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Anime/ Manga Discussion Anyone?

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I've been looking through the forum and have not found a topic such as this.For all the Anime/Manga lovers this is the topic to do it all. So feel free to bombard with questions answers .. criticizing, ideas and so forth. And if you haven't gotten into Anime you should they have some great stories.

So here are some web sites where you can watch some anime/mangas.




At time moment I'm hooked on Vampire Knight, Nana, Absolute Boyfriend (because they are ongoing). Let me know if you have any other web sites feel free to post your favorite amine/manga even the dramas. ENJOY!!! :peanutbutterjellytime:

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Have you ever seen Akira? Or heard of the Get Backers? I like the action stuff so most of Shonen but some Shojo as well I suppose :p And haha I have a soft spot for the cute romances of Yaoi :p lol

Any particular genre you into?

And Have you ever heard of Wolf's Rain, Hellsing, Battle Royal, Akira, Get Backers, Midnight Waltz, Blood: The Last Vampire, Wallflower, Yellow, Gravitation, Mars, Pet Shop of Horrors, FLCL: Furry Curry: Fooly Cooly, and a billion more that ellude me right now lol :p

Did you ever get into any of the T.V. series like Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Inu-Yasha?

Do you prefer Manga/Anime over Westernized comics/cartoons?

Are you into any other Japanese things as well?

Haha I guess i'll stop for now then :p

I've only been into Anime and manga since 8th grade so for about...hmmm...6ish years...but still have yet to get to go to a con XD

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I used to eat & sleep manga/anime but its been ages. All my chatter would be about stuff that is now cliche pretty much. *hangs head in shame*

Oops.. what do i think i'm doing actually POSTING on DGN. *slaps self* back to work DGN work boy! :whip

Try watching Mnemosyne.

I loved it but they are waiting for 3 more episodes to come out.. so it's not finished but it's not like your typical anime trust me ^_^.

EAF I've seen most of those anime's and I have liked them. Crunchyroll has a VERY wide selection of anime, most of them are new right from Japan. Vampire knight is my favorite right now. I enjoyed Clannad, Okane Ga nai, Zero noTSukaima (the 3rd season is coming out soon), School Days, Preach Girl, XXXholic, Ice ova, Hana Kimi .. god there is a bunch more lol.

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There was a thread on this not too long ago if I remember correctly. I have a huge collection of old school anime from the late 80s and into the 90s when I bought them regularly. Nowadays, I have to start buying them all on DVD so I can get better quality. I have a lot of the old titles like Akira English dub and subtitled, Demon City Shinjuku, Violence Jack series, Wings of Honneamise, Peacock King, Fist of the Northstar, Wicked City and much more. I got into anime when I first saw Akira and how gory it was watching it. Buying some of these other titles, Akira was nothing in gore compared to others I have now. I even have a lot of the gaming movies like the many Street Fighters, Darkstalkers, Samarai Showdown, and Battle Arena Toshinden. Great stuff to watch.

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I'm like Troy. 4 years ago or so, I was obsessed with anime. Now, I still love it but I'm just so busy with other things I don't have time to watch it anymore, read Newtype, research what's coming out, etc. Once I graduate, find a better job, and move, then hopefully I can get back into it again.

Old school is okay and there are some titles I love, but I like new school better.

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For some reason I don't like old school anime, because their graphics are not as vivid. The guys seem like they are on steroids lol, where as the new ones it seems like they try to draw more to toward the normal appearance of people. Also Spook since you mentioned these titles you might want to check out the anime Monster and D.Gray Man

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I like the Gundam series, Robotech, Fist of the Northstar, the live action movie wasn't bad, The Guyver, nice live action movies too, Tekkaman Blade, ran as Technoman in the US. Hand Made Maid, Gowkaiser, Slayers, Ah My Goddess to name a few.

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Hey I got some good news for ya draco, I have all of the new Gundam series right now. Gundam 00, more mech action less romance. Oh and they just released on tv in japan a new Macross Series, MACROSS FRONTIER!!! So far its pretty damn good, same animators that did Macross Zero.

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I'm a pretty big anime fan.

I love Miyazaki and pretty much every film by Studio Ghibli, especially "Nausicaa," "Princess Mononoke," and "Grave of the Fireflies." I found the latter interesting because it explored Japan during WWII. I am quite fascinated with everything surrounding WWII, especially the Holocaust, but I don't find much information on Japan; most movies focus so much on the devastation that hit Europe. This movie has managed to bring me to tears several times. I'd recommend this and any other Studio Ghibli movie to everyone, even non-anime fans. The only Studio Ghibli film I couldn't get into was "Porco Rosso."

I have seen and enjoyed many anime series, but my favorite by far is "Elfen Lied." It manages to cover all genres (sci-fi, drama, romance, action, horror, etc.) and keep your interest through the whole thing, but it is very disturbing and not for the faint-of-heart. I don't want to say much more because I'd probably ruin it. If anyone here is interested, I can provide links to watch every (subtitled) episode on Dailymotion.com . Highly recommended!

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If you enjoy the older ones that revolve around the world war periods you should like Cluster edge, Meine Leibe, Zero no Zero noTSukaima (that one was very interesting, romance, action, drama, comedy. A boy from Japan gets summoned by a magician named Louise to be her familiar, and a lot of the things that people fear in the magic world are actually things from our world. It's pretty interesting ^_^)

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I just like how there is a wide range of genre's in anime/manga...and for the violence people I HIGHLY recommend Battle Royal...the whole thing is about killing for fun on a game show :p Even the movies they made later are pretty fair...less gorey but still have a good plot I think. :)

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Would be so easy for me to get wrapped up in this thread... I will just say and leave it at this before I turn all manga/anime nazi on everyone..

