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What would your rich and famous celebrity weirdness be?


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I have often observed, that as people get more rich, powerful, and famous, the more out of check celebrities get, and the stranger their behavior and tastes become.

For example, Michael Jackson, he got strange, got a monkey and the elephant mans bones, make his own private theme park, little boys, etc....

Angelina Jolie: Started going to Africa and adopting everything in sight (not as weird as Mike above, but still)

Madonna got into Kabala and got an British accent for a while and then started adopting kids on her own....

Tom Cruise (that just kind of goes with out saying I suppose).

Other celebs start directing strange movies, getting into strange photography, have odd sexual habits, etc.... (not saying all go this route but yeah...)


If you were to become a rich, powerful, celebrity; what do you picture yourself doing/how do you picture yourself behaving if you were to start going STRANGE???

(If you don't see yourself going oddball, use your imagination... I am sure none of the other ones who went crackers did either)

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I plan to not let anyone touch my hands...as in the hands are contained Chakra...

I don't want just anybodies energy touchin' me...

I'll change my diet a bit...to the 'most optimum diet for my set of disorders'...(that food is exspencive)...& whae I dine out...I'll expect the restaurant does not have my food...I'll flip a table on the way out...(I had reservations...they should have bought the right vegies!........fuckin' dive)

I have to go FOR NOW...but I'll hit you with some more...LATER!


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Robots.... I would have lots of robots....

I would also have this obsession with going to places that are devoid of humans (Antarcitca, Deserts, Bottom of the ocean, etc...)

I would also buy my wife every single car she could possibly want... and then a few more just to break....

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I would build a castle.

it would look very much like Neuschwanstein.

30Ft tall by 20fot thick in wall 200ft from Keep. 20ft tall by 10ft thick outwall at 1/8 a mile from inner wall.

It would also incorporate at least two windmills (good source of power), a Biodiesel refinery (see gardens, fields and livestock for raw materials), Methane collector/fertilizer plant (see dung) 50,000 gallons of diesel fuel in storage, a large diesel generator, solar panels for heating water and generating electricity, greenhouse and gardens for fruits and vegetables, an orchard of fruit trees, a small herd of cows (milk, dung and meat), chickens (eggs, dung and meat), a few pigs (dung and meat)

and a small group of people to live there with me and work the land.

Total self sufficiency being the goal.

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I am already an odd one.....Soooo not much would change behavior wise.....

I would defiantly buy an island, and hire natives of some sort to build huts for Me guests.....

I would give shit tons of cash to Iceland in exchange for citizenship.....But only have a small cabin there.....

I would become a professional student and obtain degrees in all sorts of obscure professions.....

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I would BUILD an island in the middle of nowhere...and then have it transported to the middle of nowhere-else...I would populate it with penguins in polka-dot neckties and monkeys with little pants...pants obviously TOO small even for the monkeys.

I would adopt two children of British descent, two boys...and I would name them Wheat and Rye....I would then proceed to chase them around the island screaming " FE FI FO FUM, I SMELL THE BLOOD OF AN ENGLISHMAN!!! BE HE ALIVE OR BE HE DEAD, I WILL GRIND HIS BONES TO MAKE MY BREAD!"...trust me...it's much safer then dangling them off a balcony

I would have a dog named Parrot and a kangaroo named Bunny

I would marry some hot Australian starlet, then divorce her AFTER doing a movie with here where I would end up crying *cougheyeswideshutcough*

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Guest Megalicious

I would also buy my wife every single car she could possibly want... and then a few more just to break....

That is alot of cars, I know your wife and we have the same taste! =)

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um nothing too odd.

i would just have someone massage me every single day. maybe twice a day. yeah sorry, i don't know how to be that odd outside of my head.

and i think i'd throw theme parties once a month. that's also not odd. just fun.

maybe i will make something up later when i am in a creative mood...

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I would start buying weird shit, that serves no purpose, for no reason.

Start making sculptures of random things...like milk bones, and twizlers out of road kill.

I would buy candy factories, and have parties for the children. I would not attend these parties, because I don't like children.

Start having fetish parties, just so I can cut people with razors and watch them bleed.

treat random fans to ice cream socials

pass out vicodin to high schoolers

Build a castle and every room with have a diferent color and era scheme..and it will have a dungeon filled with weird torture devices...and there will be a pirate ship in the back yard in a giant pond.....

Buy peoples children and give them weird names and make them clean my castle in funny outfits. They are called "chores" right? It's not child slave labor...don't worry.

Build a pyramid for my burial. I am to be mummified in glory.

I'll think of more shit later.

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