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Favorite TV Show Currently or "all time"?

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Guest Megalicious

*Phee thinks about how much TV he watches*

Battlestar Galactica (New and old for different reasons)


The Prisoner

The Tudors

Law And Orders (Yes I meant Plural)



Kids in the Hall

Monty Pythons Flying Circus




The Daily Show

The Cobert Report...

Twin Peaks...

I heart me some DS9!!!

(I heart Garrick) DS9 is on my top 5 of all time.

::looks at phees list:: :: now likes phee even more then she did before:: :whistle:

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I know I'll forget something, but here goes...


Star Trek: Next Gen


Penn and Teller: Bullshit


Shin Chan



Month Python's Flying Circus

Are You Being Served?

Who's Line Is It Anyway? (either version)

Ninja Warrior


Vampire Princess Miyu (was that actually a show?)

Beauty and the Geek

Venture Bros

Robot Chicken

Sex and the City


Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

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i feel exactly the same way about this show.

Was kinda the same feeling I had about three stooges. I used to laugh my ASS off at the three stooges. Saw it as an adult more recently, it was a good chuckle here and there , but defiently not the eyes-watering belly laughs that i remember as a kid. heh

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Besides Firefly, I really liked this one Canadian show called the Odyssey. It was about this kid who feel into a coma, with his consciousness entering a different world where there isn't anyone over the age of 15.

I like a whole bunch of animes as well.

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V - I haven't seen it recently, but when it was aired.. and OMG i loved it.. if I were to see it now, I would probably hate it.

I have a myriad of shows I would love to list out, but that one in particular I loved.

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Best mini-series: I, Claudius

Yeah that is an awesome mini series. Should be high on anyone's list that likes "critically acclaimed" type stuff.

V - I haven't seen it recently, but when it was aired.. and OMG i loved it.. if I were to see it now, I would probably hate it.

I have a myriad of shows I would love to list out, but that one in particular I loved.

I remember loving that one too as a younger person. Its in the same boat as some other childhood favorites though, it doesnt hold up to modern viewing all that well. Unfortunately. :crybaby:

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Been pondering it a bit more. Updated list:

Favorite TV (ongoing "Entertainment" Show ?

Trying To Keep It Down to 5:

1 The Original Twilight Zone

2 Battlestar Galactica (new)

3 Rome

4 Deadwood

5 The Sopranos

Honorable Mentions:


The Shield

The Prisoner

Twin Peaks

Arrested Development

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Invader Zim

Neon Genesis

The Original Star Trek



Non-Fluff Its:

1. Cosmos ( Carl Sagan)

2. Nova: Origins (Neil Tyson)

3. The World At War (BBC)

4. The Ascent Of Man (J. Bronowski)

5. The Civil War (Ken Burns)

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Was kinda the same feeling I had about three stooges. I used to laugh my ASS off at the three stooges. Saw it as an adult more recently, it was a good chuckle here and there , but defiently not the eyes-watering belly laughs that i remember as a kid. heh

yeah. feel that way about this one too.

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oh my god how could i forget six feet under! i love that show!! add that to my list.

I think I have all the DVDs. It is pretty good (and especially liked in the context of DGN) I'm not sure I'd put it on an "all time" type possibility list though. *thinks*

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I think I have all the DVDs. It is pretty good (and especially liked in the context of DGN) I'm not sure I'd put it on an "all time" type possibility list though. *thinks*

oh, it is on my list. i didn't hear about this show for awhile after it came out... and then didn't even watch it until it was not on anymore (on "on demand") i watched one episode... and then hours later i was still watching more ;) i got addicted to this show. there would be several on on demand and i would watch all of them at once. and then have to wait and wait for the others to come on weeks later.

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