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since i am not here as much as i used to be...


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i joined "dgn" 7 years ago when it was the "troy spiral board" and was on pretty often/regularly for a long time.

now i go weeks, months, without being here.

when i do come back on i often just hit "mark all as read" because there is TOO much catching up to do!


i figured i would ask my dgners, you know who you are (maybe), to post HERE some things going on in your life (or on the board) that i should know about that i may have missed by not reading that many posts around here anymore.

and PHEE, before you make up some phucked up stories... remember, i will KNOW if you are lying since you live under my desk.

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From one occassional poster to another: Bean and I get married in August, I move to RO.

My job and other personal arrangements are in flux, and that kinda scares the shit out of me, but it's all going to be worth it because I'll be spending my life with the one I love.

I've been busting my ass working, although, with this down economy (that my job depends on) it's just helped my keep at the same level I was before when I was on DGN a lot.

That's me.

Oh, and um CatsEye has a fienca and he's getting marred.


A certain nice guy who spent a lot of time in the Politics thread talking about Christianity was banned.

I don't know why.

He, like me, was a bit of a firestarter, though.


A certain middle aged woman still takes every thread, ignores the topic, and uses it to talk about rambling stories from her youth.

Phee still uses his delightfully subtle sense of humor to laugh at all the chaos, while most people dont know they're being made fun of.

Munin moved, or she was going to, last time I was on, and her thread Caturday still makes everyone happy.

(What is it about sill pictures of cats, anyway?)

Bean just finished her summer classes and is one step closer to her Master's (and ultimate goal of becoming a therapist).

GRG's getting married too :peanutbutterjellytime: . She's been talking for months about moving, so I'm thinking that will come to fruition soon, probably in time for the wedding.

DBK had shoulder surgery, and the pictures are noth gross and intriguing.

He's got a stand up act coming up, so you'll need to see it. He needs at least 3 people to show up for him to get a slot.

Everyone's sad that George Carlin died.

Um, the whole board's in love with Hunhee (except Hunhee who's listening to James Blunt and Toni Braxton, which in turn makes me depressed)

DGN's HolliVomitsYou's band Vs the Suct has a new album. They're a mix of electronic/pop/industrial. I like it.

Pomba Gira's got a new car (2008 Kia Sportage-it's a baby SUV) so she had to retire "white girl" her old gas-guzzling Explorer. She and her partner now have a trailer in Cherry Lane, the one adults-only nude beach in MI and they go a lot.

A couple of the board's most active posters are doing their own board now, and I'll miss them on here.

Marc's moving to Japan and he's buying me a giant Fucking Totoro, Totoro.jpg because they're awesome.

Rayne's car was totalled and it took Citizen's Insurance 6 months to fix it properly.

There's a camping trip coming up, and 500 people have posted, so there should be AT LEAST 5 or 6 people arriving.

A bunch of DGNers are going to Cedar Point on Saturday but if you're looking for something more affordable,

MI Pride is also Saturday.

There will be booths, a parade, a wedding ceremony, bands, comedians, DJs, and some guy looking more fabulous in your nicest dress than you ever could

Lots of new people arrived, and they seem friendly.


Everyone's depressed,

everything sucks,

the world is going to end,

and apparently Peter Murphy has no value unless he has his old band with him.

That's what I saw in the short time I was looking around.

I hope this helps.

Now I have to get back to work and disappear again.

PS I made one of my typical marathon posts where I make fun of everything on Reaper's PARTAY thread in the events section. Bean, my one person fan club found it humorous. There's a chance you may feel likewise.

Or not.

PPS Reaper's party really was a lot of fun last year.

So, if you want to go out and see a bunch of DGNers and not have your feet glued to the floor by the mystery mix that oozes from the caverns of City Club:

DATE July 5th


PLACE 5890 Plum Hollow Dr. Apt 11

Ypsilanti, MI 48197

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whew! do your fingers ever get sore?

good gawd!

yeah, that about sums it up :)

cept i started a thread about the PCOS that i was diagnosed with. :)

and yes, I will be moving in October (December's the wedding).


wow, someone was banned? who? OOOO! i know! never mind. (even i am getting updates, too, eventho I am here everyday, give or take)

hey, JaneDead, what's going on w/ you? :biggrin:

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I know...you don't know Rev.Reverence...good to meet you.

I've seen you around...

Ya'...Munin moved.....to like some state that starts with "I"...

& what the fuck IS with the cats?

*sips coffee*

For what it matters...I'm rockin' some knobs and buttons...click the link in my sig.

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Pomba Gira's got a new car (2008 Kia Sportage-it's a baby SUV) so she had to retire "white girl" her old gas-guzzling Explorer. She and her partner now have a trailer in Cherry Lane, the one adults-only nude beach in MI and they go a lot.


Everyone's depressed,

everything sucks,

the world is going to end,

and apparently Peter Murphy has no value unless he has his old band with him.

Bean, my one person fan club found it humorous. There's a chance you may feel likewise.

-yep i did see that about her car.

-i know this too... that's the mantra of dgn isn't it? nobody likes me everybody hates me guess i'll go eat worms.

-bean is not the only one in your fan club. i always love your posts!

btw, thanks for this one! :)

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cept i started a thread about the PCOS that i was diagnosed with. :)

hey, JaneDead, what's going on w/ you? :biggrin:

i saw that you posted that. so i told a friend of mine who also has it. she joined and made some posts about it. hope they helped. :)

nothing going on with me really... nothing great anyways. but i like to keep that stuff to myself ;) i'd rather hear about the happenings of dgn. :)

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I know...you don't know Rev.Reverence...good to meet you.

I've seen you around...

Ya'...Munin moved.....to like some state that starts with "I"...

& what the fuck IS with the cats?

*sips coffee*

For what it matters...I'm rockin' some knobs and buttons...click the link in my sig.

well, i might know you cuz i just looked at your myspace profile and some of your top friends are my friends. and some of your other friends are also my friends.

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i doubt that very much. but i will still come on, here and there, til the end of time anyways!

Oh shush you....

Of course you are missed... I am part of the board... and I miss you.... so there

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Rev.Reverence -- oh yes, indeed, i KNOW you.

you are the craziest mother fucker i ever met. ;)

i looked at some of your pics and that was a dead give away. :p

you're not a boy or a man, your pan!

now... do you KNOW who i am?

and if you do, don't say my last name or anything like that.

i keep my information rather "private" on here, always have.

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As the eternal said, he and I are getting married in August (42 days!).

I just found out that I passed my class with a 3.2, and I'm trying not to beat myself up for ruining my straight A streak. I can come out of seclusion now and enjoy the real world since I now have a break from cramming my head with theories, techniques, disorders, and so forth.

I'm still nowhere near my weight loss goal and it's pissing me off.

I have rooms to paint in my house, and things to pack away, sort through, and throw away, to make room for eternal's things.


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Indeed, I moved to Indiana. I will likely only be here for about a year or so, though. After that.....it depends on jobs and whatnot where I'll be. This place is a little too country for me. It's been alright so far, though.

And the cats?

Its CATURDAY! How could you not know about caturday?


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Ummm... well. I have nealy dropped completely out of sight as I am now the main caregiver for my mom, along with taking care of my dad and my daughter. Think of me almost like the Yeti. Some claim to have seen me out and about in the wild, but no one can be sure it's me because my head is firmly planted up my arse, leaving me virtually unidentifiable. Last known sighting was at Jeff and Brenda's BBQ forever ago. (That was so fun!) Add to that how bummed I am that our Marc is leaving us for a bit, and well, there you have it.

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