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If You Had To Vote Today  

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Obama and Bill Richardson would be a fantastic ticket. Experience, strength and hope.

McCain, not so much. He'd sink us into Iraq for 50 years, reinstate the draft, And invade Iran. Puke.

Also, he had the opportunity to leave the POW camp soon after he was taken hostage if he would write a letter denouncing the Vietnam War. Now, I'm all in favor of principles, but someone that stubborn (and yes, I'm stubborn, Very stubborn, and it is not a quality I like in myself) is not someone I want governing my country. Granted, he may be less stubborn now, but anyone who says "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" needs to go to frickin pack it in. He may disagree with Bush on many things, but he's still a cowboy, and I've had enough of that crap with Bush numbers 1 and 2.

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Obama. I'm hoping he can turn things around.

As for McCain- well, just go here- www.therealmccain.com.

BTW- If the FCC does start to do the restrictions that McCain wants, I have a feeling that's just the beginning. Once our freedom of speech is taken away (first in small portions like this and the Patriot Act) it's just a matter of time. Anyone read 1984?

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BTW- If the FCC does start to do the restrictions that McCain wants, I have a feeling that's just the beginning. Once our freedom of speech is taken away (first in small portions like this and the Patriot Act) it's just a matter of time. Anyone read 1984?

What about the Second Amendment? It's the keystone that holds everything else together and Obama is the one who wants to get rid of it. As long as you still have the second, you can fight for all the rest. Get rid of the second, and all the others will soon follow.

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What about the Second Amendment? It's the keystone that holds everything else together and Obama is the one who wants to get rid of it. As long as you still have the second, you can fight for all the rest. Get rid of the second, and all the others will soon follow.

I agree that we definitely need to keep the second amendment; it's what guarantees our freedom against our own government (especially if the government is corrupt), other countries, and from other people within our own country. But I think people will lobby against what he is trying to do if and when Obama gets into office, so whatever he tries to get thru won't pass. Yes, people should have the right to bear arms, for hunting and safety. What we need to look at as a society is making it safer for people to own guns (especially with children), and better screenings before people purchase. When I was younger my grandfather was an avid hunter (I was raised by my grandparents), and had guns in the house. He as always very open about having the hunting guns, and even taught me to shoot, but the guns were always kept locked. I think that his openness and willing to share what he knew and did with the guns with me, quenched my curiosity about them. Maybe if parents who own guns did more of this there would be less accidental shootings. ---That was a tangent.

As for the First Amendment. I do think that this is the most important, because once our freedom of speech is taken away we are no longer living in a democracy, how many times in the past has a leader taken away their countrymen's rights but still let them have weapons--just brainwashed them with lies and not allowed the truth to come out because of a lack of freedom of speech. In my field (theatre) a great number of artists fled to America because they were denied this right in their own countries. "The free flow of ideas essential to political democracy and democratic institutions"- Judge McLaghlin.

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It is unfortunate that the democratic party/main-stream media has succeeded in making the Republican party look like a bunch of evil old men. They have succeeded in making their [Democratic] party the trend outright, and I think that is really the only thing that is keeping this race close...

After reading this ridiculous non-sense about the FCC stepping it up if McCain gets elected, over-turning RvW... and a few other hilarious ideas that have been pounded into sheep that believe what they read on the Internet... I am beginning to understand the genius of the Democratic party. They basically used gorilla marketing to attract the youth by making Republicans look un-cool, or not the trend... and boom, they have these people believing anything they put out there in the blogs, newspapers, word-of-mouth.

Obama has already said that his strategy against McCain is going to be trying to make McCain look just like Bush... and it appears that from what I read from alot of the people on here... it's already working. Just because he is from the same party, people assume he is the same. McCain could not be more the opposite of Bush, but I guarantee he is going to have a hard time getting that across because the majority of trendy-America is already set on voting for Obama... not because they think he is more qualified... anyone that does any research into politics knows McCain is LEAGUES more ready for this job... but because they want to be able to say "I voted for the first black President."... regardless of the consequences. These are the same people that watch the Mac commercials and think.. "man, I am behind the times, i need a mac so I am cool." These are also the people that saw 'Fahrenheit 9/11', or 'Loose Change' and took it all as fact because it was geared towards a youthful/trendy audience. Ignoring the actual common sense of logic, ideas of reason, and most of all LAWS OF PHYSICS ... they refuse to acknowledge truth and believe in the agenda of those jumping on a bandwagon of being anti-Bush/Republican... working right into Democratic hands.

In the end, I think this will be a very close race... and I think McCain will win... the popular vote for sure.. but I am afraid that he just might lose on states... it's either that, or McCain will win in a land-slide. These polls you see are a snapshot of a small percentage of people that were home from 9-5pm while these polls are being taken... the avg voter will most likely be at work, or asleep because they work at night. The people that are being polled are either the unemployed, or the retired.

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It is unfortunate that the democratic party/main-stream media has succeeded in making the Republican party look like a bunch of evil old men. They have succeeded in making their [Democratic] party the trend outright, and I think that is really the only thing that is keeping this race close...

After reading this ridiculous non-sense about the FCC stepping it up if McCain gets elected, over-turning RvW... and a few other hilarious ideas that have been pounded into sheep that believe what they read on the Internet... I am beginning to understand the genius of the Democratic party. They basically used gorilla marketing to attract the youth by making Republicans look un-cool, or not the trend... and boom, they have these people believing anything they put out there in the blogs, newspapers, word-of-mouth.


So, wait a minute...the WTC really WAS blown up by crazy Muslims? Woah.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

After reading this ridiculous non-sense about the FCC stepping it up if McCain gets elected, over-turning RvW... and a few other hilarious ideas that have been pounded into sheep that believe what they read on the Internet...

