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So I found out I have:

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She prescribed Metformin. According to the forum I am a member of, for PCOS, its the drug to take. I also take a 1 daily, 250mg Apple Cider Vinegar supplement, and since I am limiting my food intake, I take a Women's One DailyTM with Calcium, Iron, and Zinc. I made sure it had iron in it, because of the severe blood loss every month.

No, they aren't making me test my blood, but when I go back in January for the biopsy (there was an abnormality on the pap smear) I'm going to ask her about that. When I got diagnosed, they told me that my blood glucose was "higher than we'd like" whatever that means. (that was in the ER, when I almost bled to death, from my period) So I'm going to look into if I need to. I haven't been monitoring it before, so I guess they don't think I need to. I, on the other hand, who come from a family that have diabetes for one reason or another, think that if I am going to be put on a diabetic medication, I think its kinda important to sacrifice a few blood drops, in the name of health. I'm going to see if what I need is going to be covered by insurance... I have Washtenaw Health Plan B-- The free plan-- so I don't know if it will cover testing supplies...

Here's how I look at it: Its not a diet, its a lifestyle change. The PCOS forum suggested a Low GI diet. I pretty much stick to that. I do cheat, eating Salt and Vinegar chips, and drinking regular pop. Every once in a while I'll eat chocolate. But I figure, if you don't give in a little, or give a little leigh-way, you'll cave, and then binge, and grow to resent your new life. I want to have kids one day, and in order for my body to create the estrogen needed to even ovulate, I need to make sure that I'm not eating an over abundance of sugars and carbs. This is something I'll be doing for the rest of my life. The ticker in my signature is marking my weight loss. What I like about it, is it doesn't show the actual weight you are, but anyone that clicks on it can see my progress. I'm not ashamed of myself, anymore. I weigh 204. I use to weigh 230, and on October 11th, i was at 211, that isn't much loss, but I haven't weighed that little in several years. and considering that I haven't really started exercising, and this is just from a change in diet, I am pretty damn proud of myself. lol I was a little leery of showing this on here, because the last time I posted a picture of my ass, someone put it in the Epic Fail thread... but this is a picture of my profile, as of Friday, October 31st, 2008:


I don't have on a corset, nor am I sucking in. That's all me. I know I have a ways to go, but I am so damn proud of myself. I feel so skinny. I use to be a tight size 20, Now, I am a very lose size 17! :jamin:happydance

People, I beg you to please please please go to that PCOS site if you have PCOS. Its helpful, on so many levels. And its not a site full of whiners. Its a site where women, all over the world, who have this can come together and help each other.

I also would like to start an exercise support group. Keep each other motivated, share your stories of defeat, and triumph. This is a hard thing to conquer, but with time, it is manageable. Its hard to do this sort of thing alone. So any ideas, or suggestions, I'm all ears. :)

Being the unvoluntary weight nazi around here, lemme be the first to tell you good job! It's not easy to do. And as most women I can tell you're a dieter as opposed to exerciser (I'm totally the opposite, I'd rather workout than stop going to the chinese buffet where they always politely come up to Pest and I during our meal and say, "You been here THREE hour! You leave now!" :tongue:) which imo is hard to do.

AND...actually, and I'm not lying about this, I was so pissed about you and Hunhee losing weight (and when I say "pissed" I mean pissed in a good way, like pissed at myself for being lazy and incompetent lately, not for you guys losing weight obviously) that I got back up on the horse and I've lost like 5-7 lbs myself. Not much but I only started a week ago, have been mildly watching what I eat, and have been working out moderately. I'm lucky though because I have a fast metabolism, believe it or not, because for what I DO eat I should probably be about 300 lbs :laugh:, so I'm grateful for my mannish basal metabolic rate.

Last weekend at the pre-party I actually asked Pest, "Hey, does she look like she's losing weight? She's shrinkin'!" so I noticed you losing weight even before you posted it in this forum.

So keep up the good work you two (as I'm trying hard to do :laugh:) and DGN will be hotter and slimmer with every pound lost! :peanutbutterjellytime:

PS, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to steal that little ticker thingy that's in your signature so I can have one for myself :)

PSS: Note to anyone losing weight: You should put the ticker in your sig too so we can all see the results!

