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DGN @ CC 6/7/08 Aftermath

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Mwa ha ha! I'm the first one awake this morning so I get to start the thread! Actually, I hope Tszura was the first one awake this morning and made it to work on time.

I'll post more later when I get home from church.

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Thanks Spook! I did indeed make it to work. I'm on break with only 4 more hours to go!! Whoo-hoooooo! (passes out on desk) Zzzzzzzzzzz LOL

OMG!! I had the BEST time last night!!

It was so cool to see everyone, and I danced my tuckus off!

J9~ Riku is right, my dear, you are INCREDIBLE!! I should have been out the door waaaaaaaaaay before I made my descent from the pit, but you were playing such awesome music, that I rocked it out for the rest of the night ; ) Thank you so much!

Those I can name:

EnviousPoppet and Alaska Sunrise: What fun!!! Seeing you guys always warms up my black heart, lol (it tingles, hehe) You’re brother was funny Poppet~ it looked like he was having a good time : )

Fin: Your Alter ego :geek: ……Your Alter ego’s alter ego? :devil: Lol Thanks for making my night a blast, and putting up with all my oceanic salt water ;->

Spook: Good to see you! Way to work that kilt! You don’t even want to know what time I made it home,lol

Riku: **Hugs** and ***belly tickles*** lol

Dark Metallion: Nice chatting with you : ) Have fun at the Harley Fest!

HunHee: “Hot stuff, comin’ through!” Looking beautiful as always! Good to see you!

Dark Chylde: Someone had a secret admirer…and it wasn’t meeeeeee

Troy: Good to see you~hope you’re feeling better!

Michiko dreads and Kiokosushiflower: Hard Core, cute, and sexy!!! You both looked lovely, and it was cool to meet you. I’m up for some new dreads!!

Hmmmmmm, I feel like I saw waaaaaay more people than this……must be amnesia from lack of sleep : 0 I’m doing the walk of shame, for I do remember hanging out in a corner with some beautiful ladies, but I can’t recall anyone’s name~ you all were sweet, though!! Names next time!!

People I thought I saw, but didn’t get a chance to speak with:

DeathFearsNone(?), The Reverend, DamagedAngel

Next time you shall not escape my verbal clutches!! Mwuah-ha-ha!

People I’ve met, didn’t see last night, but hope to see soon….

Pandora, TigerLily, Bella Morte and Shade, Angel of Death and Dani, Slinger, RevReverence and OhMyGoth, Nienna, CandyQuackenBush and Odims, GothBrooks, Burrich1, Bernadette, Skittlepuke, GothicRavenGoddess, Igottapee, Marmie and Daveion, Reaper, Msterbeau, Draco

There’s lots more people I want to meet from DGN, including, but not limited to…. GodFallenPromos, HomicidalHeathen, Rayne and Phee, Chernobyl, DBK…oh, and ehhhh, everyone!! Come out, come out, wherever you are!!!

Thanks again to all!


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It was a fun night. I was the one in the retro style dress. To the new people I met please forgive me as im terrible at remembering names. Next week i'm bringing a note book to help me remember who I meet :book: . I spent most of the night dancing and walking around chatting with most people. I was very talkative last night. I hope you all enjoyed meeting my friend seneca who showed up a lil after 1am. Overall Good night, great drinks/shots, & awesome people.


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Spook: ... You don’t even want to know what time I made it home,lol

See, if you just would've went home with me then you wouldn't be quite so tired today. And by "went home with me" I mean "left at the same time I did" and not "came back to my place". Although ... nah, then you'd be even more tired today as you'd have gotten zero sleep. :wink

Thanks for walking me to the door though. That was sweet of you.

:lick vinyl


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i had lots a fun last night! i loved seeing everybody, well almost everybody to all of you i talked and laughed with it was fun but mind is still fuzzy so i cant list everyone i saw.

Hey, that guy who never posts just posted. :clap::animier:

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I was there, hung out in my usual spot for the majority of the night. Ran into Reverend, Hunhee, SaGa, Riku, Bishop.m I know I'm forgetting someone.

I won't be there much over the next couple of months due to the humidity/temperature and my oldest daughter getting shipped off to grandpa's for the summer. I may be able to manage a few Saturdays but we'll see. I told Doogle & Bishop to keep my spot warm for me.

