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Favorite Novelist?

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Perhaps a bit commercial but I like Robert Ludlum's thrillers a lot...

No shame there @ all. Ludlum is completely under-rated as an author precisely due to his commerical success. Stephen King as well, for that matter.

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Specifics? Heh. OK.....

Warren Ellis--"Crooked Little Vein"

Neal Stephenson--"Snow Crash"

Sean Stewart--"Perfect Circle", "Mockingbird", "Galveston"

Richard Kadrey--"Butcher Bird"

Michael Connelley--Pretty much any of the Bosch books

Val McDermid--"The Wire in the Blood", "The Mermaids Singing"

Neil Gaiman--"American Gods"

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Albert Camus- The Stranger

Aleister Crowley - Magical Diaries Tunisia 1923

James M. Cain - Mildred Pierce

Thomas Mann - Death In Venice

Fyodor Dostoevsky- Notes From the Underground

Earl Hamner - A Piano In The House

Washington Irving - Legend Of Sleepy Hollow

Rodman Serling - Everything he wrote..

Richard Matheson - I am Legend

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Trying to stay in line with the topic post, rather than give a book list *tries hard* *keeps trying*

I DO tend to like specific works rather than authors per-se , but being forced... man.. Ok i cant do it. I'll just have to pick a few:

Neil Gaiman

Ray Bradbury

Richard Dawkins

Carl Sagan

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Tanith Lee (esp. the Flat Earth books)

Iain M. Banks (favorites: Against a Dark Background and Feersum Endjinn)

Nalo Hopkinson (altho I really like her short stories better)

Neal Stephenson (Snow Crash and The Diamond Age)

Gene Wolfe (Books of the New Sun)

Jack Vance (Dying Earth books and most recent stuff)

William Gibson

I love Neil Gaiman but I haven't read any of his "real" novels... just graphic novels & short stories. Same with Lucius Shepard, love his short stories but have only made it through one novel.

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You guys are all making me sad. I needs to reads me some more novels.

I've been told the Michael Moore books I've read qualify as fiction, no?

Albert Camus- The Stranger

OK, this book f%$#ing rules.

It has everything I need, a short number of pages, moral conflict, and disdain for the world.

What more can you ask for.

The Fall by Camus is another gem.

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Trying to stay in line with the topic post, rather than give a book list *tries hard* *keeps trying*

Actually, Troy--feel free to list books.

I'm feeling out the possibiliity of having on online "DGN BookClub."

Might be fun. :-P

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone--keep 'em coming!

Here's a favorite:

Peter Straub, "Mr. X"

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You guys are all making me sad. I needs to reads me some more novels.

I've been told the Michael Moore books I've read qualify as fiction, no?

Don't feel bad... it's been years since I could read books like I used to. I used to read voraciously... sci fi, fantasy, weird historical stuff, natural history... but in recent years I have a hellish time reading anything that doesn't have pictures. Oddly enough, when I was in withdrawal from methadone a couple months ago, I managed to polish off two novels (Zeitgeist by Bruce Sterling and Midnight Robber, Nalo Hopkinson) at something like my old speed. Seemed like reading was the only activity that took my mind off how utterly crappy I felt (well, besides sex). But since getting on the bupe, can't seem to manage it again. Ai well, there're plenty of manga & other GNs to work my way through! Although I feel guilty whenever I look at the shelf containing more unread books that I've ever owned in my life... many of which I HAD to have and searched literally years for.

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I actually have a few faves myself.

Laurell K. Hamilton ~ Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series AND Merry Gentry Faery Princess series

Sherrilyn Kenyon ~ Dark Hunter Series

Christine Feehan ~ Carpathian Series

Dan Brown ~ both The Davinci Code and Angels and Demons are awesome

Nora Roberts ~ anything that catches my eye HA

Piers Anthony ~ Xanth series

There are more I could list but I'll keep it there. In fact if you read the quotes at the bottom of my posts they are from the Anita Blake series by Laurell.

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OK, this book f%$#ing rules.

It has everything I need, a short number of pages, moral conflict, and disdain for the world.

What more can you ask for.

The Fall by Camus is another gem.

I wanted to mention The Plague and The First Man by Camus, both excellent. I forgot to mention "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger.

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