if it works at all. Even Ambien CR, only worked on me for 3 days. My success rate is usually a few days, then it doesn't work at all. One Psychotropic drug worked but it made me sleep over 24 hours and I talked funny afterward and I sounded as If I was very drunk. I also could barely walk and had to hold onto the walls to walk. I refused to use a sleep aid with those types of side-effects. Realize you may have a body that this type of drug doesn't work on, it sucks. I've tried all-natural items too, even Melatonin, nothing helped. I never sleep more than 2-3 hours at a time. If I do lay in bed all evening, I wake up every 15 minutes or so. I just get frustrated and get up. Usually about 1 time a month, I will be tired for about 3 days and all I can do is sleep. I assume it is my body just catching up for the sleep it hasn't received. For myself, nothing helps. My brain is awake but my body is very tired. I just wear myself out until I can hardly see any longer then I try to get some sleep.

I will read if I can because sometimes my eyes are very tired and that is really not an option. I watch DVD 's of old sitcoms I've seen hundreds of times, sometimes that noise will put me to sleep. Some shit is too obnoxious though, like with music and those laugh tracks. :)

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Given my choice, the best thing to put me to sleep is sex(with someone else is preferable, but if I'm alone I can make that work, too), some comfort food, and a warm bath, preferably in that order. I can improvise, though, with a long walk, or watching a light movie or sitcom that I've seen a million times.

Reading does not work for me at all right before bed, unless I'm reading an incredibly boring book. It makes me want to stay up and finish the book, even if I was tired when I started reading.

I'm willing to bring something to eat and will wash your back for ya.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

i have sleeping issues when i am stressed and/or depressed. when i can work on that, i can sleep better.

otherwise reading helps- it makes me tired.

i have taken "sleepytime tea" that helps but doesn't last for long. only helps to get me to sleep, not stay asleep.

when my dad died i resorted to pills that helped me sleep. worked but in the a.m. i felt groggy, not "refreshed" at all.

i've found the best bet for me is to try to stop thinking about all my shit and give my mind a break ;) easier said than done but when i do it, it helps. or do things that wear me out- like clean, do things with the kids/friends/family. anything to keep my body or mind otherwise occupied.

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