.....except the words have come from McCains mouth himself.....doesn't make it ridiculous then...does it??

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A link to the direct quote would be terrific... and if this is the case, it is probably a misinterpretation or misrepresentation of his words... this is done during campaign time a lot... and makes up the majority of Fahrenheit 9/11's ideas...taking parts of quotes to put forth an agenda.

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It is unfortunate that the democratic party/main-stream media has succeeded in making the Republican party look like a bunch of evil old men. They have succeeded in making their [Democratic] party the trend outright, and I think that is really the only thing that is keeping this race close...

After reading this ridiculous non-sense about the FCC stepping it up if McCain gets elected, over-turning RvW... and a few other hilarious ideas that have been pounded into sheep that believe what they read on the Internet... I am beginning to understand the genius of the Democratic party. They basically used gorilla marketing to attract the youth by making Republicans look un-cool, or not the trend... and boom, they have these people believing anything they put out there in the blogs, newspapers, word-of-mouth.

Obama has already said that his strategy against McCain is going to be trying to make McCain look just like Bush... and it appears that from what I read from alot of the people on here... it's already working. Just because he is from the same party, people assume he is the same. McCain could not be more the opposite of Bush, but I guarantee he is going to have a hard time getting that across because the majority of trendy-America is already set on voting for Obama... not because they think he is more qualified... anyone that does any research into politics knows McCain is LEAGUES more ready for this job... but because they want to be able to say "I voted for the first black President."... regardless of the consequences. These are the same people that watch the Mac commercials and think.. "man, I am behind the times, i need a mac so I am cool." These are also the people that saw 'Fahrenheit 9/11', or 'Loose Change' and took it all as fact because it was geared towards a youthful/trendy audience. Ignoring the actual common sense of logic, ideas of reason, and most of all LAWS OF PHYSICS ... they refuse to acknowledge truth and believe in the agenda of those jumping on a bandwagon of being anti-Bush/Republican... working right into Democratic hands.

In the end, I think this will be a very close race... and I think McCain will win... the popular vote for sure.. but I am afraid that he just might lose on states... it's either that, or McCain will win in a land-slide. These polls you see are a snapshot of a small percentage of people that were home from 9-5pm while these polls are being taken... the avg voter will most likely be at work, or asleep because they work at night. The people that are being polled are either the unemployed, or the retired.

Bush and friends ARE evil old men. They didn't need anyone's help for people to see that.

You think the Republicans don't toss out red-herrings all the time? Fox news and many of the right wing bloggers and pundits have been caught in the outright lies they try to pass off as the truth. I'm not suggesting that the Dems are innocent , but don't sit there and pretend that Republicans don't do the same, if not worse.

And your connecting people who switch to Macs to Obama supporters is the funniest thing I've read in a while. People are switching because it's a more reliable, better designed and more stable OS. Vista is a disaster and XP is old and clunky and often a pain to work with. If it's stable, it's only because they've had many, many years to make it so.

I think you win the award for the most blatantly biased person on the board. :bow

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Guest GodfallenPromos

A link to the direct quote would be terrific... and if this is the case, it is probably a misinterpretation or misrepresentation of his words... this is done during campaign time a lot... and makes up the majority of Fahrenheit 9/11's ideas...taking parts of quotes to put forth an agenda.

I'll have to see if I can find it...might take a bit...I got a label crisis on my hands

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never meant to imply h was a green party candidate - in fact, i believe he's running as an independant - point is, of all of the fringe candidates, he's the one with the best shot at reaching the 5% threshold...

I hear you, Torn.

I like Nader--his politics. Always have. It makes me wonder if he & his advisors believe that the GP affiliation might actually hurt his chances of gaining a greater vote-share. If so, that would be disappointing, because as I see it, he will draw votes away from Cynthia McKinney, the GP candidate--& vice-versa. That could sadly put both candidates below the 5% threshold. :confused:

Edited by Fin
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I am not so sure I would call that propaganda...


1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

2. the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.

3. the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.

What we see in the video... are in fact.. facts. I suppose it would be up to Obama to refute these claims, but these are all things that this video did not create... everything this video talks about are all well known topics, this just looks into them a bit more.

If you are trying to compare this to Fahrenheit 9/11, there is no comparasion. One (F9/11) takes quotes directly and deliberately out of context, and the other (Portrait of Obama) and talks about his stance on issues such as talking with terrorist leaders, and other connections he has to Rev. Wright. If anything, I think they went a bit overboard with the stuff about his name... thats silly and I would agree that could be a bit propaganda'ish... but anyone that looks at someones name and decides that is reason enough NOT to vote for them should not be allowed to vote in the first


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If you are trying to compare this to Fahrenheit 9/11, there is no comparasion.

Not at all. Michael Moore is an idiot who comes up with an idea then engineers video to try to sell the idea. A few sheep may believe it but if anything, watching his videos makes me actually want to vote Republican just to spite him.

Watching the Obama video just confirms the fact that I don't like the man. Everyone I've talked to that supports him cannot come up with one tangible reason why. They're great at stating why they hate all the other candidates but so far nobody is really good in generating specific reasons on why Obama would be a good pres.

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I'm won't vote this year. I don't see myself throwing my vote away as much as I'm putting a couple fingers up at the American political system and the direction it's going, towards the ground.

What a great outlook on things! :happydance

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I'm won't vote this year. I don't see myself throwing my vote away as much as I'm putting a couple fingers up at the American political system and the direction it's going, towards the ground.

if you want things to change, you need to vote, and if you dislike republicrats as much as i do, you should vote for a third-party/non-duopoly candidate who has the most likelyhood of getting to 5%, so we can get him/her into the national debates (and also get them matching federal campaign funding) so we can

get the rebublicrats out of there!!!

(might i suggest voting for nader, as a way to flip off the duopoly!?)


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