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DGN Night @ CC 21st June Aftermath


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Gaaaah. I have entered that long dark last call of the soul.


Jynxxxie...So nice to finally meet you in person.

Punk Princess...Queen of Shots

Tanuki...Put my John Hancock on her. No, really...not a double entendre. :p

Spook...Didn't get a chance to say hi. Next time!

IndustrialGirl2000...Incredible 'do.

Chernobyl...Not a guy. :p

Raven...One of City Club's finest.

Darque Metallion...Call me about the thing.

Darkchylde...Good luck with the job hunt.

AstralCrux...I think that was you talking to Rambo. :p

TigerLili...Nice outfit!

And I met the most beautiful woman in the world. Totally. I'm still reeling.

Pretty good night. Next?

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Holy hell..

Well, I'm glad to say that I'm not technically a man. Lemme say that.

It's literally six am in the morning..lthe latest I've ever come home from CC...

I'm REALLY drunk. Still...very drunk I will say as a drunk person, not only do I have IMPECABLE typing (thank GOD backspace) but,., I <3 you guys ;p.

I will come back tomorrow to tell you who I saw and how awesome of a time I had.

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Gaaaah. I have entered that long dark last call of the soul.


Jynxxxie...So nice to finally meet you in person.


I sadly overslept after a very late Friday night/sat morning. I woke up around 1:30 a.m. with zero desire to go out. Hope it was fun.


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Danced beaucoup tonight!!! woot!!

Is that Mister Beaucoup? And is that anything like Mister Bojangles?


I sadly overslept after a very late Friday night/sat morning. I woke up around 1:30 a.m. with zero desire to go out. Hope it was fun.


You've been identity thefted. There's another Jinx/Jynx and it's a chick!

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Well, that's a first! I woke up after my usual three hours of post City Club sleep this morning and I needed not ibuprofen, not caffeine, not water, but antacid. I didn't even realize drinks could upset my stomach that badly in a non-vomiting way.

Anyway, it wasn't a bad night. Pulled off the bookish look, minus the glasses, which I ditched before I left the house because they were bugging me. Spent most of the night talking to/dancing with Msterbeau, Fin, Tszura, Spook and Nienna, though I think I talked to just about all of you at least once. My friend enjoyed her birthday drinks.

Dancing was fun, though after a while my feet started to protest in my new shoes. Ah well, they're broken in now.

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I was there ... but did not meet any of you :confused:

I buzzed by the DGN area a few times but could not tell who was who...

Danced a lot...had some drinks

Got elbowed in the face by some dude with a bandanna over his face ..

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Longer report now that I've had some sleep:

Saw TONS of people. I think I saw some newbies but wasn't quite sure. I realized this morning that a girl Spook was pointing out as a DGNer was probably IndustrialGirl2000. The DGN corner seemed to have moved closer to the dance floor for some reason.

People I saw, spoke with, danced with, or flirted with:

Spook - Yay... I haven't seen you in ages!!

Nienna - Lots of talking and dancing time. Glad to see you feeling in good spirits.

Tigerlilly - Nice to see you, as always. Whatever you called the style of your outfit... it looked lovely on you.

Shade - Two times in one week I get to see you! Woot!!

Kiri_no_Aijin - THREE times in one week! I didn't want to get too close... thought you might turn me into a zombie!! ;)

Tszura - Holy good looking, Batman!! We didn't talk much but you looked fantastic in your outfit!!

Fin - A few fleeting words were spoken. Hope you made it home OK.

Saechalyn - You looked to be having a good evening/week. :animier:

jinxxxedangel - About time you got out!!!

Chernobyl and Craven - Lady... you were TRASHED!!! :rofl: Good thing you had your man there is all I'm gonna say.

Crank - Don't forget to send me the link homey!

For all the others I saw or met - Hi and/or glad to meet you. :-)

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I was there ... but did not meet any of you :confused:

I buzzed by the DGN area a few times but could not tell who was who...

Danced a lot...had some drinks

Got elbowed in the face by some dude with a bandanna over his face ..

Yeah, that jackass elbowed me in the face too!

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Yeah, that jackass elbowed me in the face too!

:verymad: Next time we need to double team him - so he can chill out! I always like to dance in the corner by the dj booth and that jackass really harshed my gig. Next time, I will have to bring head gear! Thats one of the down sides of being short .

maybe we were dancing by eachother and did 'nt even know it :bunny:

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In case some of you didn't recognize me, I was the shrimp with the Sharpie marker getting signed everywhere. Crazed Vampyress brought a marker a couple weeks ago and gave me the idea.

I really had a blast and met a few great new people, such as industrial girl. I even got to see some of my old City Club friends last night, woohoo!

I spent the vast majority of the night with the usual: punk princess, DarkChylde, Darque Metallion, and xanthien.

All in all, a very fun night for me.

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:verymad: Next time we need to double team him - so he can chill out! I always like to dance in the corner by the dj booth and that jackass really harshed my gig. Next time, I will have to bring head gear! Thats one of the down sides of being short .

maybe we were dancing by eachother and did 'nt even know it :bunny:

Heh. this was mid dancefloor. Apparantly he was on tour.

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That was the most trashed I've been in a LONG time. I will let everyone know that it hurts to type right now because I was SO drunk in fact that I felt it necessary to get into an altercation with the dance floor...THREE TIMES! I didn't like the way those tiles were staring at me. I literally sprained my right wrist, and on that hand my ring finger and pinky. My knee is swollen from smashing on the tile and I have a huge gash on my forehead from God-knows-what. Alls I have to say is...fuckin' sweet.

We even all made a pact in our little corner of the dance floor to just dance like retards because we were so torn up. So, if you saw me tearing shit up in the most ridiculous way (I swear it must've looked like I was trying to do the Humpty Dance) you're welcome for the entertainment :rofl:

I'll type WHO I saw a little later...when my hand works better.

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I literally sprained my right wrist, and on that hand my ring finger and pinky.

Can't say I'm to surprised, I mean after how many times you snapped you pinky and ring finger to show your devotion to Hunhee :p

Didn't make it this week...wasn't up for it...and I am going broke. :cry

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Does anyone know that tall young guy with the curly black hair, whom I was dancing with last night??

He sure was grabby! I think he was out hunting cougars or something.

And shark is absolutely delicious raw. Yum. I think I would like another serving, please. Yes..I would like that very much.

I had a great time meeting you all last night. Everyone looked gorgeous. :)

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I had an awesome time last night. Great DGN turnout. I had alot of fun dancing with tanuki1985 & xanthien. It was a pleasure to meet some more of the DGN group & see alot of familiar faces. Overall I had a wonderful time & must give major kudos to the shot guy cause he rocks.

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