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So I found out I have:

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The only thing is, they didn't find any cysts... weird... but they said that i have all the other symtoms. I was in the hospital a few days ago. I lost a lot of blood, and got really scared, and so I asked my room mate to take me to the hospital. They told me that they are glad that I came in when I did, and that i need to get on the ($62.00) medication to correct the issue before i develope cysts. (they prescribed Yaz, because it has both estrogen and progestin.)

Here is a link to some info on the subject.

About Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

The short version:

If you are reading this, it is because a close relative of yours is under [a physician's] care and has Poly-Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). This has significant implications for your future health and it is important for you to understand what this all means.

PCOS is the most common hormone problem in women of reproductive age (puberty to menopause). However, the implications and consequences of PCOS extend beyond menopause.

We now recognize that the cause of PCOS is an abnormality in the insulin receptor. This means that the insulin your body produces is not able to work as effectively as it should to keep your blood sugar normal. To overcome this defect, your pancreas has to produce more and more insulin.

The excess insulin affects the way the ovaries function and causes them to produce increased amounts of male hormone. This interferes with normal ovulation and many women with PCOS have very irregular menstrual cycles.

The increased male hormone production also leads to facial hair growth and/or acne.

It is also becoming increasingly apparent that the excess insulin production with the resulting elevated levels of insulin in your bloodstream has significant implications for your overall health and well-being. We now know that these excess insulin levels are a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease including heart attacks and stroke - even in those people who are not yet diabetic. This whole problem falls under the heading of "Syndrome X". I can talk to you more about it if your wish.

There is rapidly accumulating evidence that these high insulin levels also play a significant role in causing high cholesterol levels and hypertension as well.

We know that women with PCOS are more likely to develop diabetes when pregnant and are also more likely to develop diabetes in later life. Insulin resistance is probably the abnormality that sets the stage for this.

PCOS is an inherited disease and 50% or more of the close relatives of women identified as having PCOS will also have the disease although not all will manifest every symptom.

Men can also inherit the genetic abnormality that in women would lead to PCOS.

Although not everyone who is insulin resistant will ultimately develop diabetes, many do. Furthermore, you do not go from being normal to diabetic in one step. There are intermediate stages where you would not be classified as being officially diabetic but your body is not handling sugar properly and your blood sugars are higher than they ought to be.

As a result of all of this, we strongly urge you to be evaluated for possible insulin resistance. It is a simple blood test - one that our office can easily provide for you. All that is necessary is that you come into the office first thing in the morning - fasting. Nothing to eat or drink from the time you go to bed at night until your blood is drawn in the morning.

We would also encourage any men who are close relatives of our patient to undergo the same testing. This would especially include men who are significantly overweight with elevated cholesterol and hypertension as well.

So, on top of that, my depression has gotten worse. I am 22 years old, and they are telling me that I could become infurtle. That's enough to make anyone depressed. I already have a deep depression, which i can handle. (i focus it into other things.... like being creative--writing, drawing, creating banners for online, things like that) But lately, its gotten worse. I cry (which is huge) for no reason at all... or at the time said crying takes place, its a good reason, then i kinda feel like an idiot, because I over reacted... And now I am losing even more sleep that I ever was before... The worry alone keeps me awake, along w/ the other things that are on my plate (lack of job, trying to work on the benefit concert, things like that.)

I don't know. I didn't put this here for a pity party... i wanted to share a little part of my life....

it seems no one understands how serious this health issue is..(when i say no one, i mean those closest to me) i mean i was told it could cause high blood preasure, diabeties, high coloesterol (three things that already run in my family... )

So yeah.. lots on my plate...

So, Ladies, anything bad going on with you? How do you deal with your female issues? And, does anyone know any alternative ways to help fix what's wrong with me? Any ideas?

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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You are extremely young to be going through all of this right now and I am very sorry. When we are going through this type of medical situation, we always expect the worst possible outcome. Yes, sometimes what you will hear is going to be the worst but sometimes it may not be. You have to accept fate at times whatever it may be.

