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Pics Of My Trip Back To Mi

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I know exactly how you felt leaving that place and coming back to MI. I fucking hated living in Florida so much that I almost died of excitement as soon as I crossed over into Georgia. I gave Florida my middle finger and wished that it would disappear off the face of earth.

Honestly people, you don't realize how kick-ass MI is until you leave it and come back. I was born and raised in MI and thought it was the worst place in the world, but then I was proven dead wrong when I lived in Florida for 7 months last year. I honestly never thought I'd say MI is the best place ever. :blink:

Anyway, sorry to hijack your thread. I'm glad you're feeling better now.

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Yah I visited it for the first time last Christmas by trying the Disney thing.....

I LOVE it here now...I so appreciate our cloudy days now......really think going to FlA helped me with my S.A.D.

Cause now I just think "I could be living there......." and it all gets better.

It was soooo hot and crowded and full of stupid drivers and dumb roads and they even had a bunch of orange barrels AND toll booths!

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    • Well, things definitely got scary there for a bit.  I accessed my removable drive on a device that had a forced upgrade to Windows 11.  The drive was stated as having a corrupted recycle bin then began to systematically remove files from specific folders.  I'm not certain how many folders were affected, but one folder for the entire statistical data collection for 2024 showed as empty and another accessed folder had files deleted for all of September and most of August before I disconnected it.  It appeared as if the drive was being reformatted, but wasn't trying to save or backup any of the data on it.   So now it's time to rebuild my desktop to preserve the data that remains.   Since this was a rebuild from the massive decade worth of data loss prior to August 8, 2018, I'm not feeling as devastated as I did back then.  Sadly, it's beginning to feel like business as usual.  The good news is that with my last Micro Center run, I purchased multiple drives for specific purposes, one of which is strictly for backup data.  I just wasn't quite sure what direction I wanted to go in regarding the new hardware installation, but this incident has definitely steered me into a specific heading.
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