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Try this on for pathetic, mon amis.

7/10 of my dates over the past year end up trying to hook up, or actually hooking up with my friends at some point in time. Am I that bad that I need an overhaul, am I just a victim of the worong environment, or should I just abandon all that have forsaken me in lieu of the brotherhood or a life all but completely alone?

Despite whatever affection, intentions, money, efforts I lavish on those that I date, I basically get the middle finger. All want to be my "friend" none want what I want. :erm

What's the US/Tibetan extradition policy? Becuse if I skip off there and leave all my obligations behind, will they be able to come after me? I think that I need that kind of inner peace, and this life just doesn't have it in the cards for me. I must've been a real mutherfuckingbastardsonofabitch in a previous existance. :alien:

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Try this on for pathetic, mon amis.

7/10 of my dates over the past year end up trying to hook up, or actually hooking up with my friends at some point in time.  Am I that bad that I need an overhaul, am I just a victim of the worong environment, or should I just abandon all that have forsaken me in lieu of the brotherhood or a life all but completely alone?

Despite whatever affection, intentions, money, efforts I lavish on those that I date, I basically get the middle finger.  All want to be my "friend" none want what I want. :erm  

What's the US/Tibetan extradition policy?  Becuse if I skip off there and leave all my obligations behind, will they be able to come after me?  I think that I need that kind of inner peace, and this life just doesn't have it in the cards for me.  I must've been a real mutherfuckingbastardsonofabitch in a previous existance.   :alien:


I don't think it's you. There are so many shallow and stupid people, male and female alike. It's sad. I wish I could help. I know that, if I were single, I would go out with you. You're funny (a number one trait for me), you're cute (not so important, but it doesn't really hurt), and you tell it like it is (which is nice, because I so can't stand a phony).


Oh yeah. You can always move to Baltimore. I can introduce you to some nice women with dirty minds, just like me..

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What about the other 3/10 women?

If the women are always different, but the results are the same... time to look at yourself. Not that that would necessitate a TomCat overhaul, but you may want to figure out what your dates have in common and why you keep choosing them.

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besides it being the type of woman you go for... i think this is just a sign that you are going through a life change right now. you are not happy with maybe choices you make/how things go "naturally"/situations you are in/what you are seeing all around you/etc... i dont think it has to be a bad thing. just identify what it REALLY is and focus on that. all the other stuff will fall into place once you find out what you really need to be putting your energy into.

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Oh yeah. You can always move to Baltimore. I can introduce you to some nice women with dirty minds, just like me..


Like you, that may be a bit much, but is a possibility. I'm always up for a challenge. :whistling

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That's NOT where I look for them.  maybe it's Michigan women.


I know, hon. I WAS joking.

Seriously though, perhaps is the age group of women you are going after...maturity level and all.

And in my experience, good dates come when you are not looking for them.

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Finding the energy to deal is becoming more than I care to even invest into it anymore...let alone the time, money, and emotions.

(a response to Dyno's comment here, but fitting for several others as well)

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sometimes tomcat it only takes one small step/change that you might be overlooking....


like moving to another state. One where my intellect and charm will ACTUALLY matter.

I can show you where to stalk all the classy ladies.


As long as it isn't those "ladies of the night" I saw on Cops...LOL

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sometimes you need a "break" and in that time you rediscover yourself and then once you are "out there" again... things look a whole different way. you may find something you were over looking before.



As long as it isn't those "ladies of the night" I saw on Cops...LOL


No, hon. Real class. In my area, we roll like that.


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In my neighborhood, I'm surrounded by big houses. Gorgeous houses. It's just sick. All the nice cars. I don't have a gorgeous house. I have a nice little apartment and a Nissan Sentra. But everything around me is so pretty. So are a lot of the women. Just stay on this side of the street.

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