I am completely ADDICTED to Anime and Manga... And specially when it comes to Manga I turn all nazi.. I only read true 100% from Japan manga.. I can NOT stand some of tha American shit they try to sell off as Manga...

When I walked into walmart and saw Avril lavign has a "manga" out.... Well yeah I think "THE END" is near!


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I been watching anime/manga since I was a mere child and the list would go on way too forever to name off I watched before. I also enjoy reading a few manga books I bought from this underground japan store before in ann arbor, the "doll" series is one of them.

The ones I've enjoyed watching lately is death note and blood which is played on adult swim.

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I watch Anime but only the more violent or serious ones. I cant stand girly or comedic anime, it makes me want to kill babies.

Me too... I totally don't get shojo. And I hate what Cartoon Network does to the Shonen Jump anime... like editing out Sanji's cigarettes on One Piece, and the totally stupid voices on One Piece and Yu-Gi-Oh.

Complaints aside, my favorites are-

Anime: Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, GITSSAC, FLCL, Gankutsuuou, Hellsing.

Manga: Saiyuki, Naruto, One Piece, Shaman King, YuYu Hakusho, Qwan, GetBackers, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Lone Wolf & Cub, Bleach, Black Cat, HunterxHunter, Jing King of Bandits, I Luv Halloween (quite possibly the most warped thing ever committed to print), Van Von Hunter, Keiji, Nemuri Kyoshiro, Fist of the Blue Sky.

Film/OVA: Read or Die, Karas:Prophecy & Revelation; Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Ghost in the Shell: Innocence, Wicked City, Darkside Blues.

Never been into American comics... I hate the art style, especially the tediously overdone body types... and the fact that they NEVER END so you have 30 years of backstory with some of them. The finite, single-creator thing is a major attraction of manga. That said, The Sandman is a truly godlike work. It may sound smarmy, but reading this series was life-changing for me in ways I can't even articulate. I had to sell my vast Sandman collection last year due to extreme poverty... I've never regretted giving up any material possession that much.

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I personally like the subtitles.. I like to learn new languages and it makes me pick it up faster when there is subtitles. For some odd reason I like the Japanese voices better, they sound ecstatic.

Oh yes Hellsing has been on my list to see. IS it worth watching?

Also Darker than Black?

For some reason crunchyroll.com has taken some of these titles off. So I totally forgot about them until I read something online.

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I started a "who loves anime" thread waaaay long ago in the past. Maybe like a year ago, give or take.

It listed everything I like and have seen, maybe I'll dig it up.

Currently, for the record, I finally got around to watching Death Note. I'm not finished, I'm on like the fifth episode (I'm not even sure how many eps their are) and so far it's fairly original (not completely but still good) and looks damn sexy. It's also compelling because it's more of a psychological thriller than anything else. At the fifth episode, I'm wondering how they're going to continue the series, because seemingly it is almost finished. It's not, I still have a huge amount of episodes left, which I why I'm starting to wonder where the series is going. Also, who the hell is the goth chick, where does she come in, and why?

And speaking of, I never did finish Paranoia Agent, I started it in like November and didn't make it to the end. It's not that I didn't like it, I <3ed it, but school made it so that I had no time for anything else. Maybe after Death Note I'll pick that up again.

My friend Tim wants me to watch a series called Grenadier, which apparantly what Trigun would have been had Vash been female, but the idea of watching a show of nothing but silly chick fighting doesn't do much for me. I'll check it out because he usually has good taste in anime, but I mean, a show where really hot big tittied broads load their gun clips by bullets that fling out of their ass crack and cleavage doesn't really sound like a way I'd like to spend my afternoon.

On the other hand, to credit his taste in anime, he had me watch an anime movie called Dead Leaves, which seems like it doesn't make sense (almost in the same way as FLCL) but then ends up having a point in the end (like much anime). Good thinker movie, nothing too deep, nothing too shallow, but very hilarious and fun to watch. I'd recommend it to anyone with an hour and a half to kill.

ALSO if you want to laugh your ass off then go to youtube and look up AMV Hell 4. It's totally 100% worth it, and you might see some anime clips in there that say "Hey, I wanna look that up now". It's actually what reminded me to watch Death Note and finish the last bit of Paranoia Agent.

My next series? Azumanga Daioh. I don't know a WHOLE lot about it, but I hear its silly. Not looking for too much depth for this one, just a good heartfelt story laces with tons of lulz. It's basically the story of four girls and their quest through high school, sounds boring I know, but it's supposed to be really good.

Edited by Chernobyl
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For some reason I don't like old school anime, because their graphics are not as vivid. The guys seem like they are on steroids lol, where as the new ones it seems like they try to draw more to toward the normal appearance of people. Also Spook since you mentioned these titles you might want to check out the anime Monster and D.Gray Man

Yes, you are definately correct in your observation.

Although, in defense of old anime everywhere, I will proudly proclaim that Lupin the 3rd is the shit.

For a fun factoid, Spike Spiegel's character in Cowboy Bebop is solely and TOTALLY 100% based on Lupin's character. Shinichiro Wantanabe is a huge Lupin fan.

And now, you know. Learning is FUN! :tongue:

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