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If none of you saw the latest issue you should. Some of the things they are proposing are scary, like immunizing kids for substance abuse. If you care about your kids you should read this. The synthetics they are going to use for this may impair future ablilities to feel good strong emotions and they don't know what the side effects may be. Also, did you know that in the state of Michigan they can drug-driving test you and that if any THC is found in your system, you could be and probably would be charged. Any trace amount.

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this sounds bad and i know it WILL probally happen in my life time but i hope i die Befor the damn MAN takes over everything completley.

Also as a side note, there has been talk recently among the bar staff of some bill or law they are trying to pass where the cops can walk in to any bar give a breathalizer and proceed to arrest any one who is over the limit. I dont know if it is true or not but there has been talk............ Feel free to look it up and please prove me wrong casue that would so hurt my livley hood not to mention it sound like total BS.


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You know.. smoking pot makes you paranoid....


:grin well said dark

its a shame people have to resort to that to stop other peoples issues. as a break from my socialist norm... its thier problem, and thier mistake to get into it. immunising against substances is something that even the UK "Nanny state" hasnt come up with

as said. if theres risk of damage (ie not feeling emotions properly) its really not a good idea

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The "products" that THC are found in, are all illegal, except in rare cases. So I have absolutely no problem with anyone found with an illegal substance in their blood being charged, the same as having too much alcohol.

1) Obey all laws.

2) Work within the system to have those laws you disagree with changed.

3) If you cannot, or choose not to, find another state/country who's laws you can agree with.

It's just so simple. :(

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Um, I don't think there is any way to immunize against substance abuse. That's science fiction at this point in our understanding of pharmacology and brain function, and even so I doubt that would ever catch on. We don't even understand the mechanisms of drug abuse yet, let alone know of a way to immunize against it without other ill effects. And besides, immunizations are only used for illnesses that pose serious health risks.

As for arresting people for being drunk.........huh? It's not illegal to be drunk. I can't believe that that has any basis in reality.

Isn't THC illegal? I don't see a problem with arresting people for using things that are illegal. (I don't think drugs should BE illegal, but since they are, it's hard to complain about enforcing the law. )

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Also, did you know that in the state of Michigan they can drug-driving test you and that if any THC is found in your system, you could be and probably would be charged.  Any trace amount.


I'm not sure why this part is bad, I don't want people driving with anything like that in their system. Or am I missing something?

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No F***ing way! What do they expect you to do in a bar? I always wait 1-2 hours after my last drink before leaving and never have more than a glass or two of wine but...city club I love it stays open long enough for it to wear off after last call. I have a medical condition and if I don't use herbs I have to use the meds which were giving me eye sight issues and mini stokes. Hope none of you ever gets Crohns, Divers or Colitis. Your meds will be illegal. It is stupid to make a god given plant illegal. Just use common sense. Anyway, the lastest issue is pretty mind blowing ya gotta read it. Did you know that in Iran they do public hangings for minor drug offenses?

If none of you saw the latest issue you should.  Some of the things they are proposing are scary, like immunizing kids for substance abuse.  If you care about your kids you should read this.  The synthetics they are going to use for this may impair future ablilities to feel good strong emotions and they don't know what the side effects may be.  Also, did you know that in the state of Michigan they can drug-driving test you and that if any THC is found in your system, you could be and probably would be charged.  Any trace amount.


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Stoned drivers are safe drivers: www.cannabisculture.com/news/driving

cognitiveliberty.org.issues/pharmacotherapy.html Look for Threats to Cognivive Liberty: Pharmacotherapy and the Future of the Drug war.




Would you please post some links to the news reports about this stuff?  Particularly the immunization story.



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Stoned drivers are safe drivers: www.cannabisculture.com/news/driving

cognitiveliberty.org.issues/pharmacotherapy.html  Look for Threats to Cognivive Liberty: Pharmacotherapy and the Future of the Drug war.




Oh come on. Stoned drivers are safe drivers? Your source is a stoner magazine?

My uncle was rear ended by a guy on pot about 10 years ago and he has had back complications ever since. No way should people be driving while high.

It sounds like the people who put out that magazine are high to be writing articles like that.

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Isn't THC illegal?


It's illegal to have, not smoke. Its even harder for them to try to say they're making a machine to test for THC in your system. Since its in their system for a month in some cases - who's to say that person was actually high to begin with? That's my only concern about it.

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I drive better while high, it mellows me out. This is a fact, and it's also a fact that normally while not high I'm a very bad driver.

Also I think they should legalize it and ban alcohol (again) since I've never met a violant pot head (though I've heard they do exist) and it would cut the war on drugs in half.

Gateway drug? My ass, I've never done anything else besides weed.

All drugs were legal at one point, and in my oppinion should be made legal again. Let the user decide what he or she does or does not want to do. If it kills them, good, this is called darwanisim.

