Nightflyerswmn Posted April 29, 2005 Report Share Posted April 29, 2005 I would love to, but I don't think I'll be in Michigan anytime soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gothicmom Posted April 30, 2005 Report Share Posted April 30, 2005 WE lived some where that is pretty much like Daevion's Grandma's house. Waking up and feeling like some one is looking at you, teffified to get up and go to the bathroom. One night (long story) I heard something hit the side of the trailor and slide down, then hit the top and slide, then slide in the hallway. I was so terrified I was screaming!!! One night Bishop said he woke up and the back door was wide open, it was locked with one of those sliding locks that you slide over then push it down into a groove. We woke up several times to the pilot light out in the furnace or it would be burning hot! I asked Bishop what other things he witnessed and he wouldn't tell me. He used to have violent night terrors too. *shivers* I don't really want to experience that again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TomCat Posted April 30, 2005 Report Share Posted April 30, 2005 I found a couple of cool older cemeteries...ohh, I can't wait... :fear Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scary Guy Posted May 2, 2005 Report Share Posted May 2, 2005 Yeah being an atheist I'd love to see a ghost, proove to me there is an afterlife and quell my fears of a void. After that I'd just have to worry about an eternity of fire and brimstone, but I guess it's better to exist in some form than not at all. I really do love to be prooven wrong, and I do hope you find some ghosts. Also from a scientific perspective I'd be happy to help. I'm more agnostic than anything but I prefer the term atheist as it keeps the religious nuts away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TomCat Posted May 2, 2005 Report Share Posted May 2, 2005 Yeah being an atheist I'd love to see a ghost, proove to me there is an afterlife and quell my fears of a void. After that I'd just have to worry about an eternity of fire and brimstone, but I guess it's better to exist in some form than not at all. I really do love to be prooven wrong, and I do hope you find some ghosts. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think this existance is pergatory, if there is such a thing ScaryGuy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scary Guy Posted May 2, 2005 Report Share Posted May 2, 2005 I think this existance is pergatory, if there is such a thing ScaryGuy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Existance is hell for the most part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TomCat Posted May 2, 2005 Report Share Posted May 2, 2005 I won't disagree. It pretty much sucks hot monkey ass. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManicQueen Posted May 2, 2005 Report Share Posted May 2, 2005 Anyone else out there on DGN interested in ghosthunting? *Braces herself for the smartass commments* :doh (Which are preferred to dumbass comments.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, years ago, I was a member of The Michigan Ghost Hunting Society! The group no longer excist's now for some reason I can't remember right now. But we had the most excellent fun "ghost hunting" in cemetaries all over Michigan. B~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
soothsayer Posted May 2, 2005 Report Share Posted May 2, 2005 And I'm being as serious as a heart attack here ~ after my daughter at age 1 1/2 sat next to me and looked up past me and smiled at what looked like thin air and said hello to no one that I could see. And whomever she was looking at kept her attention for almost 5 minutes and then she said goodbye and went back to coloring, I was convinced afterwards. That wasn't the only time something strange happened. You can think whatever you want ~ you can laugh at me behind my back. It's all good. I have seen enough evidence to know it's real. I use to believe it was all bullshit until I started to notice things that could only be explained in one way. Now I believe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daevion Posted May 2, 2005 Report Share Posted May 2, 2005 I'm up for ghost hunting....whens this going to happen? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TomCat Posted May 2, 2005 Report Share Posted May 2, 2005 Actually, years ago, I was a member of The Michigan Ghost Hunting Society! The group no longer excist's now for some reason I can't remember right now. But we had the most excellent fun "ghost hunting" in cemetaries all over Michigan. B~ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We have an "expert" in our midst. wooooohoooo So when are we going? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Senay Posted May 3, 2005 Author Report Share Posted May 3, 2005 I'm up for it just about anytime. I'd miss out on sleep for it! But dammit, it needs to be just a few degrees (about 25 degrees is all ) warmer at night. Since I'm looking outside right now and it's SNOWING, I can safely say that tonight will not be the night. But as soon as it gets warmer at night, I'm there. I know of a couple of cemeteries that are not closed off/illegal. Of course it always seems like the really good ones are the ones that ARE closed off. Hey, ManicQueen, when you were with that group, did you go mostly to cemeteries? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomeDanGuy Posted May 3, 2005 Report Share Posted May 3, 2005 ScaryGuy about summed up my feelings. I'd go if you wouldn't mind having a skeptic atheist along. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shade Everdark Posted May 5, 2005 Report Share Posted May 5, 2005 To me, ghosts are like gods: Until I get proof, I'm not believing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pomba gira Posted May 15, 2005 Report Share Posted May 15, 2005 I saw a ghost once at some friend's house many years ago... they purposefully didn't tell us about it before sending us to sleep in the attic 'cos they didn't want to influence what we might see. & the shade actually woke me up the next morning. Seen a lot of strange things... like a very creepy feeling obsidian arrowhead that vanished into thin air with a bright blue electric-type flash when I threw it across the room. Then there was the time I thought my panties were haunted 'cos they kept inexplicably moving in the laundry basket... only to find (after about 10 minutes of standing in my closet freaking out) that a very fine thread had unravelled from them and got caught on my body when I took 'em off... so ov course every time I moved so did the panties. The whole time I kept thinking "OMG... that Haunted Neden song is true!" Seriously though, the Leland House/Ramada is supposed to be the most haunted building in the city. Some rooms definitely have a creepy feel to them... I won't stay there by myself anymore. I've heard one reason the roof is forbidden ground (besides the chick jumping off) is that so many people were ghost hunting on the haunted stairway, they were afraid someone else would end up taking a dry dive. Some groovy links on ghosthunting, urban exploration & related topics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Msterbeau Posted May 17, 2005 Report Share Posted May 17, 2005 There were, several previous topics on the old DGN about ghost hunting. I know of at least 2 DGNers that have at least went a few times. I've heard several other express interest in it. When i worked at complex of buildings know as Eloise , originally the "county poorhouse" later became an Insane asylum, and now a wayne county office called "The Kay Beard Building". i'd say at least 1/2 the employees there had some version of a ghost story about the place. I guess a lot of crazy stuff went down there in terms of mistreatment of inmates, people killing themselves etc. They recently found a civil - war era gravesite that was "lost" for like 90 years or some such. Hard to spend more than a day or two in that place without meeting somone that is scared to go into a ceritan attic or a certian part of the building(s). Do you have an actual date / time / location setup for specifc "ok we are going to look >here< ? Oooh.... My brother, some friends and I explored the place 20 years ago.. Fun but a little creepy....knowing what went on there and all... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
faerywoman19 Posted June 1, 2005 Report Share Posted June 1, 2005 My friends and I have been ghost hunting hundreds of times. We haven't really started back up this year yet but I am sure we will be going soon. I have been creeped out a lot of the times, but the only times that I ever really experienced anything was at home. It seems that every house I ever lived in was haunted to some degree. I would have to say the creepiest, and safest (from the local police that is) would be the Donovan house in Dexter. There are always spooky noises, feelings and/or shadows. Every time. Hell, we asked a police officer for directions one time and he said to go ahead and do what we want cause he would never answer a call to that place, said he had seen too much strange shit there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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