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DGN Night @ CC 21st June Aftermath


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I forgot I saw the ghost of KBK. He left early... He was on a mission. Or perhaps missionary. :rofl:

Thanks dude, sorry I couldn't hang out longer... good seeing you again too... as well as Leslie, Crank, Rambo, JinxxyAngel, and of course, couldn't show up without my buds Chernobyl and Craven Raven. Wished I coulda stayed longer.. and wished i woulda done a better search before starting a new aftermath thread by assuming the mods dropped the ball... sorry mods...

But for the time that I had there, I had fun... if not the cedar point trip, I'll for sure be there on the 28th again.

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Oh geezzzz .. it was a fun night!!!!!!!! ^_^ we came at 12:30. When we were walking up the steps I was having a Marlyn Monroe moment lol, thank god no one was watching. We strolled in and we saw Tzura and her enormously Sprite pitcher, hugged Fin, said hello to Spook,Chernobyl,TygerLili, MasterBeau, DarkRacer... some cute little chick with tattoos all over ^_^ gave her a hug she was fascinated by my skirt. We dance and had a FABULOUS night...

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WHOA--lotsa DGNer's out Sat night! Was a monster-slam!

I started the eve out dignified but quickly degenerated into the most affectionate, drunken sharky you have ever bumped into in your life.

I felt like this:



Ok--it was a tippy kind o' night, but I'll do my best:

Disenchanted--I hope you & your lady had a wonderful b'day night!

Tszura--permanent mental image of you holding that huge Sprite pitcher I gave you. LOL

Poppet--so glad you came! You looked wonderful. I was hazed but great hug!

Alaska--dude, your one of the best people to talk to. Please keep showing up. U rock.

IndustrialGirl2000--nice to meet you, you tall drink-o-water, you. Loved the purple

DarqueMetallion--Pleasure as always! Did you change the makeup a bit?

Raven--great spikes--pleasure meeting you. Hope the drink cheered you up

Chernobyl--you sexy thing! Fellow drunk-ass! I really enjoyed meeting/talking to you.

TygerLili--*drool* Lovely, lovely lovely. Ummm. Yeah. :p

DarkChylde--waved to across the abyss

PunkPrincess--saw you everywhere! Dancing machine!

JynxxxedAngel--Felt naughty stealing you away, repeatedly, but what else could I do? More, please. xo

DarkRacer--Have we officially met? I did see you there....

Constantin--nice to meet you! A fellow space cadet by night's end. Heh!

NightGaunt--I'm farily certain we met & spoke. Night got away from me a li'l there.

Tanuki--always the fellow dancefloor nut. I dig that.

Nienna--I hazily recall seeing you on dancefloor...missed a hug, though. :(

MstrBeau--Honorary "Librarian apprecation night" was a titilating success!

Spook--remember talking at the bar. Thanks for introducing me to a cutie.

Shade--kick ass, man! Really enjoyed bumping into you!

Saechalyn--I do not believe I've had the pleasure, yet....

Chemo--D'OH!! Next time

KBK--MstrBeau said you were there--didn't have a chance to greet.

Riku--great to see you. Where did we bump into one another? Where else.


The tardiness of this posting lends itself well to the testament of a great night.

Have a great week everybody!


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AstralCrux...I think that was you talking to Rambo. :p

I didn't make it... my obsession with the "Twilight" saga is intense... Those books are amazing- warning do not read them... book 4 doesn't come out till august. I'm reading them for the second time in a week. I can't put them down.

Oh, and just so you know.... IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE MET ME AND NOT KNOW. If you "think" that was me and I never walked up and said hi.... It's not me. I'm overly social with alcohol involved. And I just recently got my nails done for the first time.... so even more reason to converse.

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Has it REALLY been almost 13 YEARS?????

Dude, I feel incredibly ancient now! :p It seems like almost yesterday I was sitting on the inside corner of the back bar at the old Sluthoe (Oxbow), wasting pitcher after pitcher of Red Wolf and shooting down drunk assholes. :lmao: You were the fucking MAYOR of that place!!!!! :p

Thirteen is my lucky number, count the letters in my ID.. ;)

Oh and Finny, you will ALWAYS be first on my dancecard, as long as I have the pleasure of knowing you. *wubs Fin's fin with her thigh* :evil::swoon:drool

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Ugghh, Hate to say but I got so drunk I could barely remember the night of who I talked to and what I did. I remember small bits and peices though, such as I think I was on the dance floor with chernobyl and craven raven. Dont mean to sound like a dumbass but were we dancing? Lol I think maybe its time that I slow down on the drinking a little.

