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Free Press Reviews City Club

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City Club has always been an underground club. There's no sign over the door; you don't even know it exists unless you know somebody that knows something ... you know? So, I'm flipping through the "Play" insert in today's Free Press and what do I see? A review for City Club. What the hell? Are they going mainstream? I hope it doesn't bring in the tourists. It's not in the print version, but in the online version there's a pic of our very own Saecha (which I butchered the spelling on, sorry).


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it "screams come as you are"? - ugh. I HATE the title of the article.

Not only is there a pic of Saechlyn, isn't that Nienna standing with her talking?

God I miss you guys. Must get my car fixed.

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Going mainstream?????

Sweetie, CC has not been "underground" for a long while now.....

That is why I rarely go now, it has been over publicized by things like that recent zombie thing and these so called fetish balls.....

Shit, even fetish shows have become mainstream, it used to be that you had to know somebody to be involved in that scene.....

It's crappy.....

I need to get out of this city, I have become a little bitter.....

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In this day and age,when anything becomes popular its original image is tarnished as well ,that goes for everything on this planet.

some things are better left underground IMO,Fuck Mainstream.its pretty bad when even"poop" has become pop.

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it "screams come as you are"? - ugh. I HATE the title of the article.

Not only is there a pic of Saechlyn, isn't that Nienna standing with her talking?

God I miss you guys. Must get my car fixed.

Yes indeed a mutually unflattering glimpse of Sacha and myself at Exotica. LOL

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Im kinda disappointed even though I just started going to city I like the thought of people who have things in common that are considered uncommon have a place to hang out. I heard of city through two of my friends. I searched high and low for industrial clubs and I came across city by pure accident. I am very happy I did but I dont want to start coming to city and there are a bunch of fucking tourist and posers there it would make city feel so fake to me. The title of the article is stupid. It should have said "Come If You Dare".
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I agree with Michiko Dreads. Well honestly, I don't mind "non-goths" checking out CC, but some of those people are unwelcome assholes. Whenever I have some sleaze approach me and flat-out ask me for sex, it's always someone dressed like Eminem or an anonymous redneck. I know not all of the goths at CC are "angels," but I have yet to have a regular instantly caress me and treat me like a cheap prostitute when I'm just trying to have a good time.

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Im kinda disappointed even though I just started going to city I like the thought of people who have things in common that are considered uncommon have a place to hang out. I heard of city through two of my friends. I searched high and low for industrial clubs and I came across city by pure accident. I am very happy I did but I dont want to start coming to city and there are a bunch of fucking tourist and posers there it would make city feel so fake to me. The title of the article is stupid. It should have said "Come If You Dare".

Gee be harsh on us posers....LOL I'll try not to look too touristy. :drag:

I agree with Michiko Dreads. Well honestly, I don't mind "non-goths" checking out CC, but some of those people are unwelcome assholes. Whenever I have some sleaze approach me and flat-out ask me for sex, it's always someone dressed like Eminem or an anonymous redneck. I know not all of the goths at CC are "angels," but I have yet to have a regular instantly caress me and treat me like a cheap prostitute when I'm just trying to have a good time.

I'll do better next time and caress you. :respect:

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Its a public business not a private club. Its only been "underground" in the loosest sense as long as I've been going.

There have been articles in Metro Times, Real Detroit and various papers over the years, i remember one way back in Detroit News before that newspaper strike. Nothing new in terms of CC "coming out". There are so few long-lasting businesses in detroit-proper eventually everyone gets an article. Nothing horrific to see here.

The way its photographed though the place actually looks kind of eclectic and sort of Latin? lol. Never saw that green laser strobe effect before. . Some of the details they picture there I've never even seen before hah.

The place still is intimidating to newbies, believe me. But nothing long lasting remains elitist forever. When i first started going to CC 10+ years ago it was indeed a bit more "unknown" but it was still known by almost everyone i talked to that was a bar-going type. Nothings changed, except the total lack of any actual proper goth music (and even then it was only in-token here and there =P )

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sometimes i wish it wasnt as well known as it is

not that im going to harp on the way people dress but its the attitudes that non regsbring with them, when they take their friends (becouse you know they wont show up alone) and you all know who im talking about

groups that always stand in the entrance to the floor(typically) each have a beer in their hand and they make fun of the music and the crowd making an ass out of themselves more than anything becouse they are the minority, then they try to pick up girls and when they realize they can't they leave...

and weve all seen it

and that is the main problem with the place having its noteriety

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d00d! i just saw pics of the hallway leading to the ballroom, and i was like.. where the fuck is that! lmao.... i never knew there were swirls on the walls... lol

they changed the paint job i think last novemeber/december

and I really think they could have done a better job with it, reminds me of the scene in batman forever where they fight those guys with the luminus paint and the walls and such are all glowey, minus the cool effect of the glowingness

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“Each generation is a little bit different,” says Manager Sybil Carter, who has worked at City Club for 23 years. “When I first started there it was very hardcore punk. Then it was just punk. Then it went into techno. Then it went into the Goth, then industrial. It’s like we don’t have to do anything, the people change.”


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Guest GodfallenPromos

posers there it would make city feel so fake to me

ummmm.....thats what half of them are....I've seen them all hardcore n goth there...and at the mall in polos and khakis...

LMFAO..I ADORE the pic of the complete empty dance floor....makes you SO wanna go...lol

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sometimes i wish it wasnt as well known as it is

not that im going to harp on the way people dress but its the attitudes that non regsbring with them, when they take their friends (becouse you know they wont show up alone) and you all know who im talking about

groups that always stand in the entrance to the floor(typically) each have a beer in their hand and they make fun of the music and the crowd making an ass out of themselves more than anything becouse they are the minority, then they try to pick up girls and when they realize they can't they leave...

and weve all seen it

and that is the main problem with the place having its noteriety

:rofl: I totally know what you're talking about. Those are the kinds that piss me off.

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