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State Customized License Plates

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shouldn't even be allowed at all. I agree with the yellow for drunk driving. But this is going to be horribly bad. Might as well just put a target on them because now everyone is going to fuck with them. Not saying they don't deserve it, but they have rights too. Though I guess it gives people with road rage something to do.

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Can't you just see it now?  Little kids looking at the pink state issued license plates for convicted sex offenders and thinking "wow that's pretty?"  Give me a break!  It should be brown or something.


I'm surprised that this thing with the pink lisence tags is an Ohio thing and not Michigan -- Ohio didn't even have their own "proposition two" on their bill last November.

...but then again, I'm not surprised by the Totolitarian Fascist Police-State this country is becoming. Know who else "tagged" the undesirables of their country? That's one of the reasons I'm busting my arse to get the fuck out of here -- like hell the United States is going to Paragraph 175 me into a concentration camp.

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I'm staying to fight, at best things get better, at worst I eat this cyanide tablet... No I won't they'll have to shoot me.

If they start brainwashing people (more so than they already do) then I'll considder it. I'd rather be dead than a labodomized worker monkey peon.

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I'm staying to fight, at best things get better, at worst I eat this cyanide tablet...  No I won't they'll have to shoot me.

If they start brainwashing people (more so than they already do) then I'll considder it.  I'd rather be dead than a labodomized worker monkey peon.


I'm really shocked to see that people still believe that this is a "free country."

The Patriot Act is inherently unconstitutional. Prop Two was, also. Nobody gives a shit about that here, anymore -- if you can believe the results of that vote, the ONLY counties in Michigan where Prop Two was voted against by a gynormous margin were counties that housed "progressive" universities. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if speaking out about how much I think that Dubya is turning into the new El Duce on an effing message-board legally qualifies me as a "terrorist." It seriously would NOT surprise me in the least. Hey, double that with the fact that I'm QUEER and I'll bet McCarthy's Ghost is telling Monkey-Boy where I'm hiding the anthrax. :doh

...but yeah, enough about my personal plots to overthrow "family values" with my "trans/gay agenda" and how I'm "plotting to make your kids into sodomites"...

Shout "GODWIN!" at me like anybody actually gives a shit all you fucking like, tagging pervets' cars with colours in seriously no better than the triangle-codes those fucking armbands. YES! WE ARE *SO* LIVING IN A "FREE COUNTRY"!

According to The Constitution, i can legally say that with utmost sarcasm and vitriol, but according to your goddamned "family values fighting machines" like G.W. Monkey-Face and Ann Coulter and their precious Patriot Act, I'm practically the Anti-Christ.

Remember kids! Unless you agree with being a braindead propaganda sponge, you're a TERRORIST!

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ya know what bothers me about the plate thing, there are diffrent levels of sex offender, a person caught in the back seat doing it with a consentual adult is or can be charged as a sex offender, the guy down the street molesting the kids is a sex offender, the guy peeing on the wall behind 7-11 can be charged as a sex offender......

basically what i am saying is even if you are not a huge pervert and you get caught doing one of those "innocent" things we have all done you can still be sporting that pink plate. Then i am assume every one will think you are a chester, when i n reality you n your guy/girl were havng fun in the back seet.

I just wonder how it will play out the first time some one pulls some guy out of the car and starts beating him to death for being a perv....when all he had to do was pee and got caught...

I just see this causing more of a divide among people then it being a help.


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ya know what bothers me about the plate thing, there are diffrent levels of sex offender, a person caught in the back seat doing it with a consentual adult is or can be charged as  a sex offender, the guy down the street molesting the kids is a sex offender, the guy peeing on the wall behind 7-11 can be charged as a sex offender......

basically what i am saying is even if you are not a huge pervert and you get caught doing one of those "innocent" things we have all done you can still be sporting that pink plate. Then i am assume every one will think you are a chester, when i n reality you n your guy/girl were havng fun in the back seet. 

I just wonder how it will play out the first time some one pulls some guy out of the car and starts beating him to death for being a perv....when all he had to do was pee and got caught... 

I just see this causing more of a divide among people then it being a help.




That's the point.

It's called Nazism.


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There was this huge discussion about this on the radio last Friday. I only feel that the license plate should be used on a case by case basis and only for repeat convictions. It shouldn't be used for those cases of "mooning", public flashings, etc. Just my opinion.

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There was this huge discussion about this on the radio last Friday.  I only feel that the license plate should be used on a case by case basis and only for repeat convictions.  It shouldn't be used for those cases of "mooning", public flashings, etc.  Just my opinion.


See, I guess that's what makes me a Terrorist and really outrages McCarthy's ghost.

Once a convicted criminal has paid hi/r time, they have the right to some effing privacy. Furthermore, I'm actually rather surprised that I'm the only one on this board who's at least made thinly-veiled references to the fact that the effing tags are EFFING PINK!

Hey, guess which other group is associated with the colour pink?

This proposition is aiming for som much more than a giant invasion of a released convict's privacy -- it aims to make sure we see degrading Oscar Wilde-like sodomy trials each and every day. It aims to further persecute people who've already been voted second class citizens by assiciating them with "real" perverts.

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That's the point.

It's called Nazism.