However I do know I was having a fucking blast though except the fact the damn caps lock key keeps getting in my way when I type!

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ewhjiafghgh Holy. Fucking. Awesome.

I'm not sure how else to sum up.

I will not list everyone I saw or talked to on Saturday evening--mostly because I'm lazy, and you know who you wonderful people are, but just a few quick notes.

Chernobyl and Craven Raven--that was the longest, and best, conversation I've had with you two yet. We should do that more.

Fin--we actually need to start, y'know, having conversations. You're too awesome not to have conversations with.

IndustrialGirl2000--it was a great pleasure to meet you. You were a vision.

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Ugghh, Hate to say but I got so drunk I could barely remember the night of who I talked to and what I did. I remember small bits and peices though, such as I think I was on the dance floor with chernobyl and craven raven. Dont mean to sound like a dumbass but were we dancing? Lol I think maybe its time that I slow down on the drinking a little.

However I do know I was having a fucking blast though except the fact the damn caps lock key keeps getting in my way when I type!

Yes and no...you were dancing, I was falling on my face and slamming into everyone. There's a BIG difference.

For the record I had four long islands. So yeah...

I was so drunk I was like THRASHING about TRYING to look as retarded as humanly possible. It worked. :laugh: Hell, I even started DDRing in place without a mat :rofl:

I have a question for anyone who was there and around me on the dancefloor that night: Did you see me fall ('cause I wiped out a few times) and when that happened...did you see my ass? :laugh:

I don't care if my ass was seen, it's a LOT cuter than a good amount of the bare asses that come up in that club, I just think it's funny if anyone did :laugh:.

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Yes and no...you were dancing, I was falling on my face and slamming into everyone. There's a BIG difference.

For the record I had four long islands. So yeah...

I was so drunk I was like THRASHING about TRYING to look as retarded as humanly possible. It worked. :laugh: Hell, I even started DDRing in place without a mat :rofl:

I have a question for anyone who was there and around me on the dancefloor that night: Did you see me fall ('cause I wiped out a few times) and when that happened...did you see my ass? :laugh:

I don't care if my ass was seen, it's a LOT cuter than a good amount of the bare asses that come up in that club, I just think it's funny if anyone did :laugh:.

Sadly.. I missed the ass. Happily, I got to see you make a total fool of yourself. That makes up for it.. :rofl:

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Sadly.. I missed the ass. Happily, I got to see you make a total fool of yourself. That makes up for it.. :rofl:

You're welcome :laugh: Apparantly Raven made an ass out of himself too and kept just dancing randomly with like every DGNer he could find just like walking up to 'em and being just BAM...dry hump grind dance time :rofl:

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OH...who was the girl who was having people sign her with a Sharpie?

I wrote on her boobs: "Chernobyl was on these tits" and then drew a massively huge dick with hairy balls under it busting a huge creamy load on her other tit. I'm so totally the next Picasso.

I'm pretty sure it was Tanuki..

Sorry you had to walk around with a big giant dick on your right boobie all night :laugh: But then again, you should have known better than to hand ME a permanent marker and tell me to go to town.

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OH...who was the girl who was having people sign her with a Sharpie?

I wrote on her boobs: "Chernobyl was on these tits" and then drew a massively huge dick with hairy balls under it busting a huge creamy load on her other tit. I'm so totally the next Picasso.

I'm pretty sure it was Tanuki..

Sorry you had to walk around with a big giant dick on your right boobie all night :laugh: But then again, you should have known better than to hand ME a permanent marker and tell me to go to town.

I didn't see it... but she posted about it here somewhere. Tanuki.

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OH...who was the girl who was having people sign her with a Sharpie?

I wrote on her boobs: "Chernobyl was on these tits" and then drew a massively huge dick with hairy balls under it busting a huge creamy load on her other tit. I'm so totally the next Picasso.

I'm pretty sure it was Tanuki..

Sorry you had to walk around with a big giant dick on your right boobie all night :laugh: But then again, you should have known better than to hand ME a permanent marker and tell me to go to town.


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****Tszura just finished reading the thread~ and is STILL smiling from ear to ear at something she saw**** (Insert little schoolgirl laugh here)

It truly was an awesome night!! I had such a sexy saucy super sober fun time!

So many DGN’rs there!!!:

EnviousPoppet and Alaska….Love you guys!! PoppetGoddess~ I bow to your sewing abilities!! You looked fantastic! Alaska~great outfit yourself!! Thanks for helping me drink my Sprite!!

Riku…."Look ma, no hands!!" lol Big Hugs!!!

