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Your own death, will you survive it?

do you believe that will you survive your own death?  

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A simple question, do you believe or feel that death is the end? or do you think that some how "you" will go on into an afterlife or reicarnation of some sort? Will you still have a kind of consciousness, or is dead truelly "dead"?



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There's either reincarnation, heaven, or a mix of both (going to heaven and then deciding to come back into life to further yourself with experiences, because imo life is basically here for us to experience).

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I don't care. What's important is here and now.

Well, that depends. I mean, you make plans for the weekend, right? You have plans and dreams and hopes for yourself years down the road, and for your children, right?

I guess then, if death is not the end, if death is simply the end of the here and now, and the start of something new, isn't it something you should care about? If there IS life after death, then wouldn't that just be the 'there and later' to your here and now?

Do I think death is the end? Not even slightly.

How do I think my soul will fare?


I've seen better, I'v seen worse. I keep thinking that if I surround myself with good people that will somehow gain me favor - like how even slouches can get into hot nightclubs if they're with Paris Hilton. Kind of like that. These good people however, point out the folly of my plan, which is rather discouraging. Something about how I actually have to be a good person myself, I can't just mooch goodness off of others.


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After working with Iso-cyinates,welding nickle cadmium, and and various other chemicals I was forced to deal with,

nothings happened yet,(even though many here hope I die soon,LOL!) like I care anyway,and when it does,hope its quick.and I do believe its just plain simple, when you die,the lights blackout,that is it.

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I keep going back and forth on this one. Some days I believe in reincarnation. Some days I believe that when you die, you're dead, that's it. Goodbye, nice knowing you, all gone, nothing.

Sometimes when I think there is nothing after we die, I freak out and wonder, "well what's the point of living then?" But then I think "well, shit, if this is it, I need to make the most of my life now, because it's my only chance."

When I think we reincarnate, I either think "I need to quit screwing up because I'm going to pay for it in the next life - this is going to bite me in the ass," or I think "meh, well, I'll work on that problem in my next life."

When I really think about it though, I'm more focused on what I can do now to make my future better and what will happen that will make my life happy. That's why I decided to go back to school, so I can get a better job, making money helping people, which is something I enjoy doing. That's why I'm excited about getting married this year (in 50 days) and spending my life with the man I love.

I like to focus on the "right now" and the near future because I have a general idea of what is going on. If I think too hard about the "after death," I freak out because I don't know what will happen and I don't like not knowing what will happen because then I have no control over it.

I think I went off on a tangent. Sorry. I need to go back to working on my case study for class tomorrow night.

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My spirituality has changed a lot over the years to the point where it is now, which affects my answer. I live with an Atheist and scientific standpoint, but I have taken a lot from the idea of chaos and chaos magic. I do not believe in religious stuff like "karma," or "magick." But I do believe that energy can be manipulated within the mathematical formulaic bounds of science, and the classic law that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" strikes partially true beyond physical momentum in social and mental dimensions.

When I was in deep depression I looked at the scientific approach to death with my negative emotions leading the way, which makes death look terrible. If death is lack of consciousness, or nothingness (basically a return to unification with arrest of matter), then looking at it as the ultimate form of peace is really the only way to look at the nothingness type of death to allow it to coincide with emotions.

As for an afterlife, I've seen no evidence of ghost outside of famous ghost photographs and ghost stories. I do think there is a possibility of an afterlife. The idea of an afterlife being prevalent in religions and world-views for years seems more of a social conditioning thing that doesn't convince me of anything. What does convince me that there is a possibility of an afterlife or higher consciousness is that the afterlife becomes a kind of deep wish by any organism with the intellect to begin examining death, so it makes it seem like the idea for death to be nothingness would go against nature.

Practicing the whole zen-meditation thing and experiencing the conflicts of living I wouldn't mind death either way it is.

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I'll either find out, or I won't. There is no point in worrying about something that I have no control over.

I agree 100%.

BTW ... I think the way this topic is worded makes it very confusing. I agree with the above, but it took me about 10 minutes to figure out which answer to pick.

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Matter transforms into energy, & every atom in our bodies (& on this planet, for that matter) came from the center of a star. So where does that leave us at the "end of the line"? Think about it.


Uhmmm...Covenant - Dead Stars?

</end smartassery>

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Guest GodfallenPromos

Now... THAT deserves some elaboration, GFP.

beaten and overdosed on heroin (NOT by my hand) = 1

drowned = 4

stabbed =3

shot = 2

hung = 4

car accident (pedestrian) = 3

suffocation = 5

alright....22...I was off by one

but I also been buried alive.

two hangins and one drowning were suicides....I've come back every time...though i consider physical death when your heart stops for longer then a couple of beats.

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I've gone back and forth on this one but for the last few years I'm completely convinced that human life goes on. The one thing that really clinched it for me is reading about near death experiences. There have been very credible accounts of clinically dead people seeing things on roofs that could only be seen by air, seeing exactly what went on during resuscitation attempts and even being able to see into the next room and know things they could not possibly know unless they were there and seeing what went on.

Another very moving experience was being at a friend's funeral and feeling his presence there. It was so palpable I really had no doubt (which is really unusual for me because I tend to be skeptical about a lot of things).

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beaten and overdosed on heroin (NOT by my hand) = 1

drowned = 4

stabbed =3

shot = 2

hung = 4

car accident (pedestrian) = 3

suffocation = 5

alright....22...I was off by one

but I also been buried alive.

two hangins and one drowning were suicides....I've come back every time...though i consider physical death when your heart stops for longer then a couple of beats.