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See, if you just would've went home with me then you wouldn't be quite so tired today. And by "went home with me" I mean "left at the same time I did" and not "came back to my place". Although ... nah, then you'd be even more tired today as you'd have gotten zero sleep. :wink


Thanks for walking me to the door though. That was sweet of you.

No problem :biggrin: "Not all who wander are lost" lol

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Even though the place was a blast furnace,it still was a good time.Industrial Girl was very cool,nice meeting you.but that place needs AC really bad!yes some ppl had armpit issues(tourists)btw saw some ppl there that

I hate that needed a baseball bat upside the head,LOL!!

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Had a lot of fun, spent the whole night with Darque Metallion, DarkChylde, and punk princess as usual. I do agree that it was hot as fuck... damn.

I met a lot of really cool people yesterday. For those who can't remember, I am the shrimp who was wearing a black and purple shirt and I had my long dark hair in pigtails.

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city was alot of fun saturday!

it made up for friday (which was not such a fun night)

the heat's a bit much but ehhh what can ya do?

saw crank..i think he was in a bit of a hurry to get somewhere down there lol

i saw troy as i was leaving but he was heading towards the dancefloor. (hope your feeling better man)

saw dark racer.

i was surprised i didnt see teh jackie..then again i did leave a bit early.

but it was fun :)

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Also its pretty funny that for $2 you can buy a condom at the coat check counter.

No freaking way!!! They should have a large sign "CONDOMS $2" !!! The latex isn't just for fashion!! lol..

Umm.. Let me see, I saw a lot of people, I was very sober on Saturday, was a very surreal experience for me.

I think I can sorta do the list thingie, because well, normally I honestly am way too schnocked to even attempt one..but here goes..

~Tszura~: You are definitely MY goddess.. that outfit was fucking smoking HOT!! and it was great dancing with you to The Cure.. and other great songs:) :bow

Reverend: You're a very good friend, thanks for entertaining me... :wub:

DamagedAngel: *HUGS* you my dear are great to see every time I go. :)

Alaska & Envious: Great seeing you two, and actually getting a chance to talk to you, hey! get your brother to sign up, he seemed really cool :)

FiN: OMG you are a great guy!! Thanks for the myriad of compliments, and the nice chat. Always good to see you.

Troy: I was sober.. WTF?!?! lol Blow me up! Leykis style :geek:

DarkRacer: Holy crap you picked me up (literally).. :blushing:

Industrial_Girl: You looked gorgeous as ever. :) very good seeing you. :) Get your comic book friend to show up!! :)

Function13: Don't think you'll read this, but saw you either way.

Saechalyn: You my dear are always a delight to talk to/hang with/see/and dance with. :flower:

SaGa: Good to see you sir, and me in my soberish state. :)

Tanuki.. You were adorable in those pigtails.. :)

Punk_Princess: Good seeing you, didn't get to say hi, but you looked happy and busy..

Michiko_Dreads: Good seeing you my darling, sans dreads, but you still looked lovely as usual.

kiokosushiflower: Very sassy with the pink lox, hope to see you posting more. :respect:

Crank: good seeing you as always.. You're always so nice to me :)

Rambo: Good seeing you as well sir. :)

Riku: *HUGS* I always love hugs from you my dear

Bishop: I didn't get to talk to you much this time, but next time, you won't escape my clutches. ;)

HeadlessGoth/JaneDazzle: I think I saw you both, but not completely sure. I was pretty drunk the last time we all met.

People I missed apparently..

Spook: My dear, I'm very sorry I missed you in your kilt.. Would have loved to have found out what you were wearing under there :devil: err.. :innocent:

Pryme: You sir are a mystery to me. I'm sure I SAW you, but I guess we haven't been formerly introduced (when I could remember).

It really was a great night, the humidity was pretty harsh. It really didn't bother me so much, but I'm always cold. I know it affected a lot of people.. They need to fix the A/C.. or at least do something about .

Sorry if I missed anyone, just a lot of people to remember. :blushing:

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Bit of a hot night--I needed it, though, so it was good to see some of you....

Rev: Where'd you go, dude? I wanted to talk more! Always great seeing you.

EnviousPoppet: So nice to see you. And Pete! He was cool!

Alaska Sunrise: Poppet said you had to work all day. And then party with Teh CC crew? Hardcore!

Tszura: Glad you were there. Made me feel all warm inside. FIND THE FAN LANE! LOL

Spook: Pleased to meet you. Very nice fellow.

Riku: Bumped into @ the bar. What else is new! We always meet there. LOL

DarqueMetallion: Dude! Pleasure.

