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Magic: The Gathering

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I had a mtg group that played on a regular basis last year....we kinda disbanded tho due to scheduling and various other issues. I still have all my decks and if a game started up and I have the time I would play again.

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I used to be really big into Magic, there used to be region tournaments in and around my hometown but then they converted to Yu-Gi-Oh which is an "okay" game. and again they converted to Guitar Hero and rock band tournaments which I love better, Rock band is my game with drums ^.^ 98% Run To The Hills expert on drums :3!

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The guy that won the "Pro Tour" MTG tournament this last weekend won $40,000. Damn.

Lookit this nut:


heh except I'm guessing with the amount of time/money he's spent on MTG shit, he may just be breaking even.. ;)

I just re-printed out the MTG Comprehensive Rulebook last updated May 1, 2008.. *drools* I can't wait to dive in.. not a WHOLE lot has changed since the last time I printed this bad boy out, but I will be more studious this time.. (hopes)

I also reprinted out the Basic Rulebook, but the only thing updated on it is the last page since I last did it, and it's regarding the Plainswalkers.

I put it all together in my little binder that I have.. will get tabs for it later for quick reference. :)

EDIT TO SAY: If I had more time/less of a life, I would still be interested in being a DCI Tournament Judge.. *prays for more time in the day*

Edited by hunhee
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I'm thinking of getting back into it, i have two decks both comprised of nothing but reds. I have one which my uncle gave me when he became "too mature" to play and its a deck from the early 90's alot of rare cards :D sadly i doubt the MTG rules will let me use them anymore :[ but my newer deck i keep updated even though I rarely play anymore I just don't have the time since I began work this summer :confused:

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I'm thinking of getting back into it, i have two decks both comprised of nothing but reds. I have one which my uncle gave me when he became "too mature" to play and its a deck from the early 90's alot of rare cards :D sadly i doubt the MTG rules will let me use them anymore :[ but my newer deck i keep updated even though I rarely play anymore I just don't have the time since I began work this summer :confused:

If you want to get back into it....I would say that you would need to go with the latest in "starting expansions"...a.k.a Ravnica....everything in there is 2-colored..but has some REALLY nice things going on when it comes to card effects...easy as hell to get back in the game with too.....you'd have to go to a card shop to find them...but it's one of the BEST expansions to come out since before Odyssey.....and thats like....umm...say over 7 years old.

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If you want to get back into it....I would say that you would need to go with the latest in "starting expansions"...a.k.a Ravnica....everything in there is 2-colored..but has some REALLY nice things going on when it comes to card effects...easy as hell to get back in the game with too.....you'd have to go to a card shop to find them...but it's one of the BEST expansions to come out since before Odyssey.....and thats like....umm...say over 7 years old.

If you want Type II, you can't start with Ravnica.. it's already out. I have to say, Ravnica is my favorite series.. *sighs* My best/most playable deck was mostly comprised of Ravnica. I'll list the current type II series in a moment, once I stop drooling over my rules.. heh

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Guest GodfallenPromos

If you want Type II, you can't start with Ravnica.. it's already out. I have to say, Ravnica is my favorite series.. *sighs* My best/most playable deck was mostly comprised of Ravnica. I'll list the current type II series in a moment, once I stop drooling over my rules.. heh

yeah..I know...but I prefer pure casual to "you must use these cards".....which is why I still have OLD school cards in some of my decks...lol

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yeah..I know...but I prefer pure casual to "you must use these cards".....which is why I still have OLD school cards in some of my decks...lol

Actually my group of friends are the "kitchen table/scrubs" that Troy refers to above.

As I stated before, here's the current list of "Standard" or "Type II" series as of right now:

* Tenth Edition

* Coldsnap™ (Until October 3, 2008)

* Time Spiral™ (Until October 3, 2008)

* Planar Chaos™ (Until October 3, 2008)

* Future Sight™ (Until October 3, 2008)

* Lorwyn™

* Morningtide™

* Shadowmoor™

* Eventide™ (Effective July 25, 2008)

* Shards of Alara (Effective October 3, 2008)

Obviously the last two in green aren't legal yet, but at least you get to see what's on the horizon.