Holy crap!

You should write a book. Sounds like you've led an interesting life so far. Damn!

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I believe in reincarnation wholeheartedly.....

One point of proof to Me is the existence of ghosts.....

Prove to me ghosts exist.. I haven't ever seen one. I would LIKE to believe they exist, but I've been to several places that have been known to be highly haunted, and I've never seen a thing. Oh, and don't give me stuff about I have to "Believe" if they exist, then they exist to those of us who believe and don't believe.

Although, Gaf did explain electro-magnetic charges, and humans in a highly emotional state tend to send off stronger electro-magnetic pulses when they die a highly emotional death. Which I did find highly believable/probable. When this happens, someone dies, they leave an electro magnetic recording of themselves, and that's why some "ghosts" repeat a pattern, or stick to a particular spot. But this doesn't make them a ghost (as in spirit), just an image like a recording left on the earth. (The earth being susceptible to electro magnetic charges, which it is). I think I got that somewhat wrong, Gaf, please help me out, or I can try to dig up that post you made. SO, still not proving the existence of ghosts. *shrugs*

My spirituality has changed a lot over the years to the point where it is now, which affects my answer. I live with an Atheist and scientific standpoint, but I have taken a lot from the idea of chaos and chaos magic. I do not believe in religious stuff like "karma," or "magick." But I do believe that energy can be manipulated within the mathematical formulaic bounds of science, and the classic law that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" strikes partially true beyond physical momentum in social and mental dimensions.

When I was in deep depression I looked at the scientific approach to death with my negative emotions leading the way, which makes death look terrible. If death is lack of consciousness, or nothingness (basically a return to unification with arrest of matter), then looking at it as the ultimate form of peace is really the only way to look at the nothingness type of death to allow it to coincide with emotions.

As for an afterlife, I've seen no evidence of ghost outside of famous ghost photographs and ghost stories. I do think there is a possibility of an afterlife. The idea of an afterlife being prevalent in religions and world-views for years seems more of a social conditioning thing that doesn't convince me of anything. What does convince me that there is a possibility of an afterlife or higher consciousness is that the afterlife becomes a kind of deep wish by any organism with the intellect to begin examining death, so it makes it seem like the idea for death to be nothingness would go against nature.

Practicing the whole zen-meditation thing and experiencing the conflicts of living I wouldn't mind death either way it is.

Wow, I couldn't have said it better myself. :)

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Prove to me ghosts exist.. I haven't ever seen one. I would LIKE to believe they exist, but I've been to several places that have been known to be highly haunted, and I've never seen a thing. Oh, and don't give me stuff about I have to "Believe" if they exist, then they exist to those of us who believe and don't believe.

Although, Gaf did explain electro-magnetic charges, and humans in a highly emotional state tend to send off stronger electro-magnetic pulses when they die a highly emotional death. Which I did find highly believable/probable. When this happens, someone dies, they leave an electro magnetic recording of themselves, and that's why some "ghosts" repeat a pattern, or stick to a particular spot. But this doesn't make them a ghost (as in spirit), just an image like a recording left on the earth. (The earth being susceptible to electro magnetic charges, which it is). I think I got that somewhat wrong, Gaf, please help me out, or I can try to dig up that post you made. SO, still not proving the existence of ghosts. *shrugs*

I also have trouble believing in things that I cannot see or see any proof in... I have never seen a ghost, nor seen any proof that any exist in any form... except the ones that live in our minds and memories that we are responsible for.

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I'm going to put my money on there being more based on my supernatural experiences. What this "more" is, I can't say because I don't know. I don't have time to debate the existence of ghosts or not, I don't need to. Either you are able to experience the paranormal or you aren't. That's pretty much all I will add to this.

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I think there is some kind of afterlife...what exactly...i'm not really sure. Is it all or part of our soul? I have no ideal. But I have thought about another concept before...about what if the afterlife is what you think it is? Such as even if it's a mental thing that happens when the brain dies...can people possibly subcontiously choose nirvana? If you think it's just black and blank then is it? If you crave hell or heaven are you sent then? Is it judgement by a higher being?

I am as clueless as anyone else...but I do think that somethings happens...I know that somethings happens. Wether it is simply us coming to peace with ourselves as the lights go out or if we awaken to a new world or life.

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Prove to me ghosts exist.. I haven't ever seen one. I would LIKE to believe they exist, but I've been to several places that have been known to be highly haunted, and I've never seen a thing. Oh, and don't give me stuff about I have to "Believe" if they exist, then they exist to those of us who believe and don't believe.

Although, Gaf did explain electro-magnetic charges, and humans in a highly emotional state tend to send off stronger electro-magnetic pulses when they die a highly emotional death. Which I did find highly believable/probable. When this happens, someone dies, they leave an electro magnetic recording of themselves, and that's why some "ghosts" repeat a pattern, or stick to a particular spot. But this doesn't make them a ghost (as in spirit), just an image like a recording left on the earth. (The earth being susceptible to electro magnetic charges, which it is). I think I got that somewhat wrong, Gaf, please help me out, or I can try to dig up that post you made. SO, still not proving the existence of ghosts. *shrugs*

They do not show themselves to everyone..... :confused:

You may think I am a nut, but I have seen many ghosts throughout my life.....

I can not prove anything to you, I don't have pics or eerie video or odd noises on tape.....

I know what I see and have seen.....We all have different gifts, and that is one of mine.....

Yes, yes kidz.....I see dead people.....

Prove that I don't.....

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