I was rather put off by your use of the word Duh..........

at first i took it as a personal attack to my post as if i was stating the obvious or something..... which i was just stating what i can see happening

on second thought i see where you may be stateing that basically what i said is the plan with the plate thing.......

please elborate more.


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I was rather put off by your use of the word Duh..........

at first i took it as a personal attack to my post as if i was stating the obvious or something..... which i was just stating what i can see happening

on second thought i see where you may be stateing that basically what i said is the plan with the plate thing.......

please elborate more.



OK, first off, nobody should take *anything* I say personally, much less as a personal attack. I'm a wise-ass, nothing more, nothing less. I'm rarely vitriolic toward anybody specific, but more often toward specific topics.

Secondly, yes, I was stating "yeah, that's basicly what you said."

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OK, first off, nobody should take *anything* I say personally, much less as a personal attack.  I'm a wise-ass, nothing more, nothing less.  I'm rarely vitriolic toward anybody specific, but more often toward specific topics.

Secondly, yes, I was stating "yeah, that's basicly what you said."


cool thanks for clearing it up sometimes the tone of words on the internet is hard to get, something is lost in translation at times that is why i asked.......

thank you


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I have to agree with Lestat and Lilith: categorizing the guy who pees in public and the guy who molests a child the same way is not only idiotic, but dangerous.

My problem with the inane and fascist idea of differently colored license plates is not identifying sexual predators (I refuse and disdain the term offenders, since that includes the public urinators, etc.); most sexual predators are guilty of repeat behavior. My problem is the extent to which they are identified. They should definitely be identified to the police in the community in which they live. I'm still riding the fence as to whether citizens of a given community should be allowed to know if a convicted sexual predator lives in their neighborhood (assuming that they are not currently on probation). For everyone driving by on the freeway to know about it, however, is stupid beyond description. It will certainly be a draw for drunken beatings, public ridicule and humiliation, and other unseemly behavior. Our concern should be prevention from future acts. Making a sexual predator's license plate pink does nothing at all to further that aim, unless you are looking for the predator to be murdered by some vigilante.

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I have to agree with Lestat and Lilith: categorizing the guy who pees in public and the guy who molests a child the same way is not only idiotic, but dangerous.

My problem with the inane and fascist idea of differently colored license plates is not identifying sexual predators (I refuse and disdain the term offenders, since that includes the public urinators, etc.); most sexual predators are guilty of repeat behavior.  My problem is the extent to which they are identified.  They should definitely be identified to the police in the community in which they live.  I'm still riding the fence as to whether citizens of a given community should be allowed to know if a convicted sexual predator lives in their neighborhood (assuming that they are not currently on probation).  For everyone driving by on the freeway to know about it, however, is stupid beyond description.  It will certainly be a draw for drunken beatings, public ridicule and humiliation, and other unseemly behavior.  Our concern should be prevention from future acts.  Making a sexual predator's license plate pink does nothing at all to further that aim, unless you are looking for the predator to be murdered by some vigilante.


Well, see, the problem with whether or not sexual predators should have their status alerted to their neighbours lies in the fact that the vast majority of them are inrehabilitatable( :confused ) and proably shouldn't be outside of prison in the first place.

This is why Libertarianism and Ayn Rand are, for the VAST majority, only really popular with the very young and very inexierenced -- true, nobody wants to pay taxes, but some of us are actually willing to pay a dollar more to the State each month if it'll keep hardcore kiddy-diddlers off the streets and behind bars (shit, it's plexiglass now, isn't it?) like they should be.

Tagging a toddler-toucher's car isn't going to make the streets any safer. It's just going to encourage him to use somebody else's car (for MANY reasons).

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Locking them up and throwing away the key is a perfectly acceptable answer in the "libertarian" pantheon depending on the crime from everything i've read. Some current libritarian writers would even help throw more people away forever by streamlining and making the prision system more self-sufficent via various suggested means.

Ayn Rand is viewed by most modern libertarian writers as a bit of a quack, with many flashes of brilliance, and not really part of the "mainstream modern libritarian thinking" due to a lot of (now fairly well documented) contradictions. But she was very violently against crime or "breaking the social compact" , especially sexual criminals of the type we are discussing here, along with most libritairan writers.

Most all the libertarian writings i know of are written by "older" people that arrived at their beliefs by long thought and much research and life experience. Read a few novel-length writings by some of these people and it becomes clear they didnt get to their opinions by a knee-jerk child-like thought process.

The only "real life" libertarians i know are grandparent aged. One is a WWII vet with 10+ grandkids (and 3 great grandkids). The other was a prison guard in Alabama for 20 some years and also is a grandfather. I'd say they are pretty experienced.

I don't consider myself Libertarian as i think its a bit to anarchic for my tastes but i always feel the need to play devils advocate when a large section of the "political thought pool" is characterized as inexperienced idiots. Im sure there are inexperienced idiots that consider themselves "libritiarans" but the concept itself is not based on "inexperience".

(I also have been known to defend Conservatives and Liberals, i'd probably even defend Imperialists/Authoritarians if any existed nowadays, as if!) ... thus im a freak of nature i guess haha)

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Pink was the color for sex offenders in Nazi Germany's concentration camps also.  (yes really)

Hrmm. coincidence?  :doh


Not a coincidence at all. Most likely intentional.


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