I'd also like to point out the fact that up until recently I've never heard about drug driving (past 5 years) and that pot has existed since well before I was born. This is just another cause for the conservitives to rally behind in their free time (which apparently they have too much of.

Also I'd like to point out that paranoia can be safe and healthy. But too much is craziness and insanity, and too little is ignorance and stupidity.

You might hate drugs, but the fact is that most of you have done some form of illegal narcotic sometime in your lives. If you have children, chances are good that at some point in their lives they will do it as well. If you're worried about that then you're only defence is to educate against it (but let them make up their own minds on it).

I'd also like to point out that I am not a "pot head" and only smoke every couple of months. It is not addicting and I think if most people tried it they'd see it's really not all that bad. I suspect most people who are against it are either hypocrites or alergic to it.

Finally I'd also like to point out that I don't smoke tobacco. The other reason that they will never legalize it is because they can't tax it. Anyone can grow it with the proper equipment.

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Either MJ should be legal or Alcohol and Cigarettes should be banned as well. One or the other. This paradox that exists right now is hypocritical. Either people can be trusted to handle their own intake of "substances" or they cant. Which is it?

It is bizarre that Alcohol is legal and Majuana isn't. Well , its not bizarre given the history of how it all went down (I've read up on it for a long time), its just bizarre from a "philosophical" standpoint. The goverment makes tons of money on drug enforcement, they dont want to lose their cash cow, and the biggest cash cow of all drugs for them is MJ.

Alcohol and Cigarettes (in the doses typically taken of each by your average person) are much worse for you than dope is. That's pretty much a fact, you can spin the facts the wrong way and come up with "well X amount of dope and X amount of tobacco" (inaccurate , unrealistic amounts) to come up with a different conclusion but its incorrect. Smokes and Alcohol are more "dangerous" than Majuana.

Now ok lets say we ignore that, and just assume that we arent (any time soon) going to "legalize" dope. Whats left? Well its illegal. If i do something illegal, and i know its illegal, i cant say i didnt know. Regardless of the penalty, its my fault. :erm

In term of the specific "immunization against pleasure receptors" wacko-jacko articles, that's all they are. Crazies on the fringe of the right, rather than crazies on the fringe of the left. I wouldn't worry about that anytime soon, not for the general population anyway. Prison inmates? Sorry guys your screwed you have no rights. (they get away with all kinda crazy psyche stuff on inmates)

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Somone that has bad headaches , and takes asprin to make them go away is going to be a better driver due to not being distracted. Give that same guy a bottle a bottle of asprin and he'll perhaps fall asleep or maybe puking up blood.

If we are setting the legality aside for a moment.... there is drug use, and then there is drug abuse. If we allow that some people treat anxiety or nausea or (insert any reasonably likely use here) with MJ based substances, i'd at least be willing to listen to suggestions that they'd be better drivers when they aren't hypersensitive and overreacting. Various drugs are considered valid treatment for various problems that would impair driving.

Driving around blasted off your ass? No. But it seems possible that there is a place for Marijuana as a treatment for various disorders, despite whatever its current legal status is.

Am i suggesting anyone self medicate with Marijuana? Hell no.

But i have a hard time seeing it as a black and white discussion. (again if we are ignoring the legality problems that i touched on above)

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I try not to drive stoned, but when your in pain and have to get to the doctor....the kind of pain that leaves you bent over, you don't always have a choice. I can't call an ambulance everytime it is too expensive.

I don't care about whether drugs should or shouldn't be legal, I do care that people are trying to justify driving while using it. 

You may think you're a better driver while high but that's anecdotal and there are enough tragedies on the roads today, we don't need more.    My uncle was rear ended by a guy who was high and he has had back complications for the lest 10 years because of it.    Let's not get silly in this thread by suggesting road conditions would be better with more high ons driving around.


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The way I look at it is - I have YET to see someone DIE from MJ use. But, on a daily/hourly basis, people are dying from drinking or smoking cigs. Yes, there are side effects but it depends on the person and their use of it. It does more good then people would care to believe and if they could figure out how to tax it to hell and come out on top - they would but no, they make way more money off it being illegal and fining all these people.

All in all, if someone smokes MJ, they better be responsible users. Including responsible for their actions. Any toker I know, if their to messed up, they won't go anywhere. So as for the accident, it was probably misfortune on the sheer fact that some stupid kid/person wasn't paying attention/wasn't responsible and you shouldn't hold it against all users. By all means, warn, educate, and speak up about it, but don't make others feel condemned for another idiots problem.

Hell, Native Americans where/still are using various drugs on a daily basis and I don't see "the man" riding on their ass! Oh but wait, they want to say its for religion/ceremonies - Oh ok so anyone should be able to.

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