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What lifelong curse has been bestowed upon you by the Fates?


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I have WAYYYYY too many to list in one entry. :hrhr:

I'm the calendar girl for Murphy's Law..ask anyone who knows me well. :p

NOTHING ever seems to go right or smoothly-- and never ends up with the expected outcome. I have days where the plot just keeps getting worse and weirder with every passing moment.

Some people have one of those days; I have one of those LIVES. :mage:

What are the most commonly occuring fouls in your life's game?

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last comment, because i don't want to annoy you or argue with you, but you even said in your first post, "I'm the calendar girl for Murphy's Law.." - you believe it, and so it's true. i've been thru it myself, but i suppose everyone is different, etc, and so-forth...

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I quote from the song by DJ Tomcat - Overdose:

"She doesn't get enough, she died from an overdose"

I should have ODed on LIFE by now because I don't get enough of anything apparantly...BUT...I never get addicted to "good" stuff, other than DDR, so that's my downfall right there.

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Bad cooking.

I try.

I try SO hard.

I follow the recipe to the letter.

And in the end, everything tastes like play-doh.


And I get lost. Like, ask me how to get to my bathroom. Go ahead. Ask me. I don't know. That's the answer. I think it's to the left somewhere but I can't be sure.

Do you remember those tests in high school where you had to figure out spatial relations? I scored WORSE than the blind kid in my class. I don't even know how that's possible. Really. True story.

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this happens entirely because you expect it to - change your outlook, change your life! (and no, i'm not being facetious - i'm quite serious about it...)

I have to agree. And I do have some reservations about the "believe and things will change" bit because it's easy to take it too far and get into a blaming-the-victim mindset... but overall, yeah. A former employer (what the hell, it was Carmen when I worked at channel 4), in the process of bitching me out for a fuckup that really, truly wasn't my fault, once said something to the effect that "if your life is not in order, you attract chaotic energy to yourself and chaotic things happen". Once I got over being mad about getting in trouble over something I couldn't control- and in fact had done all I could to prevent- I realized the truth in her words and started trying to live in a way that wouldn't attract fuckup energy. And it's worked.

Now, I'm really not saying "it's all your own fault"... although that is exactly how I first took Carmen's words. The trick is to get past the "no it's not my fault" thinking. It doesn't really matter if the fuckup energy attraction is my "fault" or not. The important thing is to figure out how I can prevent that energy from being drawn to me. And... like most personal change, the very first step is to believe that change can happen. Even if that belief has to start in "fake it till you make it" mode. It really does work.

Jeez, when did I start sounding like some cut-rate life coach? I better go get a drink & get back to my normal cynical self.

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i was cursed to be different. (and if you knew my family, you'd get it.)

because i don't follow the norm that is my family, i was always expected to be better... at everything.. and because I'm not, im am "frowned upon" it use to be a curse, because when you are young, ya need family to fall back on, and to be there for you. I have found that my friends are more loving and loyal, and forgiving, than my blood. i now consider it a blessing. an anoying one, because I still love my family, but a blessing none the less....

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I have a lot of hereditary health issues that reoccur throughout my life

Money issues

Bad love life issues

I had a psychic reader tell me some old gypsy woman cursed our family tree (females wise) for breaking her boys heart centuries ago...

So we may do ok but will never be rich or have the undying love like some people...dunno if it’s true...she wanted to charge money to remove it...but my sis and mom seem to think there may be something to it.

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I'm a chronically unlucky person. I get weird health problems that are rare or unheard of in some way often. I also have NEVER (Ever) won anything (and not for lack of trying).

Weird things just happen to me too. I donno...

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Bad cooking.

I try.

I try SO hard.

I follow the recipe to the letter.

And in the end, everything tastes like play-doh.


I have ruined every dish i have ever tried to make. This includes microwave meals, anything on the stove, cold prep food, anything. For a period of time I was banned from the kitchen in fear that I'd set the house on fire.

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I just thought of another funny thing that always happens to me-- I am SO clumsy. Part of my problem is I can't see my feet. I have done plenty of Chevy Chase-style pratfalls in my lifetime! :rofl:

In spite of all our shortcomings and awkwardnesses, we cannot forget that sometimes a wrong turn of luck can be a blessing in disguise. :)

For instance, if I hadn't tripped through my front doorway, I would have never found my skull and crossbones stud earring I lost months ago! It was in a chink between the wall and the floor. I would have never seen it, had I not been so close to the ground! :)

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For some reason, my days always proceed in a good day followed by a bad day routine. Occasionally it'll be broken up, or certain days will be too monotonous to distinguish them from each other, but the pattern always inevitably returns. Its creepy.

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I have ruined every dish i have ever tried to make. This includes microwave meals, anything on the stove, cold prep food, anything. For a period of time I was banned from the kitchen in fear that I'd set the house on fire.

I was also banned from the kitchen precisely because I DID set the house on fire.

Ramen noodles. Damn you ramen noodles.

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I had a psychic reader tell me some old gypsy woman cursed our family tree (females wise) for breaking her boys heart centuries ago...

So we may do ok but will never be rich or have the undying love like some people...dunno if it’s true...she wanted to charge money to remove it...but my sis and mom seem to think there may be something to it.

If she wanted to charge you to remove the "curse", she was full of shit. I hate shysty fucks like that, they give a bad name to all the genuine talents out there who actually use their gifts to help people.

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