If you want a quick link to what's current... Standard Format Deck Construction


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I had a mtg group that played on a regular basis last year....we kinda disbanded tho due to scheduling and various other issues. I still have all my decks and if a game started up and I have the time I would play again.


heh except I'm guessing with the amount of time/money he's spent on MTG shit, he may just be breaking even.. ;)

I just re-printed out the MTG Comprehensive Rulebook last updated May 1, 2008.. *drools* I can't wait to dive in.. not a WHOLE lot has changed since the last time I printed this bad boy out, but I will be more studious this time.. (hopes)

I also reprinted out the Basic Rulebook, but the only thing updated on it is the last page since I last did it, and it's regarding the Plainswalkers.

I put it all together in my little binder that I have.. will get tabs for it later for quick reference. :)

EDIT TO SAY: If I had more time/less of a life, I would still be interested in being a DCI Tournament Judge.. *prays for more time in the day*

All this magic talk is getting me hot. Is that wrong? *calms down* lol

I'm thinking of getting back into it, i have two decks both comprised of nothing but reds. I have one which my uncle gave me when he became "too mature" to play and its a deck from the early 90's alot of rare cards :D sadly i doubt the MTG rules will let me use them anymore :[ but my newer deck i keep updated even though I rarely play anymore I just don't have the time since I began work this summer :confused:

Depends on what "level" of getting into it your refering to. If your just playing casually around the kitchen table you can play with whatever random cards you have. Just need 2 people that want to play and learn the ins and outs of the game and your good to go.

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Oh gosh, I used to play Magic TG about 12 yrs ago, when the cards/abilities were much simpler. I don't know any of the new rules, etc. and it seems to have gotten very complicated!

One card game I always enjoyed immensely: Jihad (now called "Vampire"). It's very difficult to learn, but once you get the basics you are good to go. I still have my cards, but finding people to play this is not easy. Not many people got into it.

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Oh gosh, I used to play Magic TG about 12 yrs ago, when the cards/abilities were much simpler. I don't know any of the new rules, etc. and it seems to have gotten very complicated!

One card game I always enjoyed immensely: Jihad (now called "Vampire"). It's very difficult to learn, but once you get the basics you are good to go. I still have my cards, but finding people to play this is not easy. Not many people got into it.

They changed the name of it to Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VES). Back in that ancient time period you refer to when MTG was new and so was Jyhad my friend and I played both pretty extensively. There are a few VES players still lurking around but the main "fun" part of the game is the vampire theme honestly more than anything else. The game mechanics themselves are fun, but MTG is a better game all around, more well playtested, and more "fair" generally , since there are less "overpowered" cards that can just end the game.

I really wish MTG had a more "dark" theme to it, would be prefect. Luckily though there are plenty of "evil" cards in MTG too. Could have MTG be the exact same game essentially, just with less of the "fantasy" stuff and more of the "dark fantasy". I had long hoped they would take the Vampre theme and make it compatible with MTG.

MTG is actually simpler now than it was in the ancient times. The cards themselves (some of them) have a lot of text on them, but there was a TON of "gray area" in the rules back in the ancient times, and also a few play mechanics that they totally removed from the game to make it simpler.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I really wish MTG had a more "dark" theme to it, would be prefect. Luckily though there are plenty of "evil" cards in MTG too. Could have MTG be the exact same game essentially, just with less of the "fantasy" stuff and more of the "dark fantasy". I had long hoped they would take the Vampre theme and make it compatible with MTG.

lol....Troy...have you met my friend Brom??...lol

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z0mg! Troy! Now I know where I recognize you from. You had an ad placed somewhere online for some kind of HeroScape group a while back.

