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DGN Night @ City Club - Sat June 21st

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Might make it out... All seems to be up to how my friend is feeling and well he's water and vinegar in one bottle.. Plus I promised him I would spend the WHOLE weekend pretty much at his mercy... lol But I'm feeling the need to socialize so damn it I require hugs and lots of kisses from you guys/.. And would be nice to meet some of the newer members.


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I will be there, but am in a weird / bad mental place so be nice to me.

Awwww hon hope things are going ok for you and well if you so make it to CC you can add another drink from me to the list/.. And not just cause you're super sexy and besides Anelina Jolie I would so go lesbian for ya and your corset skillz:P.. Teasing.. But yeah if I make it and you're their I'll buy you a super yummy intoxicating drink and a hug!

Hope all is well.. XO

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Awwww hon hope things are going ok for you and well if you so make it to CC you can add another drink from me to the list/.. And not just cause you're super sexy and besides Anelina Jolie I would so go lesbian for ya and your corset skillz:P.. Teasing.. But yeah if I make it and you're their I'll buy you a super yummy intoxicating drink and a hug!

Hope all is well.. XO

Awwww!! thank you! :wub:

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Earlier this morning I was almost 100% "no" on CC due to the concert...

BUT....it looks like we're probably not going to MSI after all because the person who was going to get us in free had a last minute family emergency. :crybaby I'll be sad, but they were nice enough to get us in free in the first place, so oh well that's life.

But, we're not totally out of the water, there's still a chance we might go to MSI.

If we don't though, Raven and I will be at CC. Someone should put him on your drink list because he's a SAD panda right now :laugh:. Like, I don't think I've ever heard emptyness in his voice like I heard today after he found out we're probably not going. We've both been looking forward to this concert for months...

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I'm planning on it. Thinking about trying to do some kind of schoolgirl or librarian type look. We'll see what I can come up with. I've been wanting an excuse to wear my glasses out to CC.

'Cause you all know City Club is just a big fashion show for me. :cool

Ooooooooo, Mstrbeau and Finny.......do you see what I see? lol

:peanutbutterjellytime: Hot Stuff~ coming up!!!

Can't wait to see you gorgeaous ;)

(I'll bring my ruler and paddle, tee-hee!)

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And in the brightest day is born the darkness again.

Come celebrate the birth of darkness this Saturday with me!

I want to meet you. I want to dance with you. I might need to hug you or wink at you.

Please come and enjoy your self.

I look forward to being there!

It is my first time in Detroit after four years of living in Seattle!

I love Detroit, ugly bumps and all.

Kiss! :bunny:

You are back in town and NO ONE TOLD ME?!?!?!

I will be there for sure tonight, now!

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I'll be there tonight, for sure!

I've found a ride.

I will post what I am wearing before I leave, so people will better recognize me (not that my mug and juggs aren't already familiar).

I'll especially be looking for a select few of the gang, so I expect those people to show! ;)

It's not often I get down to the D, so this will be a rare public appearance for me!

Yay Jynxxie! I'll be wearing an adorable off-the shoulder number...oh wait...that's the other bar. :rofl:

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Thinking about trying to do some kind of schoolgirl or librarian type look.


I'll be there tonight, for sure!

I've found a ride.


Rulers? Paddles???? Glasses???? Oh My!!!

Fin and I will be in heaven... :-)


Ooooooooo, Mstrbeau and Finny.......do you see what I see? lol


Raven and I will be at CC. Someone should put him on your drink list because he's a SAD panda right now

I got you covered, yo.


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:peanutbutterjellytime: :peanutbutterjellytime: :peanutbutterjellytime: :peanutbutterjellytime:

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Yay Jynxxie! I'll be wearing an adorable off-the shoulder number...oh wait...that's the other bar. :rofl:

These are the people in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood, in your NAY BOR HOO OOD..the people that ya meet each day.. :p

See ya'll in a short-short..

BTW, I'm in the bloody bag already..my job SUCKS! I gotta get dolled up to "tear down."

I got the fash cash, doe..

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I'll be wearing a sharkskin grey pinstripe skirt suit, a grey XXX beaver fedora with black grosgrain band (worn at a fashionable rake), some black huerache platforms, and a white-toothed smile outlined with a red Cupid's bow. :)

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