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I see a problem.

Say some measure of time passes us by... and "Man" has learned things we only dream about today, discovered answers to questions we have not even dreamed of and understands how the universe works on level we don't even know exists...

In that great age of knowledge and enlightenment....

What makes you think that the people of that time are going to embrace the Peace and Love morals of the Hippies?

Isn't it a bit vain to assume that any enlightened society is going to come up with the same answers as we do on what is and is not a "perfect" society?

I see this line of thinking so often. In literature and movies... it's just assumed that if a people evolves "higher" up than us.. they are going to come to decide that a perfect society is the same thing that we think a perfect society is. I don't think thats the case.

I would have to agree here

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Well over population due to the churches stance has a lot to do with not being able to feed people.... and not so much "the pill" but things like condums have been effective in reducing the spread of HIV, and the Catholic church definitly says no to that for instance.... the Church does NOT spread disease, but they seem to disallow things that would help prevent the problems...

Abstinence seems to stop STD's in their tracks. You can still gets AIDS when you use a condom.. it's rare, but it happens.

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Abstinence seems to stop STD's in their tracks. You can still gets AIDS when you use a condom.. it's rare, but it happens.

This is true....

I would think that would be a good thing, at least slowing down the spread, but the Catholic church doesn't think so, they believe it is worse to use one....

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Just tell me this...

Why would the left be so against the largest aid packages EVER to African nations... based soley on the fact that it required Abstinence to be taught... it also required safe sex (condoms) to be taught...

By "The Left" who do you mean specifically?

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Well over population due to the churches stance has a lot to do with not being able to feed people.... and not so much "the pill" but things like condums have been effective in reducing the spread of HIV, and the Catholic church definitly says no to that for instance.... the Church does NOT spread disease, but they seem to disallow things that would help prevent the problems...

As Gaf said, the church teaches abstinence, which is really quite effective in preventing STDs.

We have condoms falling from the sky here in America (no, seriously, I spent New Year's Eve at a gay bar - they dropped condoms and confetti at midnight) and people STILL get infected, and the widespread availability of condoms does not seem to change that.

I think in a psychological sense, too, condoms offer a sort of false safety net. They make you think you are protected, but condoms do fail, too. I think people take greater risks, because they think they have greater protection. (This little psychology theory, by the way, isn't church teaching, that's just my two cents, which is currently on sale for a penny)

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To add.... that is one Church among many.... there are many other Churches that do believe in slowing the disease

Yes, in this thread when I am referring to the church, I am referring to the Catholic church. I will not pretend that I can tell you all about the theology of the 400 other churches out there.

And the Catholic Church believes that abstinence would, in fact, slow STDs. Completely. To a standstill.

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I see a problem.

Say some measure of time passes us by... and "Man" has learned things we only dream about today, discovered answers to questions we have not even dreamed of and understands how the universe works on level we don't even know exists...

In that great age of knowledge and enlightenment....

What makes you think that the people of that time are going to embrace the Peace and Love morals of the Hippies?

Isn't it a bit vain to assume that any enlightened society is going to come up with the same answers as we do on what is and is not a "perfect" society?

I see this line of thinking so often. In literature and movies... it's just assumed that if a people evolves "higher" up than us.. they are going to come to decide that a perfect society is the same thing that we think a perfect society is. I don't think thats the case.

You have a fair point... But GB has already stated the parameters of this fantasy... I'm just playing along.

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By "The Left" who do you mean specifically?

Planned Parent Hood.

the Democratic party.


the Daily Koisk

people on this board.

All were opposed to President Bush's aid package to Africa... based solely on the fact that he required abstinence to be taught for them to get the aid.

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Planned Parent Hood.

the Democratic party.


the Daily Koisk

people on this board.

All were opposed to President Bush's aid package to Africa... based solely on the fact that he required abstinence to be taught for them to get the aid.

Interesting issue.... I will have to look into that...

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That's your opinion. I have mine. You opened the can of worms... All you seem to be doing now is rejecting anything that doesn't go along with YOUR theory. That, my friend, is FAIL.


And to both you and Mark - In my opinion, any society enlightened enough to embrace peace as you describe would surely have the intelligence and foresight to largely figure out issues of food and population control. You guys want to mix todays thinking with some far off future society. I don't think it works that way. But it's you game.. so whatever...

I'm not sure why you have an objection to my point. All I am saying os Food is only a problem because we choose to make it one. We have the resources to get rid of world hunger right now. We choose not to use them for the sake of making money.

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In the fight against over-population, the revolution can only start with oneself.

And yet everyone has the intense instinct to procreate (except the weirdos).

Who is anyone to decide how many kids I can have or when? I don't believe anyone has that right.

And of course I believe that any children I have, have a far greater right to live over anyone else. It's the law of nature and survival. Dominate and procreate. Why should I stop reproducing, when I believe there are millions out there less qualified to have children than I am? Sterilize them first, then we'll talk about me.

The reason that the birth rate will never be controlled is the same reason that war shall never be abolished.. man can't hold his natural inclinations in check for too long. It's a levee ready to burst at any moment.

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