Anyway, I used to play Magic back when it first came out. I had two complete black border sets, plus a complete Arabian Nights expansion. I foolishly let other people see my collection and it was stolen. I've got a bunch of cards that I bought about 6 years ago, but I haven't played since.

Anyone in the Royal Oak/Ferndale area interested in getting some kind of gaming going? Maybe a once-a-month role-playing session?

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z0mg! Troy! Now I know where I recognize you from. You had an ad placed somewhere online for some kind of HeroScape group a while back.

Anyway, I used to play Magic back when it first came out. I had two complete black border sets, plus a complete Arabian Nights expansion. I foolishly let other people see my collection and it was stolen. I've got a bunch of cards that I bought about 6 years ago, but I haven't played since.

Anyone in the Royal Oak/Ferndale area interested in getting some kind of gaming going? Maybe a once-a-month role-playing session?

Lol. Heroscape. Online on heroscapers.com I'm guessing is the only place I'd have posted it or on the Michigan Gamers Yahoo Group maybe. I miss that game.

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z0mg! Troy! Now I know where I recognize you from. You had an ad placed somewhere online for some kind of HeroScape group a while back.

Anyway, I used to play Magic back when it first came out. I had two complete black border sets, plus a complete Arabian Nights expansion. I foolishly let other people see my collection and it was stolen. I've got a bunch of cards that I bought about 6 years ago, but I haven't played since.

Anyone in the Royal Oak/Ferndale area interested in getting some kind of gaming going? Maybe a once-a-month role-playing session?

Heroscape ROX!!! Just wish I didn't have to lug that shit around and the set up.. holy hells.. that's a lot of work. *giggles*

Depending on what kind of gaming will be had, I may be game.. ;)

I take it you play Heroscape?

Lol. Heroscape. Online on heroscapers.com I'm guessing is the only place I'd have posted it or on the Michigan Gamers Yahoo Group maybe. I miss that game.

Don't forget the short lived "detroithobbygamers" *sniffles*

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I like the game...I find it interesting. But I don't have a deck of my own really (always use my brothers crap cards or off deck) lol and now that he's not into it really anymore I might take his stuff mwahahahaha! But eh, I like to play it...I always lose, but it's still fun. :) (as far as format...I don't know enough about it yet. :( lol

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Yup....and don't forget 3001 (aka the continuing adventures of Frank). Those were my intro to Clarke, this was the first time going through Rama.

Heroscape ROX!!! Just wish I didn't have to lug that shit around and the set up.. holy hells.. that's a lot of work. *giggles*

Depending on what kind of gaming will be had, I may be game.. ;)

I take it you play Heroscape?

Don't forget the short lived "detroithobbygamers" *sniffles*


I like the game...I find it interesting. But I don't have a deck of my own really (always use my brothers crap cards or off deck) lol and now that he's not into it really anymore I might take his stuff mwahahahaha! But eh, I like to play it...I always lose, but it's still fun. :) (as far as format...I don't know enough about it yet. :( lol

Yeah it takes a lot of focus to go from being a "dabbler" to actually fully learning the game and such. Its not hard, just takes time.

4th Edition D&D Just came out this month... random thought. :)

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Yeah. I can get into card games that invlove me playing as a billion people or even one complex character. I cant get into RPG, RPB, or card games like M:TG. Im a video game girl. I like graphics, sound effects, cheat codes, blood spilling video games. My ex tried to teach me yugi-oh I was like I will blow my brains out before I do this again. Its not my thing but if its fun for you have fun.

When I was younger my moms used to tell me that D&D was like a mind game and that people were in another astral plane RPing. She used to tell me if people died in the game they died in real life or some shit like that.


just felt like postin something

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I should be able to start up ye old informal MTG night at my place by July.... They is still rebuilding my house... If they aren't done by July...heads must roll.

Anywho, Medea plans to bring her RPG groups over to meet at the house (she's the new roomie soon). So, I'll be in geek heaven!

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