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Things You Absolutely Hate

Guest GodfallenPromos

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I HATE getting interviewed for a job by someone that is less qualified for their position then I am. Irks the hell outta me.

I don't expect EVERYONE doing interviews to have a masters degree...but at least have a bachleors...don't sit there and give me a hard time about the job when you have a damn associates degree on the wall and less expieriance in the field that your in then I do....if you can't name half the things you do off the bat...go get me someone else to interview me...cuz me running circles around your arse just makes me look like a prick and you look like a moron. I don't like making you look like a moron...well...I DO...but AFTER I get the job...cuz then I can steal your position.

I HATE it when job is given to some guy with NO exp in the field and not someone that has dealt with EVERYTHING your doing...just because that other guy has a Suit n Tie. You see the tag on the inside of his jacket? VALUE CITY...that guy JUST got that suit FOR this interview..if he doesn't get the position, he will be returning that suit the next morning. IF he does get it...you'll see him in it for the next two pay periods.

I HATE jobs in "marketing" that becomes "door-to-door" knife sales when you get there. thats not Marketing. Marketing is being able to read what other ppl what to buy, doing surveys, and helping the advertising department find the right way to sell the product...thats Marketing...not *ding-dong* "Hello Mrs. Idon'tgivearat'sasswhoyouare, would you care to let this perfect stranger into your home and go on a spiel about these knives/ vacumm cleaner/ other random product i happen to be lugging all over your neighborhood?"

ok...so lets hear yours

p.s. : for those wondering, no...this isn't about the sales job at the printing press I am trying for....they are supposed to start looking over the apps in the next week or so...and they sounded somewhat impressed that EVERYTHING they do...I've got expiriance in....so I am still hopeful...if they ask about the suit n tie...i'm gonan tell them striaght out...I'm a booking agent for rock/metal bands and a line cook....I haven't had the need for a suit n tie for the past 3-4 years...would I be willing to get one for the job, should you require it right away...yes...but I'm telling you right now...I look facially bloated in a suit...

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Hope you get the job

Yeah 90% of society sucks IMO,LOL!!

Never getting paid what you are worth.

How stupid ppl get more pay and rights than smart ppl,The U.A W.is notorious for that.

end of rant for now,good thread!

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Let's see, I hate:


ignorant fucks



Ugg boots

the "tanned-to-a-crisp and bleach-blonde-hair" look


tobacco smoke (I can cope, but I really don't like it)


people with gawd-awful breath


people who drive like assholes

Florida (except for the weather... ahhhhhhh.....)

everything Disney -- it's a VERRRY long story :( (I'm a recovering Disney-aholic)

people who thrive on drama

"fairweather friends"

romantic comedies that are all the same (I don't hate this whole genre, just ones that are the exact same as every other one)

horror movies that involve nothing but shitty stories, shitty acting, forced boob and sex scenes, and so forth

rap and R+B (no offense if there are any fans on here)

I'm sure I hate more things, but that's all I can think of right now.

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Idiot drivers who feel the need to slow down to 5-10 under whenever they see the fuzz.

Idiot drivers who drive the 70 in the speed lane.

ID10Ts Who have no business owning a computer much less using one and calling me when they f'it up.

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i hate people who say that people don't change when they them selves have gone through some major changes.

i hate people who push their beliefs on you because they think its the only way to live.

I hate people that are so adamant about their answer even though it is really really wrong and they know it but they won’t change their minds because they feel the need to be right about every thing.

I hate arrogant assholes that must control everything that they come into contact with.

I hate ignorant people who use the word ignorant to describe everything and everyone.

I hate people that rush in to everything and get all pissed off because they keep fucking up but they blame it on everything else but them…

And I really hate hypocrites… the ones that say its everyone else when in fact they them selves take part in it but refuse to admit it. I admit that I am one and there for I don’t hate me lol.

I hate a lot more things but these are just the basics

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I truly dislike people who villainize other individuals who live or work a bit differently than they do (yet they SURE want to hear the gory details).

You can't always judge a person by their lifestyle and/or occupation, even if what they do goes against the grain of social dogma (or the law). :|

I also really dislike TXT shorthand and abbreviations. I find it to be a true sign of laziness and/or lack of spelling skills (we should all AT LEAST be able to SPELL, by the time we graduate high school). Words are a powerful gift, made to be used to their fullest ability to create beautiful sentences and lasting sentiments..

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I truly dislike people who villainize other individuals who live or work a bit differently than they do (yet they SURE want to hear the gory details).

You can't always judge a person by their lifestyle and/or occupation, even if what they do goes against the grain of social dogma (or the law). :|

I also really dislike TXT shorthand and abbreviations. I find it to be a true sign of laziness and/or lack of spelling skills (we should all AT LEAST be able to SPELL, by the time we graduate high school). Words are a powerful gift, made to be used to their fullest ability to create beautiful sentences and lasting sentiments..

Excellent post! :thumbup:

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Ohhh...I got some for ya....those people that can turn conversations into arguements....like I need that stress right?...how the f*ck are you gonna turn the theory of Butterfly Effect into a full blown argument???

and my ALL TIME FAVORITE....ppl that can't let you walk away from an arguement. You all know the kind: conversation to debate, debate to arguement, arguement starts getting personal, you walk away so as to NOT try and loose your cool....and they HAVE to follow you...pushing all the right buttons....not taking your requests to stop the conversation in any kind of respect....demanding that you listen to them when all your trying to do is walk away and cool down....and they do this....CONSTANTLY....

when did walking away from an arguement become a bad thing? why do certian ppl INSIST on continuing...and when you DO loose your cool, they magically can't understand why? You try to contain it....you try everything in your power to not loose it...but they HAVE to keep pushing...no matter what....and then..BOOM...and now they don't get how you can jsutifiy being so pissed....HELLO...DUH

If I tell you NOT to press the big red button to detonate the nuke....don't f*cking start pratice pancake flipping with the pan over the button!!!

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Let's see, I hate:


ignorant fucks--------ditto


celery? still workin on it.....love the seasoning but not the strings

Ugg boots-----ditto

the "tanned-to-a-crisp and bleach-blonde-hair" look----ditto


tobacco smoke (I can cope, but I really don't like it)--ditto


people with gawd-awful breath----ditto, did a cat shit in your mouth or what??? Its called a breath mint!

centipedes--------especially out west-ditto

people who drive like assholes---ditto-----gratiot on social security check day! whoot!

Florida (except for the weather... ahhhhhhh.....)------ok to visit when its NOT Chirstmas season!!!

everything Disney -- it's a VERRRY long story :( (I'm a recovering Disney-aholic)

people who thrive on drama-------ditto Jerry Springer here I come!

"fairweather friends"-----ditto.........try getting sick and almost dying. You find out who they are.

romantic comedies that are all the same (I don't hate this whole genre, just ones that are the exact same as every other one)--------can you say Cameron Diaz anyone? Ditto?

horror movies that involve nothing but shitty stories, shitty acting, forced boob and sex scenes, and so forth---------ditto

rap and R+B (no offense if there are any fans on here)--------ditto except for ICP heh

I'm sure I hate more things, but that's all I can think of right now.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I hate people that think that intelligence will make up for instinct. Just because you can mathematically theorize the coming of GOD as a Comet which will crash into earth, bringing forth hundreds of evils things, don't sit there and try to EXPLAIN something you have no instinct in. There is a differance between intelligence and wisdom....intelligence you study...wisdom comes from instinct and living through a situation.....Study that!!

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