HunHee: Looked GREAT. Did something different, methinks. Hair?

DarkChylde: Waved--glad to see you there

Troy: Saw across the bar--sorry we didn't have a chance to chat.

Michiko dreads: Spoke briefly. You looked great--even w/o the dreads. ;)

Kiokosushiflower: Nice to meet you!

Tanuki: Good to see you out & about :)

DamagedAngel: At the bar! We love it there.

PunkPrincess: Loved the dress.

People I apparently missed (DRAG):









Next time. ;)

Have a great week everyone!

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:cheers::peanutbutterjellytime::bunny::thanks: !!!!!!!!! THIS WAS BY FAR THE MOST MIND BLOWING CITY CLUB WEEKEND SO FAR!!!!!! :evil::animier::band:jamin

Ok so as I was ready to go to city club my brother finally declares by himself that he would like to go to city club... at 1st I am shocked because he hasn't slept for 2 days straight and he wants to come out with me.. SWEET! On top of that I'm all giddy because of the Anniversary so I was extremely jolly that evening.

~Tzura~ : Loved the necklace thing ^_^ so adorable as ever. I HAD A BLAST WITH YOU MOST OF THE NIGHT!!!! Thanks for the inside jokes lol.. I still wonder what happened to that girl that passed out on the chairs *ponders*.

Fin: *BIG HUGS* Hopefully Peter will want to go more often, he said he liked it very much .. so well see because he's like the weather lol.

Тroy: Nice seeing you! Hope you get better.

Spook: I saw you and I was going to say hello but you were chit-chatting with someone already I didn't want to intrude.. Next time maybe ;)

Hunhee: It was lovely chatting with you some more and I am glad you decided to stay sober. I think sober is much better ;).

Reverend: Sorry I didn't say hello to you either, you were kind of .. out of reach lol.

Tanuki & Michiko : Nice seeing you ladies.

Idustiral Girl: IT was a PLEASURE to meet you :).

And dang it next time I got I want to meet this Riku person he seems like a cool bean ^_^.

Thanks Everyone for the genuine wishes on our anniversary!!!

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I was thinking about not going, I'm glad i got talked out of that idea. Was great to see everyone. Especially some of the newer people.

Had a good time most of the night until the dang heat/dehydration monster hit me on the dance floor. I spent most of the night in my usual mode of trying to facilitate people meeting each other or introducing newbies who feel like the don't know anyone to as many people as possible and occasionally pimping out the board. I need to slow down on that a bit, the health issues just don't cooperate well all that long. Thanks to the few people that really did try to help to support DGN again this week, very kind.

Been awhile since i walked out to the dance floor area and heard more than 1 or 2 good crowd pleasers in a row. Was a nice change. Damn them for playing a good set when I decide to check out the heat-blasted mine-shaft...... oops i mean the dance floor. Thanks to Tzura and Hunhee for checking on me.

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Spook: My dear, I'm very sorry I missed you in your kilt.. Would have loved to have found out what you were wearing under there :devil: err.. :innocent:

Your head? :devil: err.. :innocent:

Parking was nutz..... Why are they allowing ppl to park in the center of the cc lot isles.

I know, that was crazy. I was almost boxed in but I was able to jockey enough I barely squeezed out. If I'm ever trapped, I will not hesitate to call a tow truck

Dark Racer: Can you get on your parking lot people about that please?

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I came, I saw, I posted. Parking was nutz..... Why are they allowing ppl to park in the center of the cc lot isles.

WHAT?!?! I missed you? *jaw drops* how the hell did I miss you? *sobs* *throws a fit* *sobs some more*

Your head? :devil: err.. :innocent:

:shock::blushing: :blushing:

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So I went with my friends Max and Kiokosushiflower and I had fun.

I saw:

Hunhee- Gosh Your Pretty

Darque Metallion- You werent so social when I saw you on the dance floor, I felt like I was being ignored. :confused:

Dark Chylde and Shawdow- Nice to finally meet you guys. Love the hair.

Troy- Ha, I saw you this saturday. Hair was nice. I adored the way you bent down to talk to me and kiokosushiflower.

Fin- Nice to Meet You

Enviouspoppet- It was nice to finally meet you in person, your cools

I know I might be forgetting a few people because I wasnt sober so Im sorry.

I work this saturday so IDK if Im going to be at City but I will be here to read all about it.

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