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3 years ago I decided ta mess around with black lipstick, eye-liner and nail polish, of course now I've been using face-powder as well, since its been awhile now using the same routine, I think its time for more creative make-up use, Of course i hardly know any make-up/brand names and i suck at choosing also, so if anyone could throw any idea's, hints or advise, it be very appretiated. I'm looking for that more darker look and im in the urge to be more creative, I plan on going beyond where no male has gone before, hehe, I know it sounds a bit weird ehhh, wait a minute!! weird is GOOD!! lol whut am I talking about :tongue: but yeah, any kind of opinions would be bit helpful, :cool

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Guest Megalicious

Mac is great makeup ... expensive but worth it .. a little goes along way ... also .. if your looking for great color .. dark or light urban decay .. has some great stuff :) some of my favs .. GODDESS... CRASH.... GASH :) ... but heres the link look for yourself ..http://www.urbandecay.com/detail.cfm?pid=1

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I don't know how you normally wear your make up, but if you want some dramatic eye liner type stuff - loreal has some good stuff (fine tip, looks like a sponge). The charcoal blacks, burgendys, and purples blended has a nice look too. I wouldn't use the cheap garbage make up either since most of those rubb off or fade off. Look for the metallics if that may be an interest to ya. That can also add to your look.

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Some of my make up is loreal and some is Maybelline, I've normally grabbed those colors that seem to look like they have a glitter of sorts in them. They do also carry some nice metallics (in powers - I hate that liquid metallic stuff) at Sally's Beauty Supply. Sometimes its cheaper there. Loreal does have this brand called "Soft Effects". It has two shades that come with it. The one I have is called "Golden Moss". From Sally's, I got this little compact looking device called "Three of a Kind" and the color is "Black Satin". They look really nice, but like every chics make up bag - I have tons of crap!

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Here is two ideas.

1. Add any color in symbolic designs to your face that matches any colors you are wearing that is not black. It'll make more emphases on your appearance and will be different then what is already seen at the club.

2. Eleteric tape in small amounts across the face. Still dark with a little creativity to it.

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*notes everything down* Thanx guys :happy: I'll have ta experiment with these ta see which I would like or whut I can come up with, once after I get a job that is lol.

Thanx for the link meg, that one helped alot :grin eye-shadow is something I defintely need to try.

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::: Scampers into the thread with a puffy grin :::

"Now, I may have puffy cheeks from wisdom teeth removal but I can still give you make-up advice....."

Anywho, let's see..... I'd say to add some lighter, contrasting colour to the mix? Firece Critter and Gothicmom have something going with that red or purple mix. I'd say give it a shot, and definitely add some sort of colour to your eyelids. I've always found that playing with eye make-up is fun as hell.

As far as brand names go, go into a local Dollar Daze store and look in the make-up section. Look for a brand of make-up called "Jordana." It goes on easily, comes off easy and it wont make you feel like you're stabbing yourself in the eye whilst applying it either. Jordana brand comes in various colours, ranging from snow white to black. I have various colours myself, silver, gold, blue, navy blue, a couple shades of green, some more blues..... and a purple somewhere too. Lotsa fun colours to play with.

As far as eyeshadow goes, dollar stores have some good brands, try Aziza for blush and eyeshadow. Aziza has managed to produce many a decent shade. Also, a visit to a local Hot Topic can result in acquiring a new colour from that Bloody Mary brand of eyeshadow. Mind you, that brand can get VERY powdery and messy but it pays off. It has several hues to choose from, my favourite being yellow and also the only colour I own. But a bright blue, green, red, black, grey and pink should also be on the shelves. Good colours.

Now, grab some cash, go out, buy and experiment!! >_O!!

When my puffy cheeks quit being so puffy, I'll demonstrate some fun stuff if you want. ;3

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A word of advice on Hot Topic brand lipstick - DON'T!

Hehe. My friend and I both bought some lipstick from Hot Topic and found that it runs/feathers/smears/cakes very badly, even with a high-quality lip-liner in place first. If it had just been me, I would have put it down to my own chemistry, but it happened to him too.

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A word of advice on Hot Topic brand lipstick - DON'T!

Hehe. My friend and I both bought some lipstick from Hot Topic and found that it runs/feathers/smears/cakes very badly, even with a high-quality lip-liner in place first. If it had just been me, I would have put it down to my own chemistry, but it happened to him too.


I already found that out the hard way aloooong time ago, boo to hot topic lol

I don't think you need to change.. you're perfeKt just the way you are  :tongue:

BUT, if you are insisting on a change.. I still say take off the eyebrows and make yer own! And get your labret and septum pierced.  :wink



I'm not changing, just improving a little bit :wink I plan ta get them peirced in the future once again, its all based from the $$ situation (which sux)

I'll think about the whole eyebrow thing, well see :tongue:

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