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Yeah, it's a lot like ghostbusters, but totally different. :tongue:

It pretty much involves going to a lot of cemeteries or reputedly haunted buildings (if you can get into them) and exploring, taking pictures, video and audio. Sometimes people will let you explore their haunted houses too.

Haven't seen a ghost yet, but I wanna.

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In response to your question, Phee:

I think I would just be fascinated. I'm not looking for confirmation of an afterlife. I already believe very strongly in some kind of spiritual continuation. I suppose it would just be interesting/terrifying to make that kind of contact with the "other side".

And Head Wreck, as far as knocking out the set-up jerk, that just means you were doing it right! =)

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Some of my friends and I go ghost hunting. Especially around halloween. There's an old church about 30 min from where I live that is supposed to have a ghost in it. You can go inside and feel all kinds of cold air circulating around you. It's really weird. One of my friends freaked out because he felt something touch him.

And there's a cemetary that has a headstone that glows red.

And there's another cemetary that has a set of conjoined twins that died back in the 1800s. One of the twins died, and the other was buried alive. That kinda freaked me out. not really because it was scary, but I kept thinking, "OMG, could you imagine being buried alive? That must have been horrible for that kid."

And out in the woods behind my father-in-laws house, there is an old Civil War cemetary.

I love going ghost hunting. It kinda gives me a little bit of a rush to think I might see something.

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There were, several previous topics on the old DGN about ghost hunting. I know of at least 2 DGNers that have at least went a few times. I've heard several other express interest in it.

When i worked at complex of buildings know as Eloise , originally the "county poorhouse" later became an Insane asylum, and now a wayne county office called "The Kay Beard Building". i'd say at least 1/2 the employees there had some version of a ghost story about the place. I guess a lot of crazy stuff went down there in terms of mistreatment of inmates, people killing themselves etc. They recently found a civil - war era gravesite that was "lost" for like 90 years or some such. Hard to spend more than a day or two in that place without meeting somone that is scared to go into a ceritan attic or a certian part of the building(s).

Do you have an actual date / time / location setup for specifc "ok we are going to look >here

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Yeah, I've spent my share of time photograhing cemeteries and reportedly haunted houses. And I have produced some inexplicable "orbs" and have had encounters that couldn't be explained in historical battlefields as well. It's neato

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I always wanted to experience something of the supernatural whether it be a house or an actual spirit. I've heard stories from family members about the houses they grew up in being haunted ( both my grandparents houses ). The hearing of strange noises and seeing an apparition or something. My sister swears to this day that she saw something ( she claims is was a gnome/troll sorta of thing but who knows ) in my grandmothers house on my fathers side of my family.

I don't know personally, I can't really varify these stories. I've spent time camping out in thier houses in hopes that I could see or experience something supernatural, but I never actually saw anything or noticed anything unusual about the temperature.

The only thing I've noticed is that my grandmothers house always had a strange aura about it, like there was something in the house that wasn't my grandparents or living person for that matter. When I was a child I never liked sleeping over there because I always felt like I was being watched by some presence at the end of the bed looking at me, and of course i never actually saw anyone there. I will say that it was the upstairs and the attic part of the house that was supposedly haunted, the downstairs/basement areas were fine. I wasn't the only to one to notice it either, my sisters, friends, aunts/uncles, cousins, etc..basically anyone who stayed the night in the upstairs bedrooms.

It wasn't but a few months ago that my sister and her fiance' stayed the night at my grandmothers house. They couldn't sleep at all upstairs and had to move downstairs and sleep on the couch. Now one would think that because my sister had a previous bad experience there, thats why she couldn't sleep. Her fiance' on the other hand, which was his first visit, had the same creepy, ill, sleepless feeling as well. My grandmothers cats, wouldn't even sleep upstairs!

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Actually, Yes, I'm into that. There's a website thats called Ghost Zoo and it has stories from Michigan. Very cool place to go get info from. I've lived in 2 places where they had "supernatural" activity and on my old computer I still have the pics of the orbs I had in my old house in Wyandotte. I could tell some stories that would make your hair stand on end. And what makes it more freaky is the fact that I had tons of witnesses. Even when I was younger, we hit Eloise one night and we got some weird footage that when we got home you could hear this faint moaning, followed by whispers and then this screaming noise. We took it up to the school lab so my ex could play with the audio tracks and he had everyone look at it and even they said there was nothing wrong with the tape, whatever was there was what we got. That's also a reason why I hit that cemetary in Redford so much cuz out near the headstones off to the side of the fence after you enter, we took pics and we had orbs on the pics. It's not like we used just one camera either. Digital pics up the best.

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I can also give you directions to some of those places if you need them! Just email or p.m. me! There's a place in Livonia, used to be a psych ward/school you can still get into around back but you just have to watch out for the apartments next door since people have been known in the past to call when they think something weird is going on. We just parked in the parking lot and walked/ran across the field and headed around back. There's also the tunnels and in Novi there's a couple places. One is this huge house where a whole family got killed - thats a creepy story also but way to long to post lol

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