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Thanks Chernobyl!!! it means a lot to me to hear what you have to say. I have to change how I eat, because of how my body works, BUT I am going to start exercising, so I don't get that "extra skin flab" my tummy skin is getting soft, and I think that if i work out and what not, it will shrink too. only thing that makes me sad, is my fantabulous ass is shrinking!!! :cry: lol but you know what? I have always been curvy, I just gotta be patient and wait for it all to catch up again, and once my body gets back into shape, my ass will look big again. lol I love to exercise, it makes me feel good, but (warning: lame excuse ahead) I hate getting down on the floor to do it... BUT in the name of health, and a skinny hot body, I am willing to get over my phobia of the floor. lol I want to have a flat tummy again. I want to be uber flexible again. I want to fall asleep knowing that I had a good work out, again. I miss all that... and there's only so much "dieting" I can do to accomplish all this. SO!!! I am going to start a workout routine that works for me, and I'll keep everyone posted on my progress. :)

Thanks again!!!! It feels so awesome to have people tell me that they too are noticing that my hard work is paying off... Its harder than I thought it would be, BUT at the same time, its not as hard as I made it out to be, in my mind. I made my mind up, and I am sticking to it.

Like I said before, its not a diet, its a lifestyle change. Diet implies that I'm missing out, and I don't feel that I am. :)

PS: feel free to steal the ticker... you can customize it, and make it look how you want. :) Its very helpful. and on the site that you get it on, it charts your progress for you. :) so you can actually see your progress charted out for you. :)

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only thing that makes me sad, is my fantabulous ass is shrinking!!! :cry: lol but you know what? I have always been curvey, I just gotta be patient and wait for it all to catch up again, and once my body gets back into shape, my ass will look big again.

Yes, trust me, you will lose weight in proportion. The way weight loss USUALLY goes with women is in this order (like I said for the most part, your body may be different):

(from first to last)

Face/cheek/neck area



Lower legs/bottom part of thighs



That's only generally speaking, but the thing about you losing weight firstly in your face/cheek/neck and arms/shoulders is accurate for almost everyone.

SECONDLY....one thing that made me mad is I would have a lot of friends who were jealous that I was losing weight 'cause they were bigger and they'd make fun of me since my boobs went from a DD down to a B-C. They'd be like "Yeah, well you used to have boobs and since you're dropping all this weight now they're small. I'm glad I still have DDs!" and I'd be like "Well...yeah of course you have DDs...you're way bigger than me." That comeback alone sent many of my ex female friends into tears, only because they knew it was the truth. Sure they physically had bigger jugs than myself...BUT if you take into consideration they themselves are physically bigger, it's LITERALLY the same proportion except one girl is little around the middle with flat abs and the other isn't. Basically looks like you took the bigger girl and shrunk her down, minus shrinking the height, so you'll look fine. So don't let ANY jealous girl get you down and tell you that you're too skinny or your ass is shrinking and all that because TRUST ME...it WILL happen and will make you feel like shit. I probably got made fun of more in my life by girls when I was skinny than when I was big (when I was big, men/boys were always the ones to make fun of me) so keep that in mind and never let other women get you down about it - they're just JEALOUS of your progress as all get out, not only do you know it, but so do they.

Just letting you know what to expect :laugh:.

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1st off, I wanna say that I am also very proud of you. Changing your way of life is very admirable. I've been working on it, although lately I've been at a stalemate (I won't make excuses, just been so busy lately, but I'll get back on the boat.. I haven't GAINED any which is a plus, but I really haven't lost much lately either).

Metaformin is the stuff that I take.. I started out with it, and then they put me on Byetta (which is an injectible) it SUCKED made me so ill I couldn't hardly stand food anymore. Every time I ate something it would make me nauseous, and then when I didn't it would make me even sicker, and if I ate too much, it would make me MISERABLE. Be glad that you have to tried and tested stuff and not the stuff that the doctor uses because he's probably getting some free vacation out of for prescribing. I'm sure I payed for a few trips to Honolulu from the meds I've bought.

The next thing they had me try was Avandiamet .. that's Avandia and Metaformin in one. Even with insurance I was paying 90 a month in my meds.. it sucked.. I can do a lot with 90 a month. BUT anyway.. they took Avandia (Brain anurisms or something) off the market not that long after I told my doctor that he had to chose which to put me on (the injectible or the avandamet), because all the meds in combination with each other made me sick..and my blood sugar dangerously low. Yes, I'm babbling here because I'm pissed because those over-drugged states were not good times for me. I was irritable on them, and it's bringing up not so good memories.. *sighs*

The blood testing supplies.. not covered on the FRONT end of the insurance, but under some strange medical indemnity clause on my prescription plan, but I cannot get it filled at the pharmacy, I have to go to a medical supply place.. go figure. Anyway.. the ave blood reading should be between 80-120 (slightly higher/lower is ok). 2 hours after eating it should be 180 (there about).

