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i think the simple fact that you now have to take something serious will help you out alot. Yes you are in some what of a hell but in the long run i think this may just save you and show you there are more fullfilling ways to live. You have no idea how wonderful it is to look around you and be proud of what great things you accomplished after enduring unpleasent things like a JOB or simply saying NO. Look at all the crappy things Lestat and i have been through, we did not give up, we cared, and look atthe good things we have to show for it, and i am not just talking about our house, look at my family, It is good isnt it???? Caring, working hard and not giving up is what has gotten us this far, we made mistakes but we fixed those to our best ability and after all is said and done we are GOOD. I know you want that and we are here to help you along the way, you are young and you will make mistakes and as long as you keep your heart and mind on the right track it will all work out. You are a good person, you have a wonderful heart, a cheerful spirit, you make us happy, There is somethng very special about you dont let it slip away.

I am proud of you, i see you trying and thank you for relieving some of my worries.

we luv you, all 6 of us, remeber that!


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