You have to look at things as positively as you can right now. If in the end you thought positively and it still didn't work out, you just have to accept that. It's life. This type of thing happens to women everyday. Some women were told they had Cancer today and they had to drive home with that running through their heads.

You have to put things into a different perspective. No one will ever know the pain and heartache you feel, except possibly your mother when you are hurting like this. No one knows the depth of your fear, physical and emotional pain and loss. The thoughts of you possibly not being able to have a child must be more than you can handle right now. I can only hope they are wrong.

All you can do right now is take one thing at a time and research as best as you can. Also, don't believe everything you read on the Internet. That will make you go half crazy right there. Get some medical books from your local library and then talk to your primary care physician with your concerns.

Keep taking care of yourself as best as you can. Try to get rest, when your mind allows you. I know it is a zoo right now I am sure. There is nothing wrong with crying if after you feel better. Your hormones may be effected by this condition you may have. You can tell people what you feel but no one ever truly knows unless they have gone through it themselves. I feel your pain, I honestly do. *hugs*

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Unfortunately surgery at this point is my only option. I get that done next month. This surgery may not fix it ... I may need another different one, but they are trying this one first. They won't even tell me what I'm getting done until I go in for my pre-op appointment ... so this probably isn't good news. They won't tell me what they found during their testing either until I am there ... 4 days before my surgery.

I'm on a double dose of Ortho-Novum daily (mine is $5 generic co-pay - It's only $11 if I didn't have insurance, according to the paper they give me with it - and also has progestrin and estrogen) and have been for almost a year now. I've been having issues since 2004, but my old OB/GYN said it was no big deal. When I switched PCP's under U of M's insurance, she was worried about it and the OB/GYN I've been seeing now has been testing me ever since.

A lot of them have both meds, call up the doctor and see if there is a different generic alternative. Yaz has a bunch of other stuff to help with PMS symptoms, and there is no generic ... that's why it's so expensive. Just take Midol PMS with your script and it will do nearly the same thing.

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Hugs to both of you. I hope everything turns out ok. And I am glad you got there before the bleeding got worse!

This country is so unfair. You get nothing for time off work...medical expenses...and women on average have more problems than men.

We need national health care!!!!

(Still paying off 1,400 dollars from the last 6 months. It sucks. It is just an ongoing battle with medical expenses.)


Those cysts sound painful...hang in there.

My sister in law had this and no, they never had kids...my brother was against adoption. He is a selfish ass really. (I don't like the guy) They waited to long, she got sick...and there you go.

Have you considered adoption?

And yes I have had a total hysterectomy but from gut problems not female problems...I honestly cannot tell the difference. At all. Its nice not buying pads! My guts were stuck to my female parts (when I would lean on things I would bleed and didn't know why)

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@Rayne: i can't take midol or drink anything with cafine in it, or dieretics in them, or the bleeding will get worse. (yeah, i couldn't believe it either)

@ HH: Adoption is an option, but this is way deeper than having babies... this is also the high blood pressure, the diabetes, and the high cholesterol.. along w/ the extra facial hair due to an over load of male hormones, because my body isn't making enough estrogen to balance it out... its a list of other things... having babies is an issue (because telling me my uterus is basically bleeding for no reason, and my ovaries suck at life makes, me feel not so much like a woman anymore), but its not the BIG issue... i need hormones. :)

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@Rayne: i can't take midol or drink anything with cafine in it, or dieretics in them, or the bleeding will get worse. (yeah, i couldn't believe it either)

They make it without dieretics and/or caffiene ... just read the box. I can't take asprin unless it's REALLY buffered and I'm not supposed to take ibuprofen at all ... although I do in small doses if I don't have acetaminiphen around. I was told by my OB/GYN that dieretics when I'm bleeding slows the bleeding down and helps it to stop sooner ... but only use them when they are needed. They never told me to stop drinking caffiene either.

I don't know what I have though so things may be different -- they haven't really officially diagnosed me yet that I know of ... I also have really bad Anemia (diagnosed at age 12) so I have to be extra careful with stuff that thins my blood anyway.