The good thing about metformin is that it works somewhat as an appetite suppressant.. I never noticed this about it, but it's used a lot on people who are slightly overweight even if they don't have sugar issues, which I never understood, but that's the over-drugging of America for you.

Anyway good luck on your venture, I salute you!!!

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oh I know, I use to be way skinny... my boobs are gonna get too small... when I was at my smallest, i had DD boobs (that's a size 9, weighing 135) so I don't have to worry about that. lol honestly, as long as I get the weight off, I don't care what my body does, as long as it all snaps back and I don't have that "extra skin flab" which scares me more than anything. :) but I'm young, I'm sure my body will snap back. lol

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oh I know, I use to be way skinny... my boobs are gonna get too small... when I was at my smallest, i had DD boobs (that's a size 9, weighing 135) so I don't have to worry about that. lol honestly, as long as I get the weight off, I don't care what my body does, as long as it all snaps back and I don't have that "extra skin flab" which scares me more than anything. :) but I'm young, I'm sure my body will snap back. lol

Pfft.. you're young.. I'm going to start a collection for MY tummy tuck surgery cause I'm an oldie scoldie.. :p

AND my boobs are still in tact.. w00t!!!!

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you ain't old, shut up for I smack you with a fish! :p I may be young, but my genetics are against me all the way... PCOS is passed down genetically in some form or another, and also, my family doesn't have the most supple skin... lol BUT here's to hoping that I got my dad's skin... I may not have gotten his color, but I sure hope I got his good supple skin... lol if that makes scene.. lol

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  • 2 months later...

Originally from:PCOS Message Board > What's on Your Mind About PCOS? > Newbie Issues... > The Newbie Road Map

(I didn't put it in a quote window, because sometimes that breaks a url code)


The Newbie Road Map

Here are some questions with answers to get you started on your PCOS treatment journey.

I don't have all the symptoms of PCOS, do I still have it?






Who do I need to go to to get a diagnosis and what tests will my doctor do?







http://www.soulcysters.net/guide-understan...lts-pcos-63885/ (http://www.inciid.org/faq.php?cat=complementarymed&id=2#81)




How to diagnose Insulin Resistance: http://www.medreviews.com/cme_programs/ins...aq.asp?nav=6#02

I don't have cysts, can I still have PCOS?





I have fertility problems. Can I get pregnant? What do I need to know before I get pregnant?























IR causes miscarriage? http://www.soulcysters.net/article-metform...omen-ir-220667/


What medical problems are women with PCOS at risk for? Do I still need to treat my PCOS symptoms even if I am not trying to get pregnant?



























How did I get PCOS?

--Prenatal theories:








--Genetic theories:












Moms who took DES: http://www.obgyn.net/displayarticle.asp?pa...ticles/des_1013

Grandmoms who took DES: http://www.desaction.org.au/overview.htm













I'm worried about my child having PCOS. Is there anything that can be done for them now?






My doctor says I should get my tubes tide or get a hysterectomy or use birth control pills to cure PCOS. Is this true?











Many days worth of reading (lists of links about PCOS):












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  • 10 months later...

I posted this in another thread, but I'll repeat it here as well, since its related....

As many of you all know, I have PCOS (If you google "PCOS" you will get loads of info (click any PCOS in this sentence and it will take you to the site I like to send people to, to get info)... and the break down (the short version) is that my body creates too much insulin, because the initial amount doesn't do its job... because of this over abundance of insulin in my system, it has killed most of the estrogen that's created. Because of this, my ovaries don't function properly. and because of that, my periods are all fucked up...

I have been on my period for the last 3 months. Bleeding, spotting, you name it, its happened. I've had maybe 2-3 days out of each month where I wasn't bleeding, but in my sleep, i did. Its weird. I go through a lot of pads. (I don't use tampons anymore, because A) they make me cramp more B) I bleed to heavily and wearing one would be a total waist...

so yeah. which is why I am depressed all the time. Why I feel like shit all the time.. and I'm assuming why I FEEL like I have a fever, but my temp is either below "normal" or right at it.. (MY normal temp is usually BELOW 98.6, by one or two degrees) I have started taking (again) a muli-vitamin, wit iron in it, because I just know its gotta be uber low)...

I've always wanted kids, but my ovaries don't ovulate... I've been diagnosed for over a year now, so I've had some time to accept that I may never have them... well, I've at the point where I just want my uterus out of me. I want it gone. If I ever become stable enough to be able to give a child any type of life, then I'll adopt. But really, I want my uterus gone. All this pain and my health being total shit, is not worth it that "maybe, one day, i could possible, with lots of fertility drug, get pregnant, and it not end in a miscarry"

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