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How Do We Feel About Illegal Immigrants?

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Our federal tax is taken out of ever paycheck. The "yearly" thing we do is determine if we paid in too much or too little. A great many people don't pay any federal taxes at all as they fall below income thresholds. There is a lot more to it than that... thats just s simple run down of it.

I call bullshit and you need to stop listening to so much mainstream media. They also take high pay construction jobs that Americans do want. The problem is, they take jobs. Someone would do them if they were not here.

And cause Hospitals to go bankrupt.

but the REAL problem that no body really likes to talk about is that Mexico is in a war of attrition with the USA. They want all Territory's back that they lost or sold a hundred plus years ago. The mayer of LA is a founding Member of the group working to that goal. Their plan is known. Get Legal immigrants in positions of power... Mayors of major cities and State House/Senate seats. Flood the area with illegals... get illegals the vote... suand then vote to become part of Mexico.

Mmh I guess that really comes down to hospital managment then... Plus with the huge stero type of American hospitals not willing to touch anyone without health insurance I am assuming you are talking about public hospitals. Which in that case it is messed up however patients should need to be checked for their papers even if it is a free public service (If it is a costly one anyway).

Sadly due to you do have PAYE then that process I suggested is already in place. The issue then is not about illegal immigrants getting jobs it is about enforcing the laws prohibiting illegal immigrants getting jobs isn't it, not so much the fact of how the tax is dealt with. It sadly sounds more like a failure within the American legal system more so than the failiure of stopping immigrant entering the country. I can see a retort coming of it can be hidden with payment under the table, sadly veiwing financial statements and doing a little forensic accounting will show if money is leaking or not to unspeccified expenses under different accounts. I really think it is the legal system failing more so than than anything.

As I said about them taking jobs, it is a competitive job enviroment. Should or should not the most able person get the job to maximise economic profit (No I am not only talking about money)? If not then explain why. I know that there is unemployment within America just like every country. But if there is not able legal citizens todo a job then should the job not then go to someone who is illegal but able. If someone wasn't able and did a job, I am more than certain they would do more harm than good. Boosts in the economy => more jobs. So if an illegal immigrant has to fill a spot someone legal isn't able to do in order to open more employment opportunities I think it is the right thing to do. Yes, that observation would require a perfect market, atleast expanding, I believe America can come close to fullfilling the requirements.

As for higher paying jobs, you might as well just say you don't like immigrants, legal or not, human resources come regardless of if you have papers or not. Be competitive and you get the job, don't be, and you won't.

I didn't acctually intend those bullet points I made to be interrpreted as what I thought the issue was... It was more of an observation of what appears to me to be the major issue behind discrimination towards illegal immigrants. Nothing more, nothing less, but you still helpt with clarrifying the prejudice a little more. Thank you.


Just woah about the Mexican thing. I doubt I will ever experience it first hand. But that sounds crazy... If it is true though, woah.

Edited by Mizuna
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Public Hospitals CAN NOT REFUSE TREATMENT in the USA. You will get a bill later, but you will be treated. It's Federal law. You are reading far too much mainstream media crap.

If the person seen does not have insurance or Medicaid (Federally paid health insurance for the poor)... the hospital still CAN NOT REFUSE TREATMENT.

So an illegal immagrant falls of a wagon and breaks his arm. He goes to the ER at the local hospital. They X-ray him, set his arm and put a past on. Even give him some pain killers and a sling. Who pays for that? They are here ILLEGALLY. They do not have Medicaid or private health insurance. Who pays for that? The hospitals end up growing broke.

Did you know that Mexican nationals come across the border.. get treated in our Hospitals... then go back to Mexico? Who pays for that?

5 Hospitals in LA shut down last year thatcan be directly attributed to illegal aliens driving the hospital into the ground.

and you are right, the root of the problem is in Enforcement of existing laws. It's not done. This would not be a problem if only we enforced our existing laws.

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Public Hospitals CAN NOT REFUSE TREATMENT in the USA. You will get a bill later, but you will be treated. It's Federal law. You are reading far too much mainstream media crap.

If the person seen does not have insurance or Medicaid (Federally paid health insurance for the poor)... the hospital still CAN NOT REFUSE TREATMENT.

So an illegal immagrant falls of a wagon and breaks his arm. He goes to the ER at the local hospital. They X-ray him, set his arm and put a past on. Even give him some pain killers and a sling. Who pays for that? They are here ILLEGALLY. They do not have Medicaid or private health insurance. Who pays for that? The hospitals end up growing broke.

Did you know that Mexican nationals come across the border.. get treated in our Hospitals... then go back to Mexico? Who pays for that?

5 Hospitals in LA shut down last year thatcan be directly attributed to illegal aliens driving the hospital into the ground.

and you are right, the root of the problem is in Enforcement of existing laws. It's not done. This would not be a problem if only we enforced our existing laws.

Yeah I can see how that is a real issue. I know the main stream media thing was most likely deserved but keep in mind I used it as deductive reasoning to decide on you were talking about public hospitals which was mostly correct.

It is fusstrating when we cannot do anything when solutions are so obvious to us, but oblivious to those who can make a difference.

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The one arguement I see in discussions about illegal aliens that infuriates me the most: "They take jobs that Americans won't do."


In this economy, especially in this state (we have the *highest* unemployment rate in the nation at 7%), what job is anyone going to refuse?????? IMO, it's complete bullshit.

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I wish our government had the sack to enforce the borders.

Well, at least the minority of congress wants a wall up, but the majority is doing a fine job of blocking and allowing illegals to pour in.

Way to go Democrat led congress! Pelosi Pwns!

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Well, at least the minority of congress wants a wall up, but the majority is doing a fine job of blocking and allowing illegals to pour in.

Way to go Democrat led congress! Pelosi Pwns!

The Wall didn't work for Germany, it wouldn't work for us either.

The only people The Wall has helped is Pink Floyd.

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  • 2 weeks later...

America cannot handle the amount of ppl like China has,considering China has more land,still having over a billion ppl in any country is quite a feat.

Actually America has more land.

Even if we didn't (which we do have more land slightly, and have FAR less people) there is plenty of space. Its a common misconception that there isn't enough land. The problem with overcrowding is logistical and people all wanting to mass together in the same places. There is shit loads of "living space" in relation to the number of people on the planet.

Different Point:

Is there actually some statistics somewhere that says that more immigration = worse economy? I don't mean just doom-sounding stories about X or Y but an actual study that says more people in the country brings the economy down? I'm not trying to make a point here, seriously wondering.

Stories about a bad situation with A or B location tend not to be useful in gauging the overall scope of a given issue.

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It's a line on a map, and we should invest heavily in Mexico and Central American countries. If a guy can get a steady job in his home town, chances are he won't travel 1,200 miles risking death and arrest just to hide in the shadows and be paid below minimum wage for an asshole that would rather abuse desperate people rather than hire legal folks for a living wage.

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