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i hear ya there. no i found out the diuretics/caffeine thing out on my own. i stopped taking the midol and cut the caffeine out, and the bleeding got a little better.... could have been a coincident,. but who knows... bleeding got bad, when i drank caffeine again.... idk... so i just stay clear of it when im on my period. i hope they put their finger on what is exactly wrong w/ you, so that you know that the treatment you are getting is the right ones. :) hang in there, hun!


i have been told by many Dr's that i am borderline anemic (and some days I really feel it) but at the hospital they said i wasn't, considering how much blood i lost... they were surprised... who knows.. i am losing faith in doctors, these days... :)

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i hear ya there. no i found out the dieretics/caffiene thing out on my own. i stopped taking the midol and cut the caffiene out, and the bleeding got a little better.... could have been a coincident,. but who knows... bleeding got bad, when i drank cafiene again.... idk... so i just stay clear of it when im on my period. i hope they put their finger on what is exactly wrong w/ you, so that you know that the treatment you are getting is the right ones. :) hang in there, hun!


i have been told by many dr's that i am borderline anemic (and some days I really feel it) but at the hospital they said i wasn't, considering how much blood i lost... they were surprised... who knows.. i am losing faith in doctors, these days... :)

Most women are borderline - slightly Anemic during their periods but not to a point where it doesn't pick back up quite quickly afterwards.

Mine is extremely severe though. Your normal hemoglobin level is around 12 to 15 (a normal test with a standard CBC).

I'm on Niferex (a really high dose of iron and other vitamins to help it absorb ... only available in Rx) and I still don't ever get above 8 ... and that's on a good day. When I'm bleeding I hover between 5 and 6 ... it's nasty. I have several secondary issues from it ... like my blood doesn't carry enough red blood cells through my body, therefore I circulate less oxygen than everyone else does - and I'm asthmatic on top of that. My liver has damage from lack of oxygen. My kidneys have frequent issues because of lack of oxygen. My white blood cell count is nowhere near where it should be when I'm sick so I can't fight off infection as easily as everyone else. I'm constantly sick. Usually a normal infection for me spreads rapidly. I also have low blood sugar and have to monitor my levels with a glucometer. An Anemic poking their finger doesn't work very well. I have a hard time getting it to stop sometimes. Luckily I only have to use it when I feel weird, lightheaded or get really dizzy and hot ... I'm a big baby when it comes to needles, so I have a really hard time doing it anyways.

I've been told twice I need a transfusion ... but I'm hesitant ... it only has a 30% chance of making a difference.

I would definately call your doctor though and ask about a different progestrin/estrogen combo that has a generic equivelent.

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The only thing is, they didn't find any cysts... weird... but they said that i have all the other symtoms. I was in the hospital a few days ago. I lost a lot of blood, and got really scared, and so I asked my room mate to take me to the hospital. They told me that they are glad that I came in when I did, and that i need to get on the ($62.00) medication to correct the issue before i develope cysts. (they prescribed Yaz, because it has both estrogen and progestin.)

Here is a link to some info on the subject.

So, on top of that, my depression has gotten worse. I am 22 years old, and they are telling me that I could become infurtle. That's enough to make anyone depressed. I already have a deep depression, which i can handle. (i focus it into other things.... like being creative--writing, drawing, creating banners for online, things like that) But lately, its gotten worse. I cry (which is huge) for no reason at all... or at the time said crying takes place, its a good reason, then i kinda feel like an idiot, because I over reacted... And now I am losing even more sleep that I ever was before... The worry alone keeps me awake, along w/ the other things that are on my plate (lack of job, trying to work on the benefit concert, things like that.)

I don't know. I didn't put this here for a pity party... i wanted to share a little part of my life....

it seems no one understands how serious this health issue is..(when i say no one, i mean those closest to me) i mean i was told it could cause high blood preasure, diabeties, high coloesterol (three things that already run in my family... )

So yeah.. lots on my plate...

So, Ladies, anything bad going on with you? How do you deal with your female issues? And, does anyone know any alternative ways to help fix what's wrong with me? Any ideas?

