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Life is tragic when you're an absolute lush

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Friday I got out of the house but I couldn’t get anyone to bite on the notion of goin uptown to see how you fellas were living at CC. I went out, well let's keep it kind of vague, I went to a couple of shitian holes with a friend of mine and drank a bit. Firstly, after dinner (around 8pm), I walked into the most harrowing comedy of good memory. It was a bar out in the sticks (my friend lives in the burbs) where everyone was already wasted very early on and a hopeless band was playing very random and generic cacophonous drabble. I got hit on by a woman with an enormous bosom who was trying to turn me on by inserting the tips of her fingernails inside my waste band and making little swirlies on my hip. This woman, no idea what her name was (but I've got a photo of her breasts now on my cellphone), I simply did not want, she was married, etc. I tried to talk her down slowly, carefully, she looked as if she had her heart set and might simply devour me. Homeboy and i got out of there first distraction and went to a better place where we could merely chill. This time the band was professional but tasteless. The lady tending bar took me on as one of her own and administered vast helpings of scotch to my already wounded perception, and she insisted that I shouldn't pay a penny for anything. Happy day. i was talking with a girl next to me about whatever and she was quite a nice girl, but instead of asking her out I actually gave her a "to be continued". Yeah. Well, I'll never see her again, but I think it was the right way to end things, it was the way the Sean Connery James Bond would have ended things and I felt good about it momentarily. I had used a very good phrase. next day (nope, Sunday actually) I went out and played tennis for about four unbelievable hours at a favorite park, yawned, and went out and got wasted again. I don't know how it happened either, but somehow I found a bar and did it again. Ok, fast forward to about 9pm. Now I'm sitting naked in a sauna in my friend’s father's backyard on Waltham in the D and not to be outdone, drinking Stolli's straight out of the bottle with this friend and his bro. I don't drink a lot, I swear it, it's just that for whatever reason I had the chance yesterday (which is a rarity) and it was going down real easy. Anyroad, I feel miserable now. Helpless.

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