Nightgaunt…..*Tszura looks in mirror* Yup, still smiling!

Fin….**Putting foreheads together, raising fists in the air** “Wonder Twin Powers~ Activate!!” lol

Nienna….Kick ass!! Glad you made it out~ I had fun dancing with you!

Spook...Everyone must see Spook perform at the Silverleaf Renaissance Faire in two weeks!! **looooook into my eyes…..you must go….must goooooo….gooooooooo**

Msterbeau….Great to see you out and dancing! I think we had a little DGN dance circle at some point…..sweeeet!

Jinxxedangel…....Hot tamales!!! Thanks for making my night muy caliente!!

TygerLili….You looked great! I always get such Booby-Envy around you! lol

Darque Metallion….Always good to see and talk with you! **framunda cheese, ay?** LOL

Darkchylde...We actually got to chit-chat for a bit that night! Cool!!

Shade…Wonderful to see you out having a great time! Shake that ass!

Shade’s friend…I am shamed I can not remember your name…especially since I thought you were awesome!! Please come out to play again soon!!

Constantine….Good man!! Glad we met : )

Punk Princess...A flash of light you were!! Hopefully we’ll get a chance to talk more next time J

Tanuki...Great to see you out~Thanks for letting me write Yummy!!

IndustrialGirl2000...didn’t get a chance to talk with you, but I did see you, and you looked awesome!

Chernobyl and Raven….So glad I finally got to meet you both~you looked like you were having and awesome time…I’ll kick that floors ass next time with ya, Cher! ;)

All apologies if I missed anyone. There were a lot of DGN’rs there, and it sounds like we all had a great time!! Yeah!!!! I definitely want to meet anyone I didn’t get to last Saturday….so keep coming out to play!!


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Great night, wish every CC night would go like this.


"Chernobyl was on these tits" and then drew a massively huge dick with hairy balls under it busting a huge creamy load on her other tit. I'm so totally the next Picasso.


Fin….**Putting foreheads together, raising fists in the air** “Wonder Twin Powers~ Activate!!” lol


Fin--we actually need to start, y'know, having conversations. You're too awesome not to have conversations with.


*wubs Fin's fin with her thigh*


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****Tszura just finished reading the thread~ and is STILL smiling from ear to ear at something she saw**** (Insert little schoolgirl laugh here)

It truly was an awesome night!! I had such a sexy saucy super sober fun time!

So many DGN’rs there!!!:

EnviousPoppet and Alaska….Love you guys!! PoppetGoddess~ I bow to your sewing abilities!! You looked fantastic! Alaska~great outfit yourself!! Thanks for helping me drink my Sprite!!

Riku…."Look ma, no hands!!" lol Big Hugs!!!

Nightgaunt…..*Tszura looks in mirror* Yup, still smiling!

Fin….**Putting foreheads together, raising fists in the air** “Wonder Twin Powers~ Activate!!” lol

Nienna….Kick ass!! Glad you made it out~ I had fun dancing with you!

Spook...Everyone must see Spook perform at the Silverleaf Renaissance Faire in two weeks!! **looooook into my eyes…..you must go….must goooooo….gooooooooo**

Msterbeau….Great to see you out and dancing! I think we had a little DGN dance circle at some point…..sweeeet!

Jinxxedangel…....Hot tamales!!! Thanks for making my night muy caliente!!

TygerLili….You looked great! I always get such Booby-Envy around you! lol

Darque Metallion….Always good to see and talk with you! **framunda cheese, ay?** LOL

Darkchylde...We actually got to chit-chat for a bit that night! Cool!!

Shade…Wonderful to see you out having a great time! Shake that ass!

Shade’s friend…I am shamed I can not remember your name…especially since I thought you were awesome!! Please come out to play again soon!!

Constantine….Good man!! Glad we met : )

Punk Princess...A flash of light you were!! Hopefully we’ll get a chance to talk more next time J

Tanuki...Great to see you out~Thanks for letting me write Yummy!!

IndustrialGirl2000...didn’t get a chance to talk with you, but I did see you, and you looked awesome!

Chernobyl and Raven….So glad I finally got to meet you both~you looked like you were having and awesome time…I’ll kick that floors ass next time with ya, Cher! ;)

All apologies if I missed anyone. There were a lot of DGN’rs there, and it sounds like we all had a great time!! Yeah!!!! I definitely want to meet anyone I didn’t get to last Saturday….so keep coming out to play!!


The lovely creature Shade was escorting was Kiri_No_Aijin. She's visiting from the west coast for a few weeks.

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