I have a very good friend who had pretty bad PCOS. She's doing really well now. PM me if you want, and I can put you in touch with her.

And by the way..... she was told she probably couldnt have kids, and with a little dilligence and treatment, she now has a son and a daughter.

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I have PCOS as well. I also suffer from endometreosis, dermoid ovarian cysts, and am an ovarian cancer survivor. I have 3/4 of 1 ovary, and a partial uterus. I'm 29. I can still have children. All hope is not necessarily lost so don't lose hope and hang in there!

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I have PCOS, and I also have two daughters :)

PCOS is the 2nd leading cause of infertility in the US but it is also very treatable. Birth control pills like the ones your doc prescribed are a common treatment if you are not currently trying to conceive. Another med that is used to treat it is metformin, which is an oral insulin sensitizer also used to treat type II diabetes. PCOS is a syndrome related to insulin resistance so met along with a low-glycemic diet and regular exercise can totally keep it under control (sometimes just the diet and exercise alone without meds will work).

I recommend joining the message board at www.soulcysters.com - you will find a TON of info there as well as women of all ages who have dealt with this same issue.

Do you have health insurance? If so I would get in to see a reproductive endocrinologist. They have more experience with PCOS than most OB/GYNs do and will also test for other endocrine issues that could contribute to your problems like thyroid, etc.

Good luck, and try not to worry!


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found out its and insulin issue... that initially causes this.. (but i still need to replace the estrogen that is missing) :)

i am looking into alternative methods of treatment, at least until i can afford the medication that i need. :)

anyone have a south beach diet book? (someone sent me some information and that seems to be the best food plan to help this--thanks industrial girl 2000!)

so yeah.... i am still doing research.

i know there is hope, its all just very hard to swallow when you are 22 and your fertility is in question, especially when you really want to experience the WHOLE process of being a mom... yeah, I'm that girl.

my mood has gotten better, but i am still sad.. disconnected, i guess. i don't know how to describe it. :)

thanks everyone. this is easier, when one has a good support system. :)

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your local library probably has a copy of the south beach diet book. there are lots of low-glycemic diets out there, the most important thing is just to eat fresh, eat whole. south beach has all these products now - cereal bars, refrigerated meals, frozen dinners, etc. that really go against the whole theory of the diet originally.

shop the perimeter of the store - produce, meat, dairy. only buy whole grain breads/rice. avoid the inner aisles that have all of the packaged foods. limit your high carb foods and combine them with other foods. imagine that your plate is divided - half veggies/fruit, one quarter meat/protein, one quarter carbs. eat a snack halfway between meals. don't limit how much you eat, eat until you are full! just eat the right foods.

and exercise 30 minutes a day, it can be as simple as going for a 30 minute walk every night. or as complex as you want, go to the gym and do weights, cardio, classes if you like that. I started out walking and after several months ended up running, they're both the right price (free!) and I can do them no matter where I am.

go to a clinic or maybe Planned Parenthood and get switched to a different bc pill. walmart has a pill (sprintec 28 day, generic for ortho novum) on the $4 prescription list, also metformin is $4 if you can get someone to prescribe that for you instead. met will make you fertile though so be careful! don't want to be a mommy before you are ready.

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  • 1 month later...

WARNING: This post is going to get long, so bear with me, there's lots of good stuff for you here..

I had a problem at slightly younger than your age with my cysts, shit, it's been over ten years, and I honestly can't remember, but they were afraid that they were cancerous at one point, and I was scared shitless.. I did the opposite of you, I refused to do research, the little that I did poke into, the more scared I got. What I DID do that was important is keep going back to the doctors while they monitored me.

I have had problems where I swear I've let go of some alien baby blood clots the size of cantaloupe. (sorry for the graphic visual)

I never wanted kids, so the thought of not having kids, wasn't even a concern for me, but the option of being able to always seemed rather important. I still don't know why. I've been told that I shouldn't ever get pregnant.

Ugh I was on Yaz for like six months.. I had my doctor change it because I seriously thought I was going nuts on it.. My emotions were completely uncontrollable (more so than usual). He (My OB/GYN) told me that's impossible, you're on the lowest dosage estrogen/progesterone Yaz comes in, and most women don't have a problem with it. I told him I'm not most women, and made him change it.

If you're feeling overly emotional to begin with, you may wanna switch from the Yaz.. it didn't help me. The other stuff .. Necon something or other was MUCH better (and I believe it's a generic). I have a problem in the fact that every kind of drug/medication effects me very heavily.

Insulin issues.. That's something I know a bit about. I have diabetes, I don't tell many people about it, it's always been a bit personal to me, because people usually look at you like you're automatically dying, and seem apologetic.

I actually DID think that life was over for me, for a while, I went in and out of a depressive state. When your doctor calls you up personally (instead of using his lackies) and tells you to give him the number to your pharmacist, after a recent visit where he tells you that your kidneys and liver were failing, and that I need to fill a prescription right away. There's cause for concern.

I've been diagnosed for 2 1/2 years now, I've been on SO many medications that have screwed with my body. In the end, a good diet and a decent enough exercise plan are what I really needed.

For every ten pounds that I seem to lose, I seem to do better on my blood sugar readings. I was testing like three times a day, I know a lot that do it six to eight times a day. Now I do it every other day, because I have things pretty much under control.

Here's what I do to control things:

I don't eat everything sugar free.. you'll drive yourself nuts doing this, and it's not really healthy either (just because it's sugar free doesn't mean it's fat free). I just tell myself that I'm allergic to sugar. What this means is basically REFINED sugar. I don't have an overtly sweet tooth, but I love breads.. so instead of eating the italian bread rolls, eat whole grain/whole wheat rolls. If it's not "specialty" it's not worth putting in my mouth anymore. I have learned that quality is way better than quantity.

I saw that you want to try the South Beach Diet.. I don't think this is a good idea. I looked into it, didn't really like it.. it was way WAY too restrictive for my type of lifestyle. I do Weight Watchers, they've curved it down to something I can handle. I learn what portion size really is, and you can pretty much eat what you want.. but CONTROL the portion size. That's the most important.

Our country is in such a state of crisis. Portion size is completely out of control. Good luck, if you need or want anyone to talk to or get food advice, or help on what meds that I've been put on that were completely awful, let me know. I am always here for you.

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Ugh I was on Yaz for like six months.. I had my doctor change it because I seriously thought I was going nuts on it.. My emotions were completely uncontrollable (more so than usual). He (My OB/GYN) told me that's impossible, you're on the lowest dosage estrogen/progesterone Yaz comes in, and most women don't have a problem with it. I told him I'm not most women, and made him change it.


I cannot, sorry for threadjacking, but go on the pill. If you are already a woman and very fem in the first place there are odds you won't have a problem with the pill, but since I'm a guy I went on the pill and it FUCKED ME UP. Seriously I was Martha Stewart overnight, it was sick. I actually cried...I mean WTF. One minute I'm all epic and badass and the next minute I'm baking cookies and wanting babies? I mean hell, I went on the shit so that I WOULDN'T have babies and the next thing you know I'm all on my boyfriend atm like "omfg...honey I love you so much, we really should have children RIGHT NOW" while I was 18 and we had only been dating for about 2 months. Then I got all illogical because it's full of female hormone and that's usually what female hormone makes you do. Then the worst part happened, since I was magically tranformed into a female overnight I gained TWENTY POUNDS in THIRTY DAYS and the stuff made it so I couldn't even get HORNY...which is fucked up because if I were anatomically correct and had a dick I'd be walking around pitching a tent 24/7. Evil stuff.

Kay, everyone carry on with your convo, I just had to interject for a paragraph.

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  • 1 month later...

i don't cut sugar out of my diet, and i cheat all the damn time, but I have switched from regular pasta to wheat pasta (which is SO yummy compared to the white pasta) i eat brown rice, instead of white rice, and i only eat potatoes every once in a while. I can eat most other kinds of veggies. i never took Yasmin, because i couldn't afford the Rx. The Dr. put me on some cheap ass birth control. I don't like it, and my emotions aren't out of control, i just feel bitchy all the time... and the bc makes me nauseated. I have lost a lot of weight. at least, in my tummy area. i don't look like I'm 12 months pregnant, anymore.. now i look like I'm only 4-6 months pregnant. lol I no longer wear a size 20 pants. I can take those off without unfastening the buttons and zippers. lol so I'm happy about that. I have no idea what size I am, though.

I am going to start an exercise routine, very soon, and me and my bf are going to do some together, if he wants to. :) but either way, he's a good motivator. always asking me "are you sure you can eat that" when we go out to eat, or if i pick something out to eat. It helps to have the support. :)

so yeah. I'm going to the Dr., in October to get my yearly exam and what not, and I'm going to talk to her about the bc I am on. it makes me feel like shit... so... i got a lot to take care of, but i am on my way. :)

I'll keep updating, as things come up. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's something from my journal entry...

She's convinced that my left ovary hurting is actually my stomach muscle hurting, though when she was doing the pelvic exam, and was "checking" my ovary, the second she poked it, felt like my belly was on fire...

Confirmed that the sever nausea is caused by my birth control. My body is so use to not having estrogen, that the levels in my birth control are too high... she's going to try and get me on a lower dose. try and talk my insurance to cover it, because I need it as hormone therapy, not as birth control. She also prescribed a diabetes med that is widely used to help control PCOS. On top of already taking ACV pills, it will help regulate insulin and glucose levels in my blood, so losing weight should get easier and easier. On top of all that, she's prescribing a very old, yet cheap drug, that has served as a blood pressure med, for a long time. She says that it has been known to help with acne problems, the extra facial hair, and sometimes mood swings, that are all associated with PCOS.

I can't wait to get on everything... I'm so excited!

Now, as far as my girl stuff (my exam) I'll get the results of that at a later date. I hope that everything comes back normal.

So that's about it, for now... When I get the test results from the exam, I'll be sure to update... but that won't be for a few days...

UPDATE: So the Female exam has come and gone, and there were some... irregularities. Must not be too serious, because they scheduled me to go back in January.


I was wondering if anyone could give me a list of herbals that I could take to regulate my mistral cycle, OR stimulate the making of estrogen. The thing with PCOS, is my body makes insulin like its suppose to, but then when it comes to doing what its meant to do.. it just stands around like "uh, guys, what's our job again?" and because of this "stupid insulin" my body makes MORE.... this literally kills estrogen... the only good thing that comes of having so much testosterone in my system, I say, "I have the sex drive of a 15 year old boy during puberty!" the drawbacks: deeper voice (not yet, but not far off), LOTS more body hair, weight gain that it almost impossible to lose, because the body doesn't burn fat like its suppose to (caused by something else affected by PCOS) even with exercise. That's not an excuse, its a proven fact. Any one have any suggestions as to what herbs I can take.

I have already started to limit my carbs. this is something that I will have to do, for the rest of my life. (I don't take them all out, for the body needs carbs to function... but there is a difference between good carbs and bad carbs) so, I ask again, cuz I'm sure it got lost in all this: are there some herbals or other things that can help me with such things?

Thanks, in advance. :) Any advice is much appreciated. Oh yeah, I have a lot of pain coming from my left ovary, and I cramp REALLY bad... any natural remedies for this? Thanks again.

I found this topic buried, on a forum I am member of, for PCOS: PCOS Message Board > PCOS Treatments and Conditions > Alternative Remedies

Uh, though I will be taking the advice of whoever speaks to me directly (I have already gotten a PM from someone) I will also be reading the info that I found on that site. I posted the link, in case anyone else wants to read it, too...

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Man, I have been dealing with that shit since I was 13.....

I do OK now that I have Me herbals.....

You should tell her what herbals you take.. and maybe for the rest of us.

Curious GRG, what meds did they put you on to control your blood sugar levels? Are they making you test your blood? It took a really long time for my doctor to stop using me as a human guniea pig, and leave me at the same meds for a few years. I only take one now.

Congrats on your weight loss, I'm really proud of you, I know how hard it is to do, I've been struggling for the past couple years to get off any weight that I can. I need to re-focus and get back up on the horse again. LUCKILY I have not re-gained any weight, so I don't feel like I've slid too far back.

You can PM the drug info if you'd like. I am just curious. :)

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Curious GRG, what meds did they put you on to control your blood sugar levels? Are they making you test your blood? It took a really long time for my doctor to stop using me as a human guinea pig, and leave me at the same meds for a few years. I only take one now.

Congrats on your weight loss, I'm really proud of you, I know how hard it is to do, I've been struggling for the past couple years to get off any weight that I can. I need to re-focus and get back up on the horse again. LUCKILY I have not re-gained any weight, so I don't feel like I've slid too far back.

You can PM the drug info if you'd like. I am just curious. :)

She prescribed Metformin. According to the forum I am a member of, for PCOS, its the drug to take. I also take a 1 daily, 250mg Apple Cider Vinegar supplement, and since I am limiting my food intake, I take a Women's One DailyTM with Calcium, Iron, and Zinc. I made sure it had iron in it, because of the severe blood loss every month.

No, they aren't making me test my blood, but when I go back in January for the biopsy (there was an abnormality on the pap smear) I'm going to ask her about that. When I got diagnosed, they told me that my blood glucose was "higher than we'd like" whatever that means. (that was in the ER, when I almost bled to death, from my period) So I'm going to look into if I need to. I haven't been monitoring it before, so I guess they don't think I need to. I, on the other hand, who come from a family that have diabetes for one reason or another, think that if I am going to be put on a diabetic medication, I think its kinda important to sacrifice a few blood drops, in the name of health. I'm going to see if what I need is going to be covered by insurance... I have Washtenaw Health Plan B-- The free plan-- so I don't know if it will cover testing supplies...

Here's how I look at it: Its not a diet, its a lifestyle change. The PCOS forum suggested a Low GI diet. I pretty much stick to that. I do cheat, eating Salt and Vinegar chips, and drinking regular pop. Every once in a while I'll eat chocolate. But I figure, if you don't give in a little, or give a little lee-way, you'll cave, and then binge, and grow to resent your new life. I want to have kids one day, and in order for my body to create the estrogen needed to even ovulate, I need to make sure that I'm not eating an over abundance of sugars and carbs. This is something I'll be doing for the rest of my life. The ticker in my signature is marking my weight loss. What I like about it, is it doesn't show the actual weight you are, but anyone that clicks on it can see my progress. I'm not ashamed of myself, anymore. I weigh 204. I use to weigh 230, and on October 11th, i was at 211, that isn't much loss, but I haven't weighed that little in several years. and considering that I haven't really started exercising, and this is just from a change in diet, I am pretty damn proud of myself. lol I was a little leery of showing this on here, because the last time I posted a picture of my ass, someone put it in the Epic Fail thread... but this is a picture of my profile, as of Friday, October 31st, 2008:


I don't have on a corset, nor am I sucking in. That's all me. I know I have a ways to go, but I am so damn proud of myself. I feel so skinny. I use to be a tight size 20, Now, I am a very lose size 17! :jamin:happydance

People, I beg you to please please please go to that PCOS site if you have PCOS. Its helpful, on so many levels. And its not a site full of whiners. Its a site where women, all over the world, who have this can come together and help each other.

I also would like to start an exercise support group. Keep each other motivated, share your stories of defeat, and triumph. This is a hard thing to conquer, but with time, it is manageable. Its hard to do this sort of thing alone. So any ideas, or suggestions, I'm all ears. :)

Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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I'm going to see if what I need is going to be covered by insurance... I have Washtenaw Health Plan B-- The free plan-- so I don't know if it will cover testing supplies...

I have great insurance (Blue Cross) but they don't cover testing supplies.

I get free meters every now and then from Lifescan (I love their little Mini ... and I have the Ultra 2), they will send you a new one if you've had your old one for more than a year. It comes with all kinds of